When is consensual sex not OK?

When is consensual sex not OK?

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diminished responsibilty

Consensual simply means does she at any point in the future regret, feel ashamed, or feel embarrassed by the sexual encounter. If so, the sex was not consensual

>Oppression and violence are magical forces and YOU'RE PROBABLY BEING HURT RIGHT FUCKING NOW

consensual fornication is always bad

You just need to accept that if a proud, strong, independant woman have consentual sex with a CIS MALE and then later regrets her actions, we need to hunt down that raping pig and castrate him ASAP.

It's just common sense.

When it's between people of different races.

When it's between the same sex.


another slide thread.
Where are the threads on how to get married and make the right choices?

why is revenge porn illegal but smearing a man on social media totally okay?

When she stops breathing.

>i need Sup Forums to tell me how to live my life

>I’d rather it be jews telling me how to live my life

If a women ever regrets having it at anytime after the sex occurred

Friendly reminder that the best sex is sex that's borderline rape, women love it when the man controls everything and does things they don't expect. It excites therm and makes them fucking wet.

This is also why numales will NEVER be good in bed because they absolutely always ask before doing anything
>c-c-can I lick your pussy
>o-o-okay ill finger u now... ok?

Makes pussies dryer than the fucking Sahara desert

Thermidor counterrevolution when?

According to feminists, when it's between a man and a girlchild.

>you can only have one or the other


is for showing you THAT the jews are telling you how to live your life
If you need someone else to tell you how to live your life, you are a literal communist and should gas yourself

man i just stick to fucking hookers no problems or drama there

When it is between 2 men.

>When is consensual sex not OK?
outside of marriage

>Feminists finally realizing there was a point behind the Victorian sexual mores

ok, then leave.. 3..,2..,1...
still here?
then show us yer tits, hon

>When is consensual sex not OK?
when its not approved by the girls guardians, when its outside of a monogamous relationship, when it includes artificial contraception
stuff like that

>When is consensual sex not OK?
when you want to make a surprise

Great point especially when you consider how many women find oral and anal sex degrading.

Prior to marriage

why did you put commas in between your ellipsis?

When the roastie doesn’t enjoy it, it was rape

Sex is never okay. For procreational purposes only. Now guess my ideology.

>When is consensual sex not OK?
when it's out of wedlock, fucking degenerates

I get the feeling SJWs are going to come full circle and ban premarital sex



Sex for pleasure is okay within marriage. It strengthens familial bonds

Welcome to California


Get in here faggots!

>guys look how traditional I am, am i fitting in yet?

I think it's a good thing for trannies to be able to conceal their true gender before they get laid. It means more trannies will be beaten to death.

Yeah but thats rape/degenerate.

Daily reminder than most biocunts are batshit crazy.

Preying mantises must of gone through a feminist revolution at some point... they eat the males after having sex


Because men

>its degenerate because I don't get to do it.

Consentual sex is allways ok.
However, allways remember that girls cant consent.


It is always bad if it is outside of marriage. Casual sex is an agent of degeneracy

Outside of marriage. Congratulations! We're back to historical sexual norms!

When you aren't married, you fucking degenerate

When it's with ugly chicks

>why we're not talking about it
>continues talking about it



> I sucked your cock under the table at the restaurant because you said you were rich
>my scheme to slut my way into your wallet no longer makes sense

Is makeup a form of sexual assault?

lol i never fit on pol precisely beause im a tradfag
pol is mostly classical liberals/libertarians i think

you have a wrong mentality
theres no such thing as rape in marriage and sex should have the component of pleasure in it ideally (but not necessarily)

100% this
Just avoid the blue hairs and you’ll be fine

>When is consensual sex not OK?
when you are white

Bad sex isn't a crime and people talk about it there friends. No one needs to talk about it in the comment section of your buzzfeed tier click bait bullshit article

>lol i never fit on pol precisely beause im a tradfag

are you kidding? being a tradfag is the hottest trending meme ideology on this board. Not only do you get a perfect excuse for being a virgin, you also get to have a moral high-ground.


I don't get it

I can't wait for women to realize the world they have created. Men aren't going to want anything to do with them. We won't ever be alone with them, we will ignore them at work, we won't ask them out on dates. The constant threat of false rape accusations and the unfulfilling marriages they offer with the looming threat of divorce and alimony and child support in the back of our minds will push us into solitude.

But men are used to being alone. We have been told from day one that we are expendable. Every facet of ourselves we have been told was wrong. We are to hate our race, hate our culture, hate our country, hate our history, hate our gender, and our gender is a lie. So we are going to keep to ourselves, saving and spending our own money on our investments and hobbies, focusing on ourselves while we wait for the next generation to grow up. Because we don't need attention. But they do.

So when we are in our later 30s and 40s and the next generation has grown up, we'll find ourselves a nice girl in her 20s, a generation z girl who believe in god, still has her purity, isn't ashamed of her race, has pride in her culture, and of course any of the particular features we desire as an individual. Because for us our genetics still let us have children at that age. And the women of our generation will be old, used up from the "sexual liberation" movement, and craving attention more and more as it becomes less and less prevalent. Their great fear is becoming a man, ignored by society. And then one day it'll click, they wanted to be about men. That's what the whole feminist movement was about right? The career, rejecting motherhood, fucking as much as they want. They wanted to be men, and they will realize it wasn't worth it. They'll realize they wanted the family and the loving marriage and grandkids, things that are now beyond their reach.

