>My teen cousin says she hates being white
>I say but you are white
>Says she hates herself
>Retreat to the safety of reddit
>constant threads about how whiteness is evil
>Go to my skeptic channels
>Exposed to Sargon's vid with MillenialWoes
>Slowly realise I have been cucked all my life
>Propose to my GF, plan to have white babies
>Read culture of critique
>Gas the Kikes, race war now!!!!
How I became a fascist
user, what economic system do you want?
capitalism or communism?
I'm having at least 5 white babies. You mad, Jew? I'm going to destroy your planet through overpopulation and global warming and I'm going to enjoy every second.
Fascism isn't all about race senpai. You're just angry about shit you can't control so you turn to race baiting. Take the true redpill, fascism is about the community.
>muh white pride
>Retreat to the safety of reddit
>Go to my skeptic channels
>Gas the Kikes, race war now!!!!
thats a super cringy transition but welcome to Sup Forums now drop the normie shit and improve yourself. Go take the glorious pill.
stop being retarded
>Take the true redpill, fascism is about the community.
youre a fucking idiot, get out of here you half breed mutt
>muh civic nationalism
I'm telling you, fascism isn't about race, its about what's good for the people of the nation they are a part of. Any nation can be fascist, don't be a bandwagoner and compare it to your hyper natsoc 1488 ree ideology.
Turn this into a shit throwing contest if you want to, but I'm not a mutt.
>b but muh ethnostate
Cringy faggot. You wouldnt be even good cannon fodder material.
>Any nation can be fascist, don't be a bandwagoner and compare it to your hyper natsoc 1488 ree ideology.
that ree ideology is alot more coherant and logical than Mussolini and his SJW "anyone can be Italian" the only reason he did that was he though his people were too weak and they would need brown soldiers. He wanted to repeat the mistakes of Rome.
>but I'm not a mutt.
>but I'm a mutt
fixed it.
The ethnostate is the most logical goal and the one whivh will create the most progress. Muttlands do nothing but get worse.
Nobody gives a shit lmao go back to plebbit
>The ethnostate is the most logical goal
but not logical enough to ever happen lmao
I'm not saying Mussolini was right, he was a shit leader and a poor ideologies. What I'm saying is that a country like the US can be a great country based on the ideas of the people in it. These radical right ideologies are centered around the work and prosperity of the people, any mention of ethnic cleansing is secondary to the national identity. There were black Germans in the wehrmacht, the jews force our ideas into the racist box and you bought into it. Falling into race baiting will always be an argument that you'll lose, especially if you're truly committed to seeing your ideas take root in your community. You HAVE to convince that community that its in its own best interest to understand and apply fascist ideals to their daily way of life. Face it, dude, most Americans aren't white, and they aren't going anywhere. The true problem isn't race, its that our cultural identity is being replaced by consumerism, and a hyper hedonistic mindset.
>proving I'm white on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
Nice try
>implying that ideology is a matter of choice
t. 17 years old
Government controlled economics are shit. Monarchism is the best system, read Evola for a right wing take on fascism.
Wait, what? You're telling me that you could be a solid liberal or conservative, communist whatever, and if somebody came along and proved to you without a doubt that there is a better way to run a country, you'd just stick to what you thought before because you have no choice?
>Hitler got elected this way, you're wrong, senpai
>the ideas of the people in it.
thats why blacks continue to be the poorest, least educated, and most criminal group decades after they became "equal"?
its a great country becas of the whites and is declining with them.
>black Germans in the wehrmacht
no there were Africans in the Afrika Korp, there are no black germans. Im also not saying we need 100% pure white ethnostate simply acknowledge and protect it.
>race baiting will always be an argument that you'll lose
im alt-right and were winning. Look at the overton window, look at the people who keep losing debates to us. Even people who "disagree" like JF, Peterson, and Sargon are forced to defend racialist points becas theyre true. Race realism is the truth.
>most Americans aren't white, and they aren't going anywhere.
thats not true yet, we can get rid of most also. We also can be a minority and still work to protect our people and identity, there are a ton of countries ruled by a Caucasian upper class while being a minority. These trends are reversible. Weve had civilization for thousands or years and its been less than 100 since the last true ethnostate, this is far from over.
>The true problem isn't race, its that our cultural identity is being replaced by consumerism, and a hyper hedonistic mindset.
not cultural, racial. Rap culutre, consumerism, and hedonism have always been present in black/African and jew culture, were just adopting it. Reverse the trend and well essentially go back in time culturally.
