What's the best website for finding a traditionalist gf?

What's the best website for finding a traditionalist gf?

2D women come from 2chan.
3D women are best to find in national parks and other wilderness areas. I met a geologist. she was pretty cool.

Think again!

You should have asked what are some dogwhistles to know a woman is trad?
>wears dresses
>is not vocally marxist (so either apolitical or right-wing)
>is a bit autismo
These are the usual signs. But you have to learn to know them first, even hippie-looking women can sometimes surprise with their nonconformity to the stereotype you'd expect based on looks.

That was a bear, you lonely bastard.

Just go all out on your dating profile. You never know, you might find a unicorn.

Holy fucking shit.

I have not been having much luck on Tinder but I think ill make an OKC too.

i noticed some strange turning there, women and younger women seeking more trado relationships besides girls looking for a gamingpartner.

just put in your profile an immage you have about how you see yourself with your future wife.
like watching your grandchildren play in the garden while you bake a sunday cake with grandmother. teaching your grandson gardening while grandmom is making lunch or baking a 4 o clock cake.
or type a story about you and your grandfather/mom and end it with how amazing he she was and you'd like to be the same grandparent one day.

put in interests maybe things like : i want children

forget the look how awsome i look chad macho halfnaked selfies, put something decent in everyday clothing and things from your job, what you do, your hobby, some landscapes you like even some food or something.
be creative and be yourself and honest


probably catfishing antifa

This is actually pretty good advice

Church bro, and get saved along the way

yea prolly wright..
too obvious is too obvious

Get on POF and OKCupid and find a cute thick girl. Give her some good dick and actually treat her decently. She will blindly follow whatever ideology you propose after that.

purge the jew out of your life

Thank you Ameribro, I only have 1 decent picture of myself though, any advice for taking more?

What if you're are en Europe.
>congregation consists of a dozen 80 year-olds

Also is /fit/ and possibly /lit/

If a girl has a dating profile where 100s of thirsty guys can lust for her and give her attention, then she is automatically not trad...

Don't go on OKcupid, it's mostly tumblr-type of women and even if you're a 10/10, girls will treat you like shit.
Tinder, on the other hand, is a pretty good place as most people use it, so you get every variety. I actually met my gf on there and I've been with her for a few years now. She was also a virgin when I met her.
>inb4 she lied and she's a degenerate
Stop projecting your insecurities so hard.

>I actually met my gf on there and I've been with her for a few years now

Any advice for getting a girl on there bro?

You’re on it.

PoF has the most country-type girls in my area, though it's mostly filled with nignogs, hookers, and catfishes.

OkCupid is going to have tons of "nerds" and liberals, though you can filter them out with answering questions. Though it's going in the shitter.

Tinder is just thots.

Be patient. Honestly, I was rejected and went on shit date so many times. Girls on there are real cunts, I was extremely lucky. But here's the best tip I can give you: swipe right all day. I would get 1-2 matches per day that way, then you can filter the good and bad ones from the matches you get. That way you're time efficient.