Is this the future of Europe?
Is this the future of Europe?
For some parts yes it is. Thousands of years of sacrifice undone in a generation.
So this is the power of the Brexit... wow
Just look at that happy roasty schoolteacher. So happy her people have been replaced by literal monkeys.
>Published in 2013
Imagine what it is today
My first thought. The WQ is just as important as the JQ. Even if it is a symptom of the JQ, gynocracy has exponentially emboldened (((them))).
another 5 years
Jews will defend this
Shut up and drink your daily glass of muslim semen.
Bin that school
No. But it's the future of the eternal Anglo.
How do we realistically fix this?
i cant even laugh on that anymore
>Britannia rules the waves, mashallah
The present of America
option a: you don't give gibs
you make life harder for an immigrant in general
then only the ones who really want to stay will stay
option b: you create a massive re-education program
make sure these immigrants agree with your host countries cultural values
don't accept immigrants until they accept re-education and make sure the re-education programs are effective on a small amount of immigrants before taking in hordes
option c:
heil my national socialist leader, let's deport all immigrants
nothing short of a civil war can fix this stuff in countries like England I think, as these people are in great numbers 2nd or more generation aliens who don't really feel like they have a home elsewhere and thus won't necessarily leave if the political/social/economic climate got bad, unless it gets so bad that people start leaving in general and only true Britons stay behind in their homeland
1st gen migrants are most of the times parasites with nothing at stake in the host countries except for gibs and can be made leave more easily if incentives to stay are removed
Italy would be sort of like that(niggers almost kill themselves of cold in order to go to France often) if our geographical and political condition didn't make it hard nowadays for the niggers to go elsewhere
And some uninformed idiots still claim Sweden is more cucked than the UK.
>option a
that's racist goy - ehm fellow white people, diversity is our strength
>option b
doesn't work with such a disproportionate number of foreigners
>option c
this is the future of europe
>white British
The fact that they've gotten to the point where they're saying that is just sad.
How is it in Ukraine when I was around 6 in Odessa I saw a nigger and started pointing to show my mom.
It can't be fixed now short of ethnic cleansing on an industrial scale. Many of them are 2nd and 3rd gen and wouldn't even be accepted back home. Many probably have never even been to their ethnic homelands before. Europe will never be white again.
Here's Michelle Obama visiting a "British" School.
If my child was at a school where whites were the minority, I'd do everything in my power to move them elsewhere. They shouldn't be a minority in their own country.
>They shouldn't be a minority in their own country.
wow you intolerant racist bigot
Accelerate the fall of civilization. These people are not naturally supposed to live in the European climate, the vast majority will be dead within one winter.
Thanks for the compliment.
I've just noticed that article was written in 2013. I wonder how bad it is now.
This one says Muslims will be the majority of pupils across the entire country by 2037. We are fucked.
You are even more fucked. Once the CDU SPD coalition returns to more government, voting rights and "naturalization" will be sped up for the Muslim guests, and more will be imported. Cheap labour and more economic transactions are more important to Germany's political elite than your old, beautiful identity and culture. You have fallen, brother. Your country used to be like ours, and would look like it had you never opened borders in 1960's. Germany that Japanese so respected in the past will be only a, cherished and dearly missed, memory. A brother who died in early age.
Strike at the root, remove Jews first.
And once naturalized, they'll be able to legally move freely across the EU, meaning Europe’s fucked too.
>"Win" WW2, leave half of Europe under Communist rule with millions of citizens sent to the gulags
>Empire gone, bankrupted, soon to be non-White majority, no free speech
>Western Europe dominated by the USA with its proxy Germany leading the EU (bbut we went to war to stop German domination XDD meme)
Fuck the British. Mongs whom believe anything the Jews tell them which is why most view fat drunkard Churchkike as the number 1 Briton in history. Deserve extinction.
I think it's too late. The people in power will not mass deport. We have lost England unless there is some sort of massive revolt, a civil war, SOMETHING.
No. The only country that comes close is France and Belgium is not a country.
What's the problem with this exactly? This is what they wanted. This is the end goal of diversity.
>your country can be like ours
A sexually degenerate shithole? The only reason your not living in wooden/paper houses as it was in WW2 is because the White American man rebuilt your country after burning a few million of you. Know your place, Chink. Europeans dont want to emulate you or your degenerate culture.
>(((we))) have lost England
>le 54%
Look closer to home mutt.
