So in your opinion, Sup Forums, do you see any correlation between transgenderism and mental ailments? I certainly do, but I also want your view on the topic.
Also pls rate me, everyone says I pass 100% as a boy
So in your opinion, Sup Forums, do you see any correlation between transgenderism and mental ailments? I certainly do, but I also want your view on the topic.
Also pls rate me, everyone says I pass 100% as a boy
>transgenderism and mental ailments?
yess 100% transgenger is pure unadulterated metal litmus
Grow a beard, shave your head, and lose the feminine facial jewelry, and you might fool a few of the less observant.
Belongs on /LGBT/.
My gf whose trans is actually fairly convinced that having been abused in her past might be one of the reasons she's trans.
You know that's very insensitive of you, I don't have to grow a beard to look manly. I mean everyone says that I 100% am and speak like a man.
>everyone says I pass 100% as a boy
sure, if you count faggots as men.
Why would an opinion from anyone, let alone random people on Sup Forums matter, has nothing to do with the widely known facts about mental illness and transgenderism going hand in hand.
Why are eurofags also such soft looking faggots?
why would anyone get a piercing that accentuates their ((((nose))))
Only Northern Europeans are like this
Nice samey numbers
You look like you were/are a cute girl. It's not too late ya know.
I'm american for your information,i'm just using a proxy so I can watch illegal porn easily
>everyone says I pass 100% as a boy
>people tend to compare ugly women to males
I'm disgusted to share a country with such a freak of nature
When I was in Germany it was all soyboys, especially in Berlin. But in Hungary and the Czech Republic people looked a lot more normal. The more jewification, the more feminized the man
No, I am a cuntboy you fucking idiot.
Oh, I also have germanic in my blood! Heil hitler!
Stuck in the anal stage... crappy parents ditched kids in the potty stage.. kids always look for acceptance with their butts, the older they get the deeper things go into their butts...
Stop whoring yourself out on here and sort yourself out. Saged and reported
So disappointing.
Fuck off, i'm born and raised in philly.
What are you sperging about?
K. So back to the topic of trans ppl?
Why are you such a manly looking girl? How tall are you? How
Much do you weigh?
The link with bipolarity, depression and schizophrenia is well established. The over representation with schizophrenia is about 1000x.
>correlation between transgenderism and mental ailments
user transgenderism *is* a mental ailment
Statistics show a strong correlation.
Idc what you do with your life, just don't fuck with mine.
Yes you pass as a dude, saw the pic first and thought you were one, then I read the post.
This was me when I was 14 or so. I am rather all. Don't want to share too much info about myself though.
Also hate jews.
I take it you are female and think you may fit in better as a boy? Don't walk this path. You have been given a purpose greater than yourself. To carry on passing your life force to the next generation. practice skills that will take you to the next level, get a hobby a trade or a craft. Focus less on identity and outward appearance. It's meaningless! It's a trap to rob you of Thinking critically and expanding your empire. One day you WILL be 70 years old. Do you want to spend all your resources and mental power your Whole damn life trying to play dress up? Almost 100 years of dress up!!!! Elites want you to get out of the game so more for them. Getting folks to fret over what sex they should be, but never will be is a travesty to human kind. They are sacrificing you to propel them ever higher in the Gene pool. Find love of the opposite sex, marry make babies and live the life God promised to you. You will die a happy person with wealth to pass on to your gene pool. This is your purpose. Good luck...
most people who are depressed are men, most transgender people are men. Is there a correlation between the two and mental issues? Possibly.
Transgenderism is a mental disorder.
What is
>illegal porn
If it's what we assume it is, then yes you definitely have a mental illness
>that nose
Are you jewish or Italian or something
Germanic ancestors, but american.
I am ftm trans though,makes no sense
>do you "see"
Fuck off, it doesn't matter what anyone sees, it matters that gender dysphoria is listed as mental disorder in the DSM
Pssh, you're just jealous because I'm the bad boy who is gonna fuck your girlfriend tonight, sourpuss.
You're clearly a girl, faggot
Congrats on being the genetic deadend to your 4 billion year bloodline.
Honestly it looks to me like you had no choice but to become trans because nobody would fuck a girl that looks like that
>craving attention on Sup Forums
>is mentally sound
pick one
I mean, I would. I've always had a thing for girls with short hair though.