>but not logical enough to ever happen lmao
you live in one you stupid fuck, theres several that exist right now and 100 years ago most of Europe was. Learn some history, i bet you have mogol blood to say something so naive.
none of those things are ideologies though
welcome brother
This. The glorious pill completely changed my life for the better. Takes work but my god it is worth it.
Ethnostates are how humanity is naturally supposed to work. If it wasn't for civilization we wouldn't even know what other races are
>you'd just stick to what you thought before because you have no choice?
you tell me, commies will literally disregard evidence for their marxist pipe dream
>Making major life decisions and changing your personal philosophy because someone on reddit told you so
You sound like a weak mind.
>This. The glorious pill completely changed my life for the better. Takes work but my god it is worth it.
Hail brother! Always good to see another on the glorious path, keep up the hard work.
>because someone on reddit told you so
you dont read so well, his cringy experience on reddit turned him here. Thats not being convinced by reddit or he would've followed their lead.
>murdochchan as the goddess isis
The glorious pill has already been taken:
>Not masturbated or watched porn in a month
>Started lifting weights on an LP program
>Sworn on the grave of my father to honour him
Now all I got to do is start organising in my area. Part of me wants to escape this multicultural forsaken nation, but doing so would be cuckery.
>Now all I got to do is start organising in my area. Part of me wants to escape this multicultural forsaken nation, but doing so would be cuckery.
good mindset, just keep improving and glory will come. Keep the mind as sharp as the body and dont let your fire die. Onward to victory!
Fuck off ape
>user, what economic system do you want?
capitalism or communism?
I don't want capitalism or communism. I want a hybrid system with private companies who bid for contracts from the state to create massive industrial giants controlled by the people at the behest of the state.
I also want highly regulated system where independent businesses can remain independent so long as they only utilise native workers, native raw materials etc.
No good having a huge economy if that economy only benefits the capitalist, the jew and the foreign worker who undercuts the native workforce.
No wonder Heydrich expected he would have to expel, enslave for forced labour or exterminate 2/3 of the Czech people. Always been so dead set against the Germanic worldview.
Pretty standard user. Welcome.
Welcome brother! Rise a man and free from the chains of white guilt
For any WN/NS/FASH/WP:
I think the holocaust happened because the jews got so blatant with their pimping white children and women, undermining German economy and typical tricks that the German public hated them and wanted them dead and the Nazi's did round them up and gas them.
I am fine with this and see no moral problem with it, removing an insidious and hostile minority that controls massive aspects of your society is logical.
Yet I was insta-banned on stormfront because I said I am a fascist and I believe the holocaust is the most documented genocide ever and to deny it is akin to the Marxist Leninists denying the Holodomor, gulags and mass killings of millions.
What is with the holocaust denial. Do people really think it didn't happen or are they just cucking for public optics?
IMO denying it is worse optics, makes us look like low IQ crackers and my 139 IQ is a thing of beauty.
no one cares
Do you care that your nations football squad is 95% black? Is that a representation of France? Does having an almost entirely Algerian/African team represent the Franks not bother you?
Would a nigger cumming in your mothers cunt bother you?
>There were black Germans in the wehrmacht
No, there weren't you fucking spastic. You're believing your own lies.
>inb4 pic of nigger with german uniform
Both France and the UK had colonial empires in Africa, so no shit genius, ever heard of an alliance of convenience?
>Face it, dude, most Americans aren't white, and they aren't going anywhere. The true problem isn't race, its that our cultural identity is being replaced
The United States of America was founded by Whites for Whites. If Whites are no more neither will the USA: a Nation is a People and a People is a collection of individuals conscious of sharing a common biological, and therefore cultural, root. Change the people and the culture will soon follow.
Welcome to Brazil, or worse South Africa.
Thank fucking God. I thought I was the only one thinking like this.
The Holocaus happened and it was hood, it should happen again.
Welcome home brother 14/88
Now continue to redpill other whites. Pass on the truth and love of whiteness.
I don't care either way. It's more fun to say it didn't happen though because more people get butthurt that way.
It didn't happen. The stories told by "witnesses", and accepted as judicial truth by the Nuremburg Tribunal, are implausible, physically impossible, and are a stupid as fuck way of committing mass murder which somehow left the world infested with Holocaust survivors.
If you're too intellectually challenged to see this then the world is fucked.
This type of knuckle dragging retardation is why high IQ white people like myself are put off the movement for so long. You have to be completely gullible and mentally deficient to think the piles and piles of evidence isn't enough to prove the holocaust happened.