>Germany dominating the EU
I hate this meme
What's funny is I read this and I know it's a shitskin posting it. Go blow yourself up for Allah. We Americans of white European ancestry are turning shit around. If you are white, you should be ashamed of yourself, allowing your country to be overrun by violent, low-IQ third world roaches.
First false flag,
then comes pic related,
then we fix everything
>They shouldn't be a minority in their own country.
Why not? What's wrong with that?
You wish. This is the present.
heart reaccs only
Just kill us already
>On Soho Road in Birmingham, mosques, churches, and temples sit cheek by jowl. The mile-long stretch, which has drawn migrant communities for decades, is crowded with halal butchers, sari shops, and Caribbean fast food joints.
I can guarantee the Churches aren’t host to white people.
>But nobody on the high street seems to be swayed by her "strong and stable" message. In an area with high levels of poverty and low life expectancy, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s focus on social issues is resonating.
>In March, Birmingham was revealed as Britain’s unemployment capital, even as the government hailed a country-wide jobs boom. Parts of Birmingham have an unemployment rate of 10%, double the national average of 4.7%.
But I thought diversity was our strength? How is our most diverse community living in poverty?
>A group of men came into the shop recently and stole pastries, she says. After chasing them into the street they turned on her and shouted: ‘F*** you b**ch go back to your country.”
>But husband Costinil, 45, says the UK is their country now.
At least they’re honest about it.
> “There’s no hope left in Britain,” says Mohammad Aziz, a 29-year-old from the Kurdish region of Iran. “Whatever hope I have left, it’s not in the politicians.”
I’ll buy you a plane ticket.
>Germany making fun of the UK
Kek, I can't wait to have fun with the Euromutt meme.
UK is a shithole, who cares
>If your White, you should be ashamed of yourself, allowing your country to be over-run by violent, low IQ 3rd world roaches
>le 50% face
Since your a mutt, you cant feel shame over your own country, which is far far worse in that regard.
unironically gen*cide
Anybody have some spare rope I can borrow?
> far far worse in that regard.
not even close...what's important are the absolute numbers not percentages.
>When you see Papa declining and there's nothing you can do about it
Realistically, it can't be fixed. It's too late. Obviously you could invent all kinds of unrealistic scenarios, but in the real world, he whole multiculturalism project cannot be reversed anymore.
Nice that the boomers give everyone one final kick in the fucking teeth before dying.
Wow, you just don't give up, do you? You're mad, and you are deflecting your anger through name-calling. Your country is fucked and as a citizen you are a part of the problem. We left your country to get away from your bullshit. We hit some stumbling blocks but are turning things around now. Our culture will survive. Your culture will only survive in our memory. White America will preserve the memory of Great Britain. I know you brown people who claim to be European like to toss the "Amerimutt" meme around because you are jealous, so I understand, in a way... but confess I am completely disgusted with all of you. You let the third world take over everything nice that you have. You let them rape your women and blow shit up, and you won't even call them what they are in your news. You even turned over your guns. Absolutely pathetic.
He means racial homogeneity you sperg. Jesus Christ.
>Labour is guilty that conservatives are in power
>integration is good when it's literally interracial
>we are shocked but still sell houses and schools to foreigners
>muh polices inside country are more important than closing the borders
>Future of Europe
Race war or extinction. Choose your side.
so this is the power of muttly
Civil war likely the only way now.
There is no way to deport these people as they were mostly born here.
What will likely happen is Whites will just leave and go to America/Australia/NZ/Eastern/Central Europe.
I predict by 2037 that 50% of british schools will have white british pupils, 15 - 17% other white, 15% mixed race and the rest are non-whites.
The absolute state of the ex most powerful empire on the planet
There are no "nice" solutions anymore
>Muslims are a race
So African Christians are white then?
That's what happens when dumb Christians play conservatives.
What have you been taking drugs.
No, JapChinks unironically view themselves as some form of superior peoples on par, if not above Europeans even though before you civilized them they lived in paper houses and spent the way years bayoneting babies and torturing American/UK POWs in the most vile ways known to man (think having your lower body lowered into a shitbin and eaten alive by maggot levels). Their culture now is the most sexually degenerate on earth. Meant both.
>le 53% saying a le 88% is Larping as White
t.insecure projecting mutt
That will really solve things, i mean really now, i mean really really now,.i am being sarcastic, because American abandoned their towns when blacks bought houses from their capitalistic boomer renters like Donald Trump and now they will soon be Brazil. So if you abandon 10% non-white country, how the fuck are you going to defend later on?
By mixing with them and becomimg southern europeans.
