Would you watch an Ayn Rand anime?
Would you watch an Ayn Rand anime?
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What is Mahouka, Trebec?
red pill on objectivism, why should I take it up as a philosophy
No one will be able to convince you. You will reach an epiphany.
>Real life themes and messages
>Highly intellectual
>Distinct lack of underage girls to sexualise
No thanks!
Which writer in Japan is at this level?
So long as there isn't an hour long announcement from John Galt to make sure that everyone gets the fucking "message" that the anime has been beating you over the head with the entire time.
Ayn Rand is not a good fiction author.
What if Dagny Taggart was a loli?
>Some people are better than others
>These people should be allowed to amass wealth and power without being forced to support less worthy people through taxes and welfare
>The point of life is achievement and pursuit of your ideals in areas such as romantic love
>Morality is the pursuit of self interest without interfering in others' self interest
Her philosophy borrows heavily from Aristotle and especially Nietzsche. Very individualistic, elitist, appeals to conservatives and some libertarians
All of them, Japanese prose is inherently mediocre.
Neither was Hitler and look how much anime he's responsible for? I dare say all of it.
When you put it that way it sounds like a perfect fit for anime.
No, but I'd listen to Mitsuishi read the John Galt speech.
Seems like pretty entry level non-collectivist philosophy to me, it could at best serve as a stepping stone towards better philosophy.
I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. - Emiya Kiritsugu
Yeah, it honestly sounds like something a 15year old came up with and then realize how stupid you sound a year later
I mean, I don't exactly disagree with all of those points, it's just that they still retain much of the common mindset.
Pretty much Mahouka is Light Novel Randroid.
Like, turn Ayn Rand into a cute girl and have the self-insert have to cooperate with her like the Nobunaga anime?
I would love to see a Rand anime made just to see how hard it would trigger NEETs.
>no achievements
>self hatred
>dependent on handouts from worthier people
Rand's philosophy would not be kind to that demographic
She wasn't much of a philosopher, either.
Would you watch a Soren Kierkegaard anime?
Most NEETs would just correlate to the one time they were good at something and self-insert that way
Factoid: Ayn Rand was a long-time smoker and adamantly against regulation of the tobacco industry, and was also a proponent of the tobacco industry line that there was no "clear link" between smoking and lung cancer. She "allowed Evva Pryor, a social worker from her attorney's office to enroll her in Social Security and Medicare". So in her old age she collected Social Security, and when her smoking habit caused her to develop lung cancer she was treated through medicare.
Which gets me thinking, why hasn't their been a cute anime girl rendition of Rand yet? It seems like almost all other historical figures have been given that treatment.
She's a laughing stock outside of right-wing/hardcore libertarian circles. She's not that big in the west as it is. There probably weren't many of her works being translated either.
I imagine a good number of NEETs have embraced their laziness and don't really mind being singled out for it.
She already payed for medicare through her taxes, of course she'd use it.
I already have.
Ayn Rand wrote idealized perfect mary sue character. That's like most of every anime archetype in existence. How would anyone not watch that?
Pretentious garbage, give me Melville.
lol this faggot was an utilitarian.
Ayn Rand hated those types faggot and his breaking point where he was willing to kill those he loved the most 'for the greater good' showed that.
>I will kill those I love for people I don't know
>she's not that big
>eternal best seller
>idealizes perfectly the American mindset of 'do whatever the fuck you want for success through meritocracy and capitalism
>not popular
Even fucking Zizek understands this shit.
No idea. I've never read Ayn Rand
Why are murrikans so over Ayn Rand, while the rest of the world doesn't care?
>>I will kill those I love for people I don't know
I can't understand this line of thought, to me anyone who needs my loved ones to die is a threat, not the other way around.
sure it would be comedy of the year
cause america hates poor people so they love these books
Objectivism is the American dream taken to its logical extreme.
Americans have an inflated sense of self worth and think their intervention makes the world better and that this somehow impedes their growth.
obviously it's bullshit but that doesn't stop them from remaining deluded as fuck.
>love books
I think you've got your logic a little mixed up
The Ayn Rand institute buys their own books to violate their own philosophy of selfishness in order to give free Atlas Shrugged novels to high schoolers
no. it would be more autistic than another matsu season
It's weakness, but such weakness is what makes you human.
Would you sacrifice yourself for the good of others?
Would you become a slave to others?
Kritsugu is the perfect example of Utilitarianism and why anyone who uses it as their moral code is a complete moron.
>Utilitarians teach that an action is moral if its result is to maximize pleasure among men in general. This theory holds that man’s duty is to serve—according to a purely quantitative standard of value. He is to serve not the well-being of the nation or of the economic class, but “the greatest happiness of the greatest number,” regardless of who comprise it in any given issue.
Kiritsugu was willing to kill those he loved if it meant saving lives. Rather than just say 'no, I care about those I love', he showed that he had no ego, no values and was nothing more than a walking corpse. Worse than a nihilist.
The irony of this poster saying using Kiritsugu to exemplify Objectivism is hilarious, as Kiritsugu is literally living for the sake of all humanity and not himself.
Because Ayn Rand loved America so much that she captured its essence and core. Zizek understood that. Hell, when the banks crisis happened in 2008, he wrote an article saying ''This was caused by John Galt''.
Everything about her philosophy represents the American dream of making it. There's a reason why Silicon Valley worship her.
She's still popular, regardless of how you jump ropes.
If you're unable to understand why by saying she's not popular, that is your failing.
Because Europe at least had max Stirner 100 years earlier. Egoism isn't that new.
Don't. Just look at what happened with the Banana Republics.
The govt let the fruit companies do basically whatever they wanted and the people were living in utter shit
Ayn Randy and Karl Marx are two different sides of the same "hurr durr I totally know what human nature is" retard coin.
That was caused by Neo-liberalism, not Objectivism. Even Ayn Rand knew that you needed regulation of the market.
I know. The Jews are much better fiction authors.
This. Irregular at Magical High School is literally Anime Shrugged.
Ayn Rand wasn't against generosity, she was against pointless sacrifice. The Ayn Rand Institute would benefit from recruiting more objectivists, so sharing those books would be an act of selfishness.
I don't think that guy was saying that they were being selfless though.
>it's an Sup Forums attempts desperately to discuss literature and philosophy episode
dumb frogposter
>implying DFW is better than Ayn Rand
Stop taking your mindset from other people, think for yourself.
Objectivism is fundamentally opposed to Aristotle. In the ethics of Aristotle it is most of all virtue which distinguishes the elite from the pleb. The idea to use monetary wealth as a metric would have been utterly revolting to him. It should be put in context that in Aristotle's days, a free man would not have to work to make a living. Work was done by women and slaves. Free men would spend their days cultivating their virtues, through music, theatre, discussing philosophy and most of all contemplating the world, which according to Aristotle was the path to the foremost of virtues: wisdom (sophia). In Objectivist morality Aristotle and pretty much all other Greek philosophers would be regarded useless NEET moochers rather than elite.
No one can truly think for themselves. We are a product of our environment, and our philosophies can ultimately be categorized into ideologies that have already been established.
No, we're not. What a fucking pussy you are.
Who is this semen demon?
>dude no one can ever truly think
uncreative idiot
Ayn Rand never considered wealth to be a merit of status. Ayn Rand absolutely considered meritocrasy and self worth to be the standard that show your strength of character.
There are many characters in her works that are shits despite being rich, while some characters like Roark that are poor for most of their life that are the heroes because they only care for their vision of their work.
Ayn Rand clearly valued elites over the pleb, and being rich does not make you an elite.
What would his favorite anime be Sup Forums?
I'd watch an ancap ball anime
Ayn Rand is not an Anarchist, retard
complete retard
don't drink the cool aid
No, but I'd watch pic related
That's a sperm wyrm
Is that Digibro?
>Ayn Rand clearly valued elites over the pleb, and being rich does not make you an elite.
That has nothing to do with how people really interprets his text, which is "I am rich, thus I am elite, thus I must be smart and superior because how else could I be rich"?
>Highly intellectual
Because she's a westerner, liberals run western media, and she makes liberals butthurt. Would you make a cartoon about some random japanese author who you never see in japanese media?
How people misinterpret the text is not the fault of the text.
Is it equally Nietzsche's fault if people misinterpreted his text as a reason to kill the Jews?
How is the fault of the text when it says absolutely blatantly that rich does not make you an elite. That's like conservatives that praise her book yet are deeply religious when Ayn Rand was an atheist.
Ayn Rand is poor man's Nietzsche.
sage for non-anime
I'd probably follow the Sup Forums threads for the inevitable trainwreck that follows
>Zarathustra as an anime
Sad that the book is full of speeches and no action of any kind.
Perfect for Shaft.
Its a fucking monologue where an old men says "edgy" things. Not coldsteel edgy, but somewhat edgy.
Ayn Rand was a meme.
>past tense
>How people misinterpret the text is not the fault of the text.
The whole point is that meritocracy doesn't exist, much like a Communist country doesn't.
Meritocracy is about how people who are worthy are successful. But just like Communism there is no actual path to lead to Meritocracy. Instead, the entire thing is flipped on its head and the argument is that people who are successful have merit. And the United States had swallowed that interpretation hook, line and sinker in order to justify why poor people are worthless and should die.
And the book is to blame because it is as worthless as Marx's treatise.
I'd watch that.
>meritocracy doesn't exist
lol tell yourself that you worthless shit.
In a Communistic society, it doesn't exist because there are no levels of hierarchies. The purpose of communism is to make everyone equal, as in a capitalistic society, if you bring something worthy to society, you (sometimes) get rewarded for your work.
Do not mistake crony capitalism for capitalism.
It's not a perfect correlation but there's presumably a reason the average poor person is more worthless using wealth independent measures of worth (say iq which is largely heritable according to twin studies)
As funny as this happening would be, Lolita is hard to adapt because Humbert's first-person narration and ruminations are integral on how the whole story is presented to the reader. That is why neither of the film adaptations are particularly great.
Meritocracy is dying, affirmative action and the madness of neo-liberalism is seeing to that
>dying =/= never existing
How can it die if you claim it doesn't exist at all you fucking hack.
Monogatari already did that.
>How can it die if you claim it doesn't exist at all you fucking hack.
That's a different user.
And I say Meritocracy never existed because no society want it. Because humans reject the idea of hiring for merit over hiring those they personally like. The same way Communism ignored the effect of human greed. People of merit would be hired to get the job done, but the credit would be given to those higher up in the chain. Since "credit" is what is used instead of merit, and you can give credit to those who don't deserve it, meritocracy can't exist.
I'm not the same guy
>no society wants it
Excuse me while I hire a better person for the job. Oh wait, that's called meritocracy and everyone wants it.
>People of merit would be hired to get the job done, but the credit would be given to those higher up in the chain.
While people up the chain would get some (or large part, depends) of the credit, meritocracy for the work done is still recognized.
>Oh wait, that's called meritocracy and everyone wants it.
Not true, which is why it's being destroyed
They still need it.
Ayn Rand knew it and why she knew people want it destroyed.
>Excuse me while I hire a better person for the job. Oh wait, that's called meritocracy and everyone wants it.
>While people up the chain would get some (or large part, depends) of the credit, meritocracy for the work done is still recognized.
That's not how it happens. There is an entire politivs in the work place for stealing other people's accomplishments. And you can do that as default if you are higher up in management. And the best part is that you can force your workers to give up credit for the privilege of having a job and healthcare.
And ended up being mostly a complete drudgery to watch.
Nabokov's prose would definitely be more insteresting that Nisio's but you shouldn't just adapt a novel into a visual medium straight up. It doesn't work, they're two different mediums.
Lolita films are okay, but they do not come even close of capturing the original work's feel.