>hating on based Daiz
We'd never got Ryofukochan without him.
These thread are getting pretty Sup Forumsish. Stop with the pointless console war bullshit. You can download torrents from both sites. Stop being retarded.
Im glad he wont get his way today.
and yet you replied
At risk of being called a newfag, can someone give me a list of groups that are part of cartel? Until recently I believed that cartel was meme just like daiz kill list.
Why not? Ignoring it doesn't do anything. It's a long shot but maybe reading my post will trigger some kind of epiphany.
Anime is officially dead.
There is literally nothing wrong with calling retards retarded.
No. Fuck off.
>implying the daiz assassination list is a meme
The cartel operates by banning sub groups from their secret club torrent tracker if one of their "approved" blue highlight sub groups has already "called" an anime. It doesn't matter if that sub group hasn't finished releasing subs for the anime in 5 months. If any upstart comes along who genuinely loves subbing anime and tries to upload to their website, they will drop the ban hammer. Basically, all the blue highlight torrents on Nyaa.se were cartel releases.
>Ignoring it doesn't do anything.
It's sad that this is where we have come to as a website, after all these years.
>not enough traffic data
Ignoring & reporting those Naruto threads sure did work out well for us didn't it?
>he thinks daiz kill list was a meme
Thank the lord.
Yeah, I figured out how cartel works from lurking. I'm was more interested in group names so I can try to avoid them.
Not to defend them but they were online barely 2 days.
This is why he posts screenshots from Sup Forums on twitter and then replies to them there. You can ban people from your twitter page, but you can't ban people from Sup Forums. It gives his fragile ego just enough coddling so he doesn't kill himself.
But I thought all the subber groups prefer Nyaa.si?
It really doesn't matter if you download them or not. It's not like they receive any money when you download their releases. The only cartel group that should really be avoided out of quality concerns, though, is Commie. They upload joke subs on half the shows they touch. It was part of the problem with old nyaa. Herkz banned "troll subs," but allowed joke subs from Commie and gg.
You mean (((sub groups)))
Let them learn the hard way that they aren't getting downloads by uploading to that website.
>If any upstart comes along who genuinely loves subbing anime and tries to upload to their website, they will drop the ban hammer. Basically, all the blue highlight torrents on Nyaa.se were cartel releases.
jesus how do you even defend this shit, that just plain evil, they clearly the bad guy here
That's why there has been a theme of near universal hatred for the cartel in these threads over the past two weeks.
These are the shittiest, most uninspired, unfunny threads Sup Forums ever produces and that takes some fucking doing. This is literally the exact same thread every single time with no variation. Fuck off
>they're clearly the bad guy here
Obviously, people don't hate the cartel just to circlejerk.
>You can download torrents from both sites.
I'd like everyone to take a moment to observe what a complete non-statement this is, the fact that it has literally nothing to do with what anyone is talking about, and then acknowledge the fact that the reason it's being spammed so often despite that is because it's a canned cartel response.
How will they ever recover from cancer leeches not downloading the free work they do.
>.si got rid of blue highlights completely
>Pantsu still has them
What does it matter?
Use whichever pleases you.
The lesson from .se's fate was something MANY wizards were warning about for a long time - "don't put all your egss in one basket".
Also, Alexa? Anything short of a year's worth of data is SHIT for RETARDS.
whatever do you mean?
I agree that the threads are getting bullish, however the cartel getting blown out is good.
The ideal course of action is to stop making torrent threads in general until they're necessary. If cartel shills again, shill back but other than that let these pseudo generals die.
They're fucking endless at the moment and there's not much else to say on the topic.
Sounds like a butthurt cartel response. Fuck you. This is what you get for banning Doki.
Kill yourself, Herkz,
Are you retarded? Those are Trusted, not A+. The blue highlights on Nyaa were A+.
If you dont make them then somebody else will. These threads are needed until a website is chosen.
Sounds like a minor technicality that doesn't actually matter in practice.
These threads have overstayed their welcome.
pantsu.cat is better because Renge
>less than 1000 followers
Literally a nobody.
a) I rarely torrent
b) when I do I will use pantsu or dex
Ta-da choice made. Unless there's actual news about a site in question, like with .si traking users, there's no point to these threads. What are they helping?
That vaporware logo needs to go though
>try to follow herkz on twitter because xhe has protected xir tweets
>follow request has to be reviewed now
>banning people left and right from xir list of followers
>screencaps are still being posted here
Wait a second
Its not about you.
