Yep, you're all incels
"Author Angela Nagle spent more than a year exploring the online origins of the current alt-right movement, which she says included communities of single men looking for advice on “picking up” women. She said many of these so-called pick-up artists argued that feminism was part of what made attracting women so difficult.

Nagle’s report can be found in the new Fusion documentary, “Trumpland: Kill All Normies.”

“It definitely did start out with the picking up women stuff,” Nagle told ABC News’ “Nightline.”

It’s a world that appears riddled with extensive and seemingly innocuous terminology, like “manosphere,” “men’s rights” and “incels.”"

Other urls found in this thread:

These reporters always go to the wrong sites. Why don't they ever talk about Sup Forums?

It's not my fault the white women I idolize but also call coalburner if they've ever thought of the color black hate me. What have I ever done to them, the fucking sluts?

>Trumpland: Kill all Normies

Maximum kek

maybe she did - you'll have to tune in to Fusion and find out

these seems like an awful lot of work to say "alt-right are sexless losers lol"
>captcha: a boston market

I hope my shitposts make it to the final cut

The goal isn't to accurately portray things.

The goal is to portray things in a negative/shameful way in order to dissuade other potential normies from considering your viewpoints.

It's the same reason why the media/hollywood push the meme that anyone who is possibly concerned with white identity/interests is some backwood hick named Cletus. They know it's not true, but truth isn't their goal. Their goal is to make it so if a normie hears an argument for white identity or white interests in the future, they will associate it with backwood Cletus (or now, with incel virgins), and want to disassociate themselves from it.

Lul ill be sure to watch the entire thing, including the commercials. Then I'll make sure to donate to the author's patreon.

women are delusional and this thread is cancer
>in all fields

I love that artist's porn. I jack off to it all the time.

i would hang a framed screenshot on my wall

where's the lie?
all of this extremist ideology stuff is simply a HUGE COPE to distract from the fact that we're not Chad, and i include myself in this. i bet all of the most die hard unironic natsocs would dump their red pills in the toilet if they woke up as Chad tomorrow with a bunch of matches on Tinder and people who want to hang out with them
pic related

like we're above personal attacks, and don't just call our enemies faggots, cucks and soyboys? Welcome to politics

spotted the kike

>engaging in degeneracy
the absolute state of

Complete bullshit, though.

>a bunch of matches on Tinder and people who want to hang out with them
I have all of that, but I'm still extremely concerned for the future of the white race. It's a pretty ridiculous notion that men who are masculine, attractive, physically fit, social, etc. would not care for their peoples' future. Obviously there is a grain of truth to the Chad meme, and some meatheads will think about nothing but crushing puss. But aside from that, you're talking about people who we'd expect biologically to be some of the fiercest advocates for the interests of their people.

it's more complicated than that. The reality is that Cletus IS more likely to espouse WN views. Why? Because he has much less to lose than a CEO or a politician. Fringe beliefs stay on the fringe because you LOSE SOCIAL CAPITAL by siding with them. And as a result, when you search for people who hold those views, you find mostly fringe people -- people who are poor, people who have been to prison, people with mental health issues. In other words, people who never had a shot at being socially respected anyway.

incels have nothing to do with the alt right
t. incel

>haha these virgins are objecting to changing social atmospheres where sex and family values are devalued and courtship has devolved into fucking women on dating apps and never calling them again which skews the sexual marketplace to the top percentage of men only
>fucking nerds this brave new world rules!


Speak for yourself faggot.


first and second rule


So what she's saying is that the breakdown of gender relations brought about by feminism is fucking up society?

Also, I just noticed this. Whenever ABC News writes a story "on the alt-right," they never post the author's name. It always just lists "ABC News" where the author should be.

I think that's the case, at least. I've noticed that I can never find an author when these kinds of stories from ABC News are posted, even though other stories on their website have the authors' names included

Chads are happy with the status quo since they benefit from it
The people who want a revolution are the losers in any given society, that's a general rule. alt right is literal beta uprising. Maybe you're a Chad (posting on Sup Forums lol) but you're a unicorn and the vast minority.
And since it's not an actual revolution in meatspace like before, it's more of a LARP and diversion from not being Chad, like the guy who I quoted who goes to bars and listens to podcasts on his headphones to simulate having friends while Chad is holding court a few tables over, not even noticing the weirdo

I read Andrea Nagle's book and she didn't come to that conclusion there, she had some big brained centrist conclusion you could sum up as "SJWs and the alt-right are both the result of a nihilistic society that venerates counter-cultures". This sounds like she's playing to what she thinks the MSM wants to hear

Quit shilling your fucking book here Angela, nobdoy's buying it.

>woman does research
>woman's best argument to the opposition is still "you guys must be virgins"
Imagine my shock.

Hmm makes sense


Oh look another person that has no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

>Media talks about /pol
>Normie goes to check out /pol
>Doesn’t come back
They fear us

Shill faggot you are obviously a bitch

>I can see what anonymous posters look like
If only you knew how retarded you sound. The argument women make is literally "you guys must be virgins" literally every time. Sage


>Why don't they ever talk about Sup Forums?
Because leading people to Sup Forums is the beginning of the end of the left. It's the reason there's a 24/7 slide thread riptide here: It's that important to keep people from accessing and discussing the information posted here. Because normally people don't give a shit about every single stupid news story or sound bite delivered by a vapid talking head professional, they want to talk about things that matter to them, in their life... That's why mainstream news is so retarded. It's important to them to keep people from caring about things that matter, because then they start solving their own problems instead of relying on governments and corporations.

because it's an effective argument, even if it's mean or hurtful
let's face it, if everyone here was a Chad, or if right wing ideology even had a few good looking Chad male models to shill it in the media, all the women (and normies) would just right on board. Look up "the halo effect" - it's not about what you say, it's how good looking the person is that says it
Anonymous image boards that hate facefaggers dispute on the virtue of ideas , not social proof from being a Chad, but again that's not how real life works. that's why this is an escape and a cope

A lot of people in Western Europe and the US are watching everything that they love and cherish crumbling down. Young men not getting pussy is a factor but not the biggest one, and that's why marriages were created in the first place so that everyone could get some.
Also, Angela Nagle actually visits Sup Forums, she's an intelligent woman but her big brained centrist stance doesn't have any answers to our problems that's why people will keep moving to the "extremes".

I'm a married 35 year old mother of three blue-eyed children. I went to elite universities and have a law degree. I just hate kikes and niggers and care about my children's future you fucking loser

why live

shaming tactics don't work if the people you're trying to shame don't give a fuck about normie opinions

>not normalfags



So, the general idea of the society under "social justice" premise is to get rid of bad genes in the end. How they are different from strawman "nazi" they claiming they fighting with? The very fact that marking someone as "loser incel" giving their ideas traction speaks a lot about the real agenda. To suffocate those who need help the most. Because being weak men are the most vunerable position in the society. But they will never admit it of course.

>expecting women to lurk before posting

you gotta admit spencer has good fashion sense

>if right wing ideology even had a few good looking Chad male models to shill it in the media

There are plenty. The media just has no interest in putting them on TV...for the very reasons you stated.

Television networks, for example, would never air the following interview, so it's left up to people like Faith Goldy to do it:

Not gonna lie, I mostly find chess champions and Nobel prize winners that support my fringe views, but I don't search like a normie would.

Did a fucking middle schooler write this article? Every fucking paragraph starts with "and" or "the".

This user gets it

The difference is that they've been doing this for decades while the right has typically tried to stay honest and honorable (the their detriment). The culture war was lost for the old right when the left started hitting below the belt and the right refused to do the same.
The main reason the right it fighting back and regaining any kind of territory is exactly because we've begun to use their tactics against them. The major difference however (and the key to our success thus far) is that we didn't give up on the truth. That's why our memes and insults sting so much more than theirs. It's also why they're so much more effective and spread so much faster. And finally, it's also why the let's old cringey, snarky insults don't work anymore, they seem foolish and tired at this point. You can't call someone cletus because a person won't support putting little kids on hormone blockers and expect it to work.

>Men trying to find someone they can love
>Know exactly why it became harder
>Makes it a point to shame people trying to find love in a society where woman don't care about it.
They wonder why things are getting this way?

Many such cases!

hypocrisy is the name of the game when it comes to the left.
you will never win an argument or beat them by pointing out all of the inconsistencies or that they are exactly the thing that they claim to fight against.
they know.
they don't care.

Nagle spent a long time browing Sup Forums and Sup Forums in particular while researching her book. I've listened to her talk about Sup Forums and Sup Forums extensively on several podcasts. She doesn't *really* get it but she gets it more than most shitlib journalists. OP's quotes are not fully indicative of her understanding of it

so we basically did her work for her

just another e-thot like your precious Lauren

Angela is a liar. If she actually spent any time here for real she would have mentioned race realism as the core of our argument in her shitty pamphlet. She doesn't. She is a hack fraud and so are you. Go back to listening to chapo trap cuck

>so we basically did her work for her
What does that even mean? Her work is to study us from her leftist perspective and report her findings to her leftist friends, how did we do her work for her?

>to distract from the fact that we're not Chad
Pic related, combined with gene editing, is the final solution to the fact that we aren't Chad

Going to Sup Forums unironically destroys lives.

The entire Alt Right isn't made of Incels, but ALL incels are Alt Right.
>Inset Venn Diagram

>The very fact that marking someone as "loser incel" giving their ideas traction speaks a lot about the real agenda. To suffocate those who need help the most. Because being weak men are the most vunerable position in the society. But they will never admit it of course.
Not quite. Just because they are "marking someone" as a loser incel doesn't mean they actually are one. I bet a great many Sup Forumsacks are married, in a relationship, or otherwise healthy normal individuals. Anecdotally I've met some in real life and consider myself one. But we have no way to prove that our status. We have no microphone to the masses and anything we say about ourselves can be dismissed as "losers lying about themselves online".
The media have the public front we lack and are using their authority to paint a group of mostly anonymous individuals with an unfalsifiable claim.
This is why I say we need some public faces like Spencer, as much as I cringe hearing them sometimes. We need someone out there who is well dressed and successful so their claims of incel virgins in basements can be exposed for the lies they are

>ugly potato nigger whore slanders alt right because she wants system to gibs her shekels

I fucking hate sellouts like this.

>She doesn't *really* get it but she gets it more than most shitlib journalists.

The main reason to listen to her, is to find out if the left are starting to be able to speak the truth, when the truth deviates from leftist dogma.

Even simple stuff like how you need to be able to speak about a problem if you are to solve it, is forbidden territory for Nagle, so we don't have to be afraid that the left will come up with anything else than deplatforming pro-whites while you call them nazis.

Good post.
You will be spared in the Chinese takeover.

>Not quite. Just because they are "marking someone" as a loser incel doesn't mean they actually are one.

That racists have small dicks and live in the basement, might have worked when it made pro-whites shut up.

It akin to shooting yourself in the foot, if you use the small dick argument when pro-whites don't shut up, but instead use it as proof of how retarded and cruel the left really is.