SSG is great.
Dragon Ball Super
too late
Pretty interesting to ponder if Beat actually matures instead of becoming younger, reaching the prime/sweetspot in youth.
I'm getting real sleepy so here's the last thing I could find.
Happy posting, or whatever.
>no title
>wojack posting.
What's the possibility they do the arcs into movie versions? they already have the beerus and frieza arcs.
She sells her body for money to buy dragon dildos. Toriyama said so.
why do they have 10 episodes of filler right before a tournament that only supposed to last 40 minutes? Something unexpected is going to happen mid tournament that going to cause all the universes' forces to unite their efforts on something else
They remade the movie plot to claim the franchise rights without sharing with 20th Century Fox.
I don't see them backtracking arcs into movies any time soon, that's a lot of budget for retreading old content.
I'd much rather prefer to see a OVA/short film based on the manga so at the very least we'd see an alternate plot.
Gotta wait for the manga to catch up.
They're taking about as long to kill Zamasu as it took for Namek to blow up.
still, do you think that they will squeeze 10 episodes in the ToP even though its supposed to only last 40 minutes? I sense shenanigans
Time will move at the speed the plot needs it to.
Honestly? I'd rather they put out a brand new movie just like back in the old days.
Of course new content is good, especially if Toriyama spear heads the project.
It doesn't even have to be Toriyama helmed. It doesn't need to be canon or anything.
Just be entertaining.
Just random movies like the old days?
I'd be down for it.
Would the Black arc have been acceptable if it was a non-canon movie instead of an arc?
there's always next thread
Full Limit Break x Survivor when?
Turles2.0, the electric boogaloo
>Frieza declines
>General Tao shows up and becomes member 10
>Frieza declines
>Bardock volunteers.
Except for Toei isn't going to budget towards that when they're failing to keep consistent work on their hectic schedule already.
I'd like to see Universal Studio's take on Broly for my fix on a side project.
I personally am genuinely disappointed that this isn't the route Toei will go.
I actually really want non canon movies like the old days, even ova could work. I mean, One Piece just had a non canon movie released, didn't it?
Funny enough the current series director is the movie director of One Piece movie "Z"
Is the madman hinting at SSB Beat soon??
>that Beat
wtf I love Toyo now
LEAVE all other universes to me.
Probably not. Too soon for a new Class-Up for the Player Avatars.
Maybe in a few more sets.
It will be fucking long, Namek was supposed to explode in like 5 minutes and we got several episodes out of that, imagine what will they do with 40 minutes
How do we know it'll be Freezer again?
Leave them to me
Leave Frieza to me.
We don't yet. We only know that Goku attempts to recruit Freeza in Episode 93 because Buu falls asleep for 2 months again in Episode 92.
If Episode of Bardock was canon, what would Bardock's endgame be?
Sit down and wait for death
use the super dragon balls to wish himself non-canon
Bring Super Saiyan 4 back
I have a theory about Gohan's 'Ultimate' form that I've come to realize just recently.
To put it simply, Ultimate Gohan is not 'Gohan with all his potential unlocked' as people assumed. Rather this is an accidental miss-interpretation of what Elder Kai said when he was explaining how his power worked. Gohan's Ultimate form is rather a proto-SSG transformation state.
What the Elder Kai actually said was: "I awaken people's sleeping powers", when Goku dismissed him for not being that strong he called him a fool and said "I can take a person far beyond their limits" and the example he gave was a house cat becoming a lion.
Thing is, this isn't the unlocking of latent potential, house cats don't turn into lions no matter what they eat or what exorcise they do, no house cat has the potential to be a lion. What he was actually saying was that he could take Gohan and give him a power that could never be attained through ordinary means. Not awakening Gohan's 'hidden potential' but rather going beyond his limits and taking his power higher than training could ever get him. Transforming him into something else entirely.
Important to note that SSB (a form that uses god ki) requires a completely tranquil mind as opposed to super saiyan, which is fueled by anger. Similarly, think about Elder Kai's ritual for awakening power, the person being awakened stays still for 25 hours, saying nothing, doing nothing and being completely tranquil and still.
I don't believe this was planned all along, however Toriyama himself has stated that he likes to go back and take things from earlier in the story and link them back into the present to make it seem like he was planning it all along.
I predict that it will be revealed that Gohan has had a small amount of God Ki within him for years now that he has never really used because he stopped training. That his Ultimate transformation is a proto-SSG, which is why he can match SSB with little training. He just needs to access the God Ki more
gohanfags pls stop
God fucking dammit.
Nice try Toyo. But go back to finishing the Future Trunks saga please
Seriously they should have used Perfect Cell instead. Fuck Fagza.
Why is hating on Cell on acceptable meme?
Because his saga was the most convoluted and sloppy.
Frieza looks rad with the halo.
>Freeza contributes quite a bit at the tournament of power.
>he is about to be taken back to Hell by Fortune Teller Baba.
>"I may never come back to have my revenge, but let me leave a part of myself behind. Maybe he will actually have a chance of killing you stupid apes. "
>he spits out an egg similar to how King Piccolo has done in Dragon Ball.
>egg hatches and a freeza clan person is born.
Screencap this.
Sounds gay as fuck
Leave Freeza to me!
You would rather them all eat tacos you stupid spic?
Everyone ripping their dicks out and having sword fights with them and then bukkakeing the loser of the phallic fensing sounds less faggy than your omegagay scenario
God you dogshitposters really need to get lives.
Just ignore him, you retard.
>4th form
It's ok.
Stay salty. No one cares about that green cockroach.
Even second form Freeza is stronger than Cell now, dude
>this much rage over an image of a puppy
Because Cell is garbage.
I choose how I shitpost user, even if its being a willing accomplice to a weak troll.
Hell, I'd bet that first form Freeza could one-shot SPC.
Is this a new meme that got started just cause Frieza's coming back AGAIN?
>Is this a new meme
No, it's a fact. Cell is the worst of the DBZ villains.
He's my favorite of the bunch, but it's still fun to make things like this
Where are all those retards now?
I still would've preferred Raditz
I really, REALLY hope Frieza is the winner. Frieza saving the universe is the ultimate irony, and it would be beautiful to see Frieza vs Jiren, in my opinion.
So do you think the intro will change when freeza replaces Buu?
They shit themselves and committed a mass suicide while cursing a cruel world that betrayed them
die in a ditch
I love that pic.
you first, dogfucker
Can someone use the website to leak all the other fighters
This guy sure looks retarded now kek
A raditz special would be nice
>slice of life where raditz gets to come to earth to decide if he wants to get reincarnated or get purified and stay in the afterlife because goku saved universe 7
>wants the reincarnation so he can go for revenge on goku
>basically gets treated like yamcha by the group and forced to do errands by chi chi
>learns about training from vegeta who's disgust has turned more into disdain
>has to watch after trunks and goten who are both stronger than him much to his chagrin
>ayy shenanigans ensue
>gets pissed eventually
>almost goes ss
>while he edgy screams goten and trunks take care of the problem and he finally deflates completely
>chooses to stay in the afterlife so he can stay a saiyan and part of gokus family
I wonder if Goku threatens Frieza with complete death meaning he can never come back with the DBs
No u
Doubt it. He's already living his worst nightmare constantly. Literally anything would be better for him, including outright erasure.
You Raditz people always want him to act completely out of character
If he got resurrected he would just try to kill everybody again because he can't sense powerlevels and has no idea he's outclassed now. He's not a reasonable person he's a violent asshole, he'd try to kidnap Pan or some shit. He wouldn't become a docile babysitter.
Why do you even like Raditz if you want him to change his character entirely.
What was Cell's purpose? He was kind of a pointless character.
to be perfect, as the genius Dr. Gero had designed him to be
the editor wasn't happy that 2 teenagers were the main villains of the android arc
None of the saiyans were nice, it would be just be enjoyable to see raditz get goku'd like the entire rest of the dragonball cast.
she pleases old men to buy dragon radars.
>can't sense powerlevels
>and has no idea he's outclassed now.
Even if he has no idea of the events that happened since he's death, the moment he sees Vegeta with Goku, he'll notice something is not right.
Not only that. He fought against Goku and Piccolo. His zenkai boost probably gave him the ability to sense energy, just like Vegeta.
How cellfags will recover?
Vegeta was stronger than him with his introduction, though, so he should at least know that he's outclassed by Vegeta
And that's why Cell will never get the attention Freeza does. Freeza was 100% a creation that came from Toriyama's own mind, everything about him is what Toriyama himself envisioned and planned.
Cell, on the other hand, is a product of executive meddling. Cell wouldn't exist, at least as we know him, if Toriyama completely had his way.
Therefore, it stands to reason that the author cares more about a character he moulded from scratch, rather than one that only came about because his editors kept getting on his ass.
>Buu gets cucked out of his spot in the tournament
>Cell didn't have a spot in the first place
>Frieza is the one going to the tournament
Do you guys think someone has a bias toward Frieza out of the main Z villains?
The cell arc was Tori dealing with editors.
The first one didn't liked 19, 20, 18, 17. But he stopped with Cell first form.
His second editor told him that the first phase was too ugly, the second one looked stupid and wasn't satisfied until his last phase.
Tori had to draw and ink the spots, meanwhile the animation team in Toei also had to deal with the spots.
Cell was a pain in the ass for everyone.
Will Gohan go SSB against Goku?
Or will he job again
But why fight if he already was perfect? What would he do if he defeated everyone? Would he be considered a good guy if he didn't kill people, but absorbed the androids?
He will go SSB and beyond and still job.