They trigger the fuck out of the cartel, who previously weren't aware of the near universal animosity toward them.
>sukebei pantsu is in chink
>if somebody is taking a shit on your bed just ignore it!
>protected tweets
>Why not the other ones? I have my concerns about the longevity and leadership of other alternatives like pantsu and anidex. As a few of my peers have warned me, racism seems to also be a concern (though I have no idea how racism is linked to an anime tracker) and we'd like to distance ourselves away from such drama.
to any cartel in this thread, are you even aware that you are on the villain side? everyone is against you, we just want to watch taiwanese cartoons
>torrents before it went down are still marked
You haven't learned the kanji for your fetishes yet?
>Sup Forums is your "bed"
And as I said, I enjoy that but there comes a time where you start to cut your nose to spite your face.
>not about me
>not about users and their habits
It's about choosing a site according to you. I have chosen pantsu and anidex for if and when I need them.
That's it, I don't care if the cartels tracker is full of malware like some fag/g/ots claim.
I'm not using the same fucking site as LELouch.
Are you retarded? there is no purpose for these thread anymore
Dear Diary,
Today Lelouch was not a faggot.
This is just like the filtering system pretty much. Sup Forums isn't all that different.
Is there anything worse than the Cartel? They are like the fat kids who think they own the playground, while we just ignore them and go on with our lives. Pathetic.
I don't want to shill for the cartel, but isn't this comparison absolutely retarded when .si has only been online for 2 days and pantsu for over a week?
How many times have pantsu been on downtime during that week?
>PantsuDev sues the fuck out of the cartel for slandering him
>HS gets taken offline, Dao goes to jail for file piracy
Best possible end.
You don't even know which one I'm using.
Sure, there were some downtimes, but wasn't .si down yesterday too?
So the cartel are the alpha kids of the playground and the Sup Forums are the sissy whiteboys who hide in fear of getting their asses kicked?
Sounds about right.
What did Renge mean by this?
Why shouldn't that be taken into account?
>nyaa.shills are shilling and shitting up pantsu thread
>nyaa.shill are shilling and shitting up pantsu thread
>nyaa.shill are shilling and shitting up pantsu thread
One day you will realize that nobody wants you here and you will hang yourself.
The HS leader already know pantsu scraps from nyaa.si
Daiz and co. B T F O
The fat kids who think they own anything, while in reality, they are just a bunch of delusional faggots.
That's slander and Dao can (and should) be sued for it.
How deceptive. So thats how they plan to get a following? By claiming to be the old Nyaa, knowing that nobody reads the fine print?
Yup, the cartel would definitely tell you to use both.
I always thought the Alexa statistics are monthly. Their ranking wouldn't be worth shit if it was based on daily numbers because there would be huge fluctuations.
Turn your fucking trip off you god damned unbearable faggot
Did you read the links in the OP?
Since when does HorribleSubs care about public image.
The Nyaa.shills will then try to stop these threads because they do not fit their narrative.
No, you can't sue someone for something vague like that.
>all the people who ONLY download stuff from Horriblesubs go there
>users from other sites like MAL and r/anime also go there
>currently airing shows have a good amount of seeds
>anything older than 2 years is barely seeded
>overall a big community but with poor quality of users
>people who want an alternative go there
>mostly populated by Sup Forums, Sup Forums and a few stranded Sup Forumsirgins
>currently airing shows are seeded but not in great amounts
>shows older than 2 years are still being actively seeded
>overall a small community but with good quality of users
You can sue for practically any reason if there is even a suggestion of impropriety. Doesn't mean he will win the suit, but at least Dao will have to hire an attorney and spend thousands of dollars a month on legal defense as the suit is litigated.
Not the guy you responded to, but the links in the OP aren't worth shit after this little time. You need at least a full month of data until those links will give a meaningful representation.
>defeating the jew at its own game
I'm sure Pantsudev could be sued for his joke that lead to this too then.
>mentioning seeds
>not knowing Some-Stuffs
Nope, that's free speech. Unlike Dao, he didn't slander any specific person by implying that he's not Jewish himself.
Me not knowing him doesn't help your case. I don't know why you highlighted the point. You are only proving me right.
Literally nothing is seeded. How am I supposed to download any of this shit?
You get an AB account.
To be fair those numbers are fucked up. When I tested that site the torrent I downloaded had 400 seeds.