God damn is it going to be fun to watch.

Fuck it. I'm buying monk robes because seriously roasties have ruined everything.

>are you kidding? being a tradfag is the hottest trending meme ideology on this board
we must go to pol on different hours i guess, only thing i got from tradfag comments is being called a virgin retard and the like
only 2/10 people at best here are tradfags

Where from??/ how much??1 time to take the monkpill, lads

Hey, Vsauce! Michael here! Sex dolls, an evolution to inflatable dolls, which were created by Hitler so men could satiate their sexual desires; however, those dolls looked cringey and not feminine at all, besides, they could harm your penis, now, you see very realistic dolls, which even look more feminine that most feminists, and now, their insides are very soft, so your penis...can go...to heaven. Statistically, the production of these dolls has increased this last years, but, why is this happening? Some may ask, well, be ready for this, letting...women... the right to work and vote...was...a mistake...
(Music starts)
Before you go full numale, let me explain, women, though History, had her role, being a housewife... was... their purpose, as well as, getting... married... to a working man, now, during WWII, women did a lot of the works men did while they were at war, which planted a cancerigenous seed in women´s head, "If I can do the work my housband does, why... I am not... allowed to?", which started a stupid movement called... feminism..., this movement gave the wrong concept of women getting the same jobs as men, despite their physical capacities, sadly... the movement succeed, which made women (natural housewifes)... spoiled, now, they don´t feel they need to marry a working man, now, they don´t feel they need to be housewifes, if you see statistics again, you´ll see the rate of unemploiments increased, "casually", this number increased when women..started..working.., also, conservatism was an ideology that was applied throught History until... women... started... working..., the culture and tradition broke, there was no conservatism anymore, instead, the left rised, which is a movement that is lead by emotions instead of facts, just.. like women... itself..., not surprisingly, left wing men tend to be, numales, beta men; so, start fucking a sex doll today, women need to realize who is ACTUALLY IN THE WRONG, and as always, thanks for watching

These, nothing wrong with this headline tbqh

it literally says in the picture you fucking dork.

men are way too intrinsically whiteknight-ish for this to happen. Seriously they're complete fucking faggots about protecting women who dont give a shit about them

No it doesn't. I believe the writing in the image is for the manufacturer, and there doesn't seem to be a price anywhere.

When there is a threesome that does not involve lesbians.

>When is consensual sex not OK?
If you are a faggot

>When it's between the same sex.

The law says otherwise sweetie. Your opinion about it doesn't matter as you can't control what two consenting adults do without breaking the law yourself. Uhm, try this....





Threesomes are degenerate in every possible scenario.

Soon we will have to sign papers, video tape it, stream it live on Periscope, all while the girls Mother is standing there giving us the thumbs up.

found it here while googling monk robs and scanning by picture. krikey. 71 bucks.

>and why we're not talking about it

Because it's not bad you stupid fucking cunts

Those look cozy

t. reddit faggot
Not a surprise considering you are in leafland

I fucked this pig once when I was super drunk. Regretted it as soon as I sobered up
Should I charge her with rape now?

Well user, some problems solve themselves and sometimes the most intelligent thing to do is only sit back and just enjoy watching that tire fire.

Thats what some people around here have to realize.

In Sweden they are rolling out consent cards for whenever you want to bang someone. I think it's a hidden redpill though. You just know there's one demographic in Sweden that would never bother to fill out such a card.

I'm going to start a dating site that confirms consent through the blockchain. Anyone want to invest?

its almost like hand-made costume clothing is expensive. who knew?

Thanks burgerbro, I think it's high time I cut off all my hair and stopped reading things that make me feel like I'm losing my bastard mind.

That's because you're a cancerous newfaggot.


When you're gay or not white


The huge problem with that is so many rapists are going to force the girl to sign it, rape her, then get off on the crime.
Also, I can already see some femsluts claiming they signed it "under duress", some bullshit like that.

Actually not true generally speaking. The females will only eat the males:
If they move like food and the female is hungry - they're pretty stupid and will go for anything that moves like it's alive and is small enough to be eaten
If they're stressed out as fuck - which is often the case in lab conditions

I've only had 2 mantises eat their mates - one was a super aggressive hyper mega bitch who you couldn't even hold, but the other was really friendly (like all phyllocrania paradoxa) but ate TWO males without even shagging them first.

In all honesty, as annoying as this shit is currently, I think it will net out to be a good thing. These insufferable feminists and roasties will all age out of breeding pool, won't propagate their bad genes, and will live a sad miserable lonely life as a cautionary tale to any young females they interact with, or they'll commit suicide. Which they're doing a lot of these days. Basically it's just going to push logical thinking males and females to a.) Avoid these people at all cost lest they be drug in to their insane circus of false accusations and made up word salad b.) If they want to have sex, they'll eventually come to the logical conclusion and say, having casual sex... It's too risky, I don't want my life ruined by a false rape allegation, I don't want my life ruined by STDs, I want to be in a situation with an actual sociopath who literally does rape me... Fuck that, I'll get married to a sane person I trust and not have to worry about the ridiculous consexual sex debate.

niet.... you are a snobby grandma.

Are the Left finally realizing that being a huge slut isn't such a great idea?

women love good looking men, period. stop being delusional. An ugly guy sitting too close to a girl on the bus is rape, a hot guy recreating something from a Marquis de Sade book is just kinky