You Europeans could have learned from our mistake. Instead, in typical European fashion, you held your noses high and insisted that you could do better. It turns out that you can't, and the majority of these rapidly breeding people are totally unintergrateable.
Pic related has been part and parcel of every American city for the last 100 years. Now you too will experience this, in all your major cities. Enjoy the lifetime of burden.
>Civil war likely the only way now.
I'm not accusing you of anything, we are in the same fucking position (a bit milder), but how hard can it be to gather a few thousand and go innawoods and conduct guerrilla warfare? if a couple of retarded inbred desertniggers can do it surely we can aswell
Muslim are not a race agree...they aren't even humans. So better send them back from whatever they came from.
nah mate unlike you we fought them off for century
enjoy your genocide
The most dangerous people eating and rape machine Muslim of white race is still better than 1000 African nigger of best manners. I really don't give a shit about your religion, i only care about survival of my land and people. Those conservatives are totally fucking retarded to the maximum, all they see is some bible and numbers in profits.
It's over.
Britain will be just another war-torn Islamic shithole before the end of the century.
If you have kids, leave. This island is no place for them.
We aren't. Malmö is lost, Gothenburg is lost and half of stockholm is lost. Doesn't help either that our new refugees will be popping out children soon.
Most people live far too comfortable lives to join some nationalist guerrilla group. In other words, any attempt of forming such a group will inevitably lead to getting BTFO'd by the state in a hurry. Moreover, the larger the group the less likely it is to even get to a stage of guerrilla warfare. Only a small group of individuals could pass undetected long enough to mount attacks, but I suspect they would soon be caught and their whole group extinguished anyway. No way you can get enough numbers for a civil war when people have such comforts as we have today..
haha yes i will now post this everytime i see the 56% face
still my question stands, how hard can it be? you can buy balkan shit super cheap
We are wither than you
uk is not europe
Our government was a christian-democrat for over 40 years btw...its pretty normal to find christians in politics here in Italy.
>How do we realistically fix this?
damn japan the 13th amendment bans owning niggas this hard
Last time I checked they left EU not the fucking continent.
and this was 5 years ago. It might be 90 or something like that now.
unironically climate change could scare them off
This, they will stop to import European in favor of Pakis, Poos and Niggers.
Christian turned middle east into desert, can't expect anything else from them here. They basically polluted all our waters in mere 20 years and you gotta know we didn't pay any international organization 30 years ago any money for natural protection. It's the Christian-capitalistic management that simply destroys everything and when it's destroyed they sell solutions to problems which recover 10% maximum of damage done and cost 10000 more money that just being normal with environment. All conservatives play good and bad migrants. There are no good migrants, all are bad, always and forever. Lowest birth rate and even nation dying is much better than getting replaced by migrants, since if you get replaced you dead anyway, you just pretending you are alive. Germans will be black on television and telling me how they schaffen das, it's like a black comedy, literally black.
>cannot be reversed anymore.
It's funny, isn't it
The Left wins in ways that are not reversible
They can only win by destroying things
Their biggest successes come from deception... When they are noticed in time, they are stopped
This is an endless fight against creeping decay, intentionally caused by the lowest, ugliest members of society
CRISPR is the next front in the war and they'll have no chance at stopping us. We must preserve intelligence for long enough to make Gattaca real. Their idiotic atheism and importation of high IQ Asians will only accelerate their downfall and the return of a clear hierarchy... One more solid than they can imagine
u dont, only thing left is for white people to find a new land and become isolationist
You can fix only after some kind of society collapse, but I think it is improbable.
The real solution would be to deport those people but you will need a fascist state.
You can limit the damage removing the welfare system, but those people come from litteraly shithole therefore they will stay here even without welfare assistance and eventually they will mix with the local "white trash".
Fuck black pilled cunts
I live in central London (on the border between Lambeth and Southwark). Every time I see a group of schoolchildren here, it's genuinely
Whats sad is right wing let this happen and the capitalist overlords you let loop you in an endless cycle of working for them.
you keep calling this left but lets be real, its a right wing problem, First you force capitalism on every major country in the world.
Then you fail to see that the overlords now require more dumb consumers to work in the factories and buy the goods and not know that the way you get rich isnt through labor and hard work its through smart investments. you bought the overlords bullshit, fought their wars paid to have pride and now you're mad and blaming the "left". The left is dead and has been dead since the ussr. Its time to look inwards and understand that the same people you are boosting up are the same people ripping you off.
Capitalists made it like this. Not lack of capitalism.
Civil war and mass expulsion is the only solution. It will happen.