Why can't Japanese and Chinese people ever makeup and get along? Why do they continue to hate eachother?
Why can't Japanese and Chinese people ever makeup and get along? Why do they continue to hate eachother?
They're the same thing, dumbass.
chinese can pronounce lollapalooza
if barely 囉啦啪嚕咂
Read a history books, dumbass.
Chinese Japanese love-hate relationship only became a thing after WW2 because of Imperial Japan's atrocities.
Island people vs insectoids. Japs are the whites of the future if we don't get our shit together.
>wanting superior Nippon to get along with filthy chinks
Yeah! They're still pissed about it, too.
I remember watching the Nanjing Memorial on RT. The Chinese were wishing a third Nuke on the japs... and being the typical Anime Avatar poster I stirred shit and provoked the Chinese.
I am guessing that Chinese has a vocal set that includes something similar to the English "L", Japanese doesn't. Lollapalooza was used as a friend/foe call out in the pacific theater during WW2 because the even if the enemy knew your friend/foe password they literally could not pronounce it correctly because it uses a sound that is not in the Japanese vocal set.
If you play MGS it is similar to "La Li Lu Le Lo" the patriots were a hidden group and in the original language the game was published in their hidden callsign could not be properly pronounced, a hidden group that you could not even talk about because of the use of an unused sound in the traditional vocal set.
Who wouldn't be if some neighboring country decided to invade a stagnating country due to unfair trade acts imposed by the western colonial masters, and worse, refuses to apologize for it and was promised immunity from America for the research data of Unit 731.
Just Google Unit 731 and the rape of Nanjing. If that were my country....yeah, I'd have a bit of a grudge, too. I don't like the Chinese either, BUT, they are justified in their hated.
Only shitskin chinks hate Jappos, and only because they are jealous.
I didn't see your post until just now. Good points, user.
Chinese aren't humans and japanese are masterrace.
BTW, there are still places in China you still can't drink from Wells, because the Japanese seeded then with Bubonic plague just to see what it would do to the people.
Nope, later. Mao forgave the Japanese as he viewed them as a potential ally vis-à-vis the USA. Only once communism fell anti-Japanism was summoned as a form of pragmatic nationalism to fill the ideological void at the time.
AmSXzlbU is a chink.
Even if they did apologize, it wouldn't be sincere.
The filthy degenerate Chinese think they were the original people who are superior in every way to the "Japanese dogs".
The Japanese ARE better in every way and see the Chineseforwhat they are.
Much the same as repubs vs dems
Of course. How can they sincerely apologize for something that never happened?
Exactly. This is just a Chinese ploy to defame the honorable Japanese.
The Japs fucked your country over too! You're provably just as pissed as the Chinese!
People who are most similar hate eachother the most.
I feel you, bro! Even though you're a limey bitch who's wife's son is probably Muhammad.
What language is that?
What about gay people and homophobic Christians? Got you on that one, you can't find people more different.
Chink runes, dude.
nonsense Chinese to write out lollapalooza, just pronunciation
well,i dont know
why do southern and northern americans hate eachother?
why do romanians hate hungarians?
why do greeks hate turks?
why do scotts hate anglos?
gee,i wonder why
It's in our best interest for Asians to hate each other, be thankful.
>Why can't Japanese and Chinese people ever makeup and get along? Why do they continue to hate eachother?
read a book, nigger
America is to be blamed, not even memeing.
American occupation after the war preserved the emperor and prevented any sort of self reflection that the Japanese could have done, because any reflection would lead to the emperor being blamed.
So the Japanese moved on without any attonment for their crimes and the only reason they lost the war and got nuked was because they lost the fight, not because what they did was wrong
>Why do they continue to hate eachother?
So? I didn't know that
Fucking shithead leaf. Go read a book, dickhead.
I'm a southerner and I have many northerner friends.
How am I wrong tho?
Because, the emperor was considered to be a living God to the Japanese back then and he still is now to some. To kill him would've caused an almost biblical shit storm that would've made peace impossible.
>Why do they continue to hate eachother?
They don't actually hate each other.
chinks don't have any Jomon/Ainu
It really seems like not hating people for things that happened before they were born is a uniquely American quality at times.
BASED Mongolians
ur right! I luv u bro!
The hate goes way back.
You only need to see Chinese people in action to understand. I don't want Chinese either, they are eating half the species in the world extinct, and destroying their energy sources and polluting the entire world to "mine" worthless memecoins.