Jokes on you, I have a bf. Pic related.
So... the only reason he isn't identifying as a gay man is because he got diddled as a kid? And you think you're straight?
You look like siblings...
I am on prozac and wellbutrin, pretty sure it keeps me sane.
Looks like you are related. Figures
kek I'm not the only one who caught that.
All things aside, just lose some weight brah and start exercising. It will change your life.
>prozac and wellbutin
Yeah we're clearly piecing together the picture of a mentally sane woman here
jaw and neck are pretty feminine, but you could just look like a fat middle school boy. Thats what all f to m end up looking like any ways.
I am already working on that, I love the fighting life style and I once punched a hole in the wall when my mother pissed me off
You sure I cannot be a skinny dude?
holy fuck thats gross. So is he gay or something? How does this work?
We are in a gay relationship, he respects me being trans and always calls me a he.
>You sure I cannot be a skinny dude?
most girls with their big boobs and hips just end up looking like fat boys. You also have a very round shape face that would only look manly if you were at a very low weight so that your jaw line shows.
It's not gay of him though, considering he can still put his penis in your vagina and you look feminine, especially your body
All I know is that I would rail that tight little cunt of yours, boy
Nah.. get rid of the helmet hair, dress like a girl, learn to make up maybe and you are easy 7-8/10 girl..
If you got problems with self esteem, trying to play man will not help you in your future. Take your self as you are, try not to be obliged with the false image you may get from TV or your adolescent friends.. If you do not want to take part in the mating games, thats fine, you will find your way, but dont ruin your life with the false hope of transgenderism - after you will be "100% boy", after the years of strugle, noting will change for better.. You'll be just trans person anyway, not a real boy.
Thanks. I wear a binder though for my chest.
How am I feminine? Also I am still a dude. I know basic biology and all, but like we are gay socially, and everyone views us as a gay couple.
Thanks, nigger.
Everything single online tranny I knew had some form of autism. My theory is the vast majority of them are somewhere on the spectrum, and fixiate on their genitalia or lack thereof as the source of all life's problems.
I wore make up and had long hair but hated That life and then wore guy clothes and felt like myself, then I realized I was trans.
Gender is a social construct and the whole male-female spectrum exists in our society out of tradition (which though many think is being eroded away that's simply not the case as individuals on the opposite side of the spectrum are more likely to procreate)
Sex is on the other hand not a social construct, and albeit there are instances where some of the sexual attributes do not match the sex, these are mere abnormalities that prove the rule.
To anwer your question... no, Your mind and how you see yourself do not match your body. Would a tall person that identifies and wants to be referred as a short person be considered mentally ill? I don't think so, as it's not an issue within mind but it rather how the mind reports to it's external enviroment including the body itself.
Is it an illness? It's more like a cognitive error.
Your face, chest, and hips are feminine. Not to mention the things you can control like your long hair. At best you might be able to pass as "androgynous." But even this definition skews towards female.
Don't have autism. You're wrong. I'm living proof trans people don't have other mental ailments. All I have is social anxiety and depression.
Gender is not a social construct, tumblr.
>I wore make up and had long hair but hated That life and then wore guy clothes and felt like myself, then I realized I was trans.
it seems like every trans story starts off like this. Its really just all about being an attention whore. You are on an anonymous image board posting pics of yourself and talking about yourself like a narcissistic ass hole. Just fuck off with all the attention whoring. We have a board called /soc/ for this type of shit or you can go to tumblr facebook instagram or twitter. This is not the place for this kind of thread and you are just making a fool of yourself.
>ad hominen
Opinion discarded
I have narcissism personality disorder, yes. Also only Sup Forums is honest and wanted to know opinions if I pass or not. Also are you implying I'm not a trans dude?
I was joking when I said tumblr, but OK.
Well said
>It's more like a cognitive error
So it's the terminology that bugs you? Mental defect implies mental illness
Is being colorblind a mental illness?
Not mentally ill tho, besides the trans thing, which is good. Will remove my womb when I'm older too. I'm proud to be trans.
WOW he’s dating way up
You look ambiguous
Huh? Elaborate.
Do I look ambigious like this? Or is my forehead too feminine?
As a trans dude, you don't pass for shit, not your looks, and not your personality.
the only guyish thing about you is your inflated ego, but even that is forced as fuck.
Sort yourself out faggot. What's the fucking point of dressing as a dude and pretending to be a dude if youre gonna post your jew ass face on the internet?
Explain what?
How do I become a more legit guy?
>So in your opinion, Sup Forums, do you see any correlation between transgenderism and mental ailments? I certainly do, but I also want your view on the topic.
Yes, and it is also due to the ever-increasing commercialization and standardization of beauty standards across the West. There is the notion that you can BUY beauty, as opposed to natural beauty, which is true beauty.
With that said, I have no problem with you as individuals. Same with gays. The problem is the equivocation of you lot with heterosexual relationships.
This thread has gone full creepy... mods delete
Thanks. How does someone get destroyed who's hetero tho if they are born straight?
Don't force it.
It's as simple as that. If you act like a faggy guy, guys will joke that youre a fag, and you take it in stride. And i would recommend not whoring yourself on the internet like a common woman.
Now tits or gtfo
what ever happened to just being a tom boy?
Now its like fucking algebra learning all this fucking tranny bull shit.
Yes you 100% look like a boy. A BOY not a man. A CHILD, just like what you are mentally.
By having sexual attributes that make you look like a male
>Short hair
>Higher levels of testosterone
At the moment you look rather androgenous.
Why am I "mentally a child"? Dudes can also be a bit feminine. The only feminine thing I do is cross dress as a female from time to time and wear make up but it's More for jokes.
Also explain why I hate my genitals? And boobs
Not all men have penises. Nor hair. My bf barely has any hair for your info, so that's enough proof.
I need to do plenty of things I don't like
You sound entitled
Here read up.
It’s literally impossible for a woman to be a man. You’re too emotionally inept, and far too logical. Your poor emotional processing doesn’t allow you to cope with the array of stressors men deal with.
I encourage you to certainly try though. Perhaps start paying for yourself and your guests. Build things for your woman. Work hard and struggle so that you may earn your place. Workout so that you can check the invasions of others into your territory.
Well not everyone has the mental energy to deal with stuff, ugh. You're so inconsiderate.
Your not in a gay relationship if your a girl and he's a boy.
Why would you want to be a boy anyway?
Life is much harder for boys
This is fake and some instagram dump
I'm gay and only date dudes, also I always defend my bf. Whenever people say shit about him, I give people the dead desu glare which silences them the fuck down. Also I plan to be a mortician and also sell my anthro paintings.
Cuz girls suck and we are gay socially because I am a transman and people say I pass as a dude.
No, I deleted my old instagram.
>Not all men have penises. Nor hair
Those are abnormalities.
> My bf barely has any hair for your info
Too much tap water
Guess that just means I'm unique. Explain the tap water meme tho?
>Would a tall person that identifies and wants to be referred as a short person be considered mentally ill?
If he took drugs that effected his hight, tried to chop bits off to reduce his height, write short clothes and insisted everyone called him a short guy then people would probably think he was a little nuts
Y'all niggas postin in a troll thread
social anxiety and depression are mental ailments. You are not meant to feel like that for extended lengths of time
Glad thats not me.
You asked for ways to look more masculine, assuming that you mean that the observer is not yourself but the average person then you need those attributes.
Tap water has higher levels of oestrogen.
Source? And why does it??
And yeah give advice
Being seen as weird or 'nuts' does not indicate mental illness
Transgenderism is Gender dysphoria and is rooted in low self-esteem, and is one example of body dysmorphic disorder, (along with anorexia). They fall in the obsessive-compulsive spectrum, but try getting a psychologist to admit to that publicly. The Left has hijacked theirs, and many other's profession in the name of social engineering to create a global communism.
Transgenderism a mental illness, just like any sexual deviation or fetish, really.
The issue in preventing this is that most of these deviations develop in the early stages of childhood through numerous tiny factors - how you are treated, how you see others treated, what your parents teach you, what you experience, what your mother did during pregnancy, what they fed you, did you have siblings, and so on.
And also no one "passes", m8.
Bone structure immediately gives everything away -- your chin is too tiny and your face is too round to be that of a man. You can maybe put on pounds and cut your hair to hide that, but most people will notice.
The only way you can really "pass" is camera angles.