Are mixers actually a thing in Japan? Do random sararymen meet some random sluts girls and try to get laid?

Are mixers actually a thing in Japan? Do random sararymen meet some random sluts girls and try to get laid?

It's just a casual date with other 2 couples. What is so weird about it?

Yes, they're a thing almost everywhere. Makes sense for Japan too since they're going to become extinct soon if they don't.

Ending was sad. goddammit

they're called swingers everywhere else, they're very common and their parties involve drugs, orgies and extremely rich and attractive people.


mixers are a thing everywhere

Yeah, mixers are more casuals. They have actual formalized meetings set up by companies if two people can't meet anyone for real.

if only. in practice it just means you're putting on a show for five people instead of just one.

funny part is everyone wants to get out of omiai arrangements.

I cannot think of anything worse, more awkward or more autistic than these.

They also have this in China.
It's not really mixers but a "club" for people searching for a partner.
One club I watched on a documentary was going on for 5 years. Nobody in the club has found a lover yet. They are just meeting up, eating together, chatting up. For 5 years.

>Don’t have a wife? You might quite reasonably think “I don’t have time to even think about that.” Don’t worry — the company will fix your social calendar for you. It is socially mandatory that your boss, in fulfillment of his duties to you, sees that you are set up with a young lady appropriate to your station. He is likely to attempt to do this first by matching you with a young lady in your office. There are, at all times, a number of unattached young ladies in your office. Most of them choose to quit right about when they get married or have children.

>You might imagine that you heard a supervisor tell a young lady in the office “Hey, you’re 30 and aging out of the marriage market, plus I hear you’re dating someone who is not one of my employees, so you might want to think about moving on soon.”, but that would be radioactively illegal, since Japanese employment discrimination laws are approximately equivalent to those in the US. A first-rate Japanese company would certainly never do anything illegal, and a proper Japanese salaryman would never bring his company into disrepute by saying obviously untrue things like the company is systematically engaged in illegal practices. So your ears must be deceiving you. Pesky ears.

If I can't marry an anime girl, then I'd rather be single my whole life rather than get leeched off by some 3DPD slut.

>ywn be a Jap CEO trying out all of the new girls as per company policy

I live in Tokyo

Not so much salarymen, more like one of your friends knows you're single and looking and also knows some girls and you all go out drinking and if you like each other hook up or arrange another date privately. Everyone exchanges numbers (so your interest in one person isn't obvious) