o-oni chan a-a-are you watching my show tomorrow
O-oni chan a-a-are you watching my show tomorrow
I'll be watching alright
no its boring
No, i can't stand the normie bitch.
I'll be watching, but I won't like it.
With both hands on my dick.
I'm sorry, I'll be waiting for SSKN.
Hoping for more lewd Sagiri.
>loli + normalfag butthurt
Wouldn't miss it for anything in the world.
What ever happened to lolicon, feel like all anime have cowtits now
What kind of monster wouldn't?
>o-oni chan
No just fapping to the webms and the doujins.
No, fuck off you annoying bitch
I'm watching Digibro's autistic bitching, does that count?
>o-oni chan
you're fucking retarded
what did you watch from his videos? i've only watched 3-4 videos and he talks 30-60 for Literally
nothing ! his videos are too slow and stupid , why would anyone subscribe that bitch ?
You know the price
no,it's trash.
Of course.
No, the writing is terrible.
No, the writing is good.
Of course, Fushimi is art
No you are shitty Chino clone
Don't make me laugh
Dumb frogposter
>dumb frogposters think it's good
Makes sense.
>Alcoholic horsefucker gets autistically mad about anime - Part 9001b (54:38)
Rather die tbqh
Please don't make us Sagiribros look bad, we want to enjoy Sagiri in peace and you are not helping. Thanks.
People who watch youtube ecelebs aren't exactly the brightest bunch.
They sure fucking want to come off like it though
I'll be touching..
I'm not joking the writing is good.
Where are you going to touch nii san.
your _feet_
What is going on in this image
I sure love seasonal loli garbage
connection of love?
Dropped after the BR shit.
Sagiri is Brazilian?
I want to FUCK Sagiri.
i'm not even watching this but I can't wait for the doujins. she's going to take that big fat juicy onii chan cock if you catch my drift
Why would I watch an inferior version of Oreimo?
Everyone does.
>loli is getting phased out in anime
>even side character loli fanservice is being cut out from source material
>finally we have a loli show that shamelessly shows off its characters sexually
>it's written by the OreImo author who can't write even the simplest things without including garbage drama and idiotic writing
Why can't we have nice things?
Atleast enjoy what you've got pedofag. Stop complaining.
No matter how cute Sagiri is, I can't get over hte fact that she's not as fuckable as Kirino.
Fuck off you little shit
Olympics in Japland, gotta tone it down a bit
Kirino is such good doujin material because she's such a bitch you don't really care what happens to her. She can get raped in a public toilet, by her dad, or just generally hard fucked by the Kyousuke Kock. Also can be paired greatly with Ayase who is an equally detestable bitch.
With Sagiri you'd feel pretty bad with anything more than tender vanilla, which if just drawn averagely can get boring easily.
I wouldn't feel bad if Sagiri got horrible rape doujins. She's a god damn useless cunt as well.
Doing God's work.
No, I'm waiting for those Blu Rays
what does nbr mean
Not Blood Related I would assume.
I'm going to watch Megumin's show, yes.
I don't like shameless sluts, so no.