What is she thinking about?
What is she thinking about?
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Ted Danson. He's a class act.
What a forgettable anime.
I was hoping for Amagami like experience, instead we got a watered down shit.
>How i should ruin other girls arc
how much she'd be up to make fuck in her new swimsuit
In retrospect Tsuneki's was really the best
shes thinking about all the 15 year old boys who fap to her on the internet
Stop. You're you're making my cancer come back.
>Did I bring enough condoms?
Her being in a shit show that killed any chance of others being adapted.
Sam Malone is one of my favorite characters of all time. And the man played him perfectly, even when the writing started to decline with the arrival of Kirstie Alley.
I liked Rebecca more than Diane. There, I said it. I said it and I don't care who knows.
spanish cocks
The value of the character could go either way - what matters is that they started to change how they wrote the show and how the characters related when she showed up. There's a comment on an AV Club thing which really represents how I see what happened, so I'm just gonna copy/paste some of that here:
Had the same storyline of "Coach Buries a Grudge" been done during the Rebecca years, there is no question they would have ended on a joke, perhaps along the lines of what Phil Dyess-Nugent imagines above, rather than allowing "Amazing Grace" to play out as a sing-along; in fact, they would not construct the episode in a way that would logically lead to a such a genuinely heartfelt moment in the first place.
I have thought a lot about when the change occurs - from character-driven "early Cheers" to the pure-punchline-based version - and concluded it happens in two waves, both probably too obvious to mention. One is with Colasanto's diminished presence in the last several episodes of Season Three and untimely death before the season wrapped. The show had already become noticeably slicker than when it began, but so long as Coach remained, there was a wistful and very human quality at its heart, which somehow carried over into the other characters and their storylines.
The second major shift is with Long's departure. Even though the ensemble dynamic was thrown off, and the writers were headed increasingly in the almost cartoonish direction the show would fully embrace during the Rebecca years, Long herself seemed determined to inject some note of pathos and humanity into her character, and her acting could bring out some of the best in Danson. I found it interesting how, in the ballet episode, everything is played as broadly as possible until Long's brief, sad beat in the final shot - seemingly an afterthought, unexpectedly moving... but also tonally inconsistent with the way Danson, Grammer, etc. were acting by that point.
Do you get what I mean?
I miss Coach
Her show never getting a second season.
The episode with Coach and Harry the Hat teaming up - "Pick A Con... Any Con" - is maybe my favourite episode. When you get Coach sobbing into his hand near the end (before the reveal), I was tearing up myself. And it's such a dire contrast to the anger which we see that he's capable of showing in the "Coach Buries a Grudge" episode. The character just brought so much to the show. His death was such a tragedy.
Did you know - Colasanto would write his lines on stuff on the set to ensure that he wouldn't forget them, and one of the few which they hadn't scrubbed off by the time he'd died was from Coach Buries a Grudge; the line was "It's as if he's still with us now.", and it was written right next to the door to the bar. Every time the cast came onto the set after he had passed, they'd touch those words. At some point, someone in the crew decided to have the set repainted, and they painted over the line. The cast was so furious that several of the leads threatened to quit. *That's* how much Colasanto and his character meant to them all.
On the bright side, she saved us from four episodes depicting the absolute fucking garbage named Sanjo Ruise
She was, too bad the writer ruined eveything.
Completely forgot this show existed already. What a trainwreck.
Will I get any doujins at Comiket this year?
Alejandro's cock.
And Pedro's cock, Pablo's cock, Javier's cock, Diego's cock, Sergio's cock, Juan's cock, Gonzalo's cock and possibly even Jorge's cock.
How our perception of reality is just chemical reactions.
When I was younger I was always confused if Harry the Hat was supposed to the same Harry who latter went on to star on Nightcourt.
but yeah that was a great episode. Most Coach episodes where really good.
>When I was younger I was always confused if Harry the Hat was supposed to the same Harry who latter went on to star on Nightcourt.
I like to think so, in a somewhat facetious way. The ultimate con by the ultimate conman.
Man now Nightcourt was a show that couldn't keep it's cast straight. We went through 3 lady balifs and I don't know how many blond defense attorney
Dan was best boy. I love the narcissistic egomaniac who had that hidden soft spot
I have a confession. I've never really seen much of Night Court. I've always meant to, but simply never managed to get around to it due to time or availability. Knowing that there's at least one kindred spirit of Cheers fandom on Sup Forums, though, I think I may have to make that time, starting around now.
It's a decent show. Runs into the same problems most long running sitcoms do but if you liked Cheers it's worth watching for a while. Couple of episodes kind of get politically preachy though but that rarely comes up outside like maybe twice.
>Knowing that there's at least one kindred spirit of Cheers fandom on Sup Forums,
Solidarity, brother.
The fastest way to kill a franchise
walmart amagami was so bad, Im glad it flopped.
Thank you for the advice. I will, surely, watch it.
>Couple of episodes kind of get politically preachy
Eh, happened with Cheers, too. Remember the episode where they all tried to get rid of the gay men?
I should also point out Nightcourt is fun if you want to see an early Brent Spiner
I want to put something down her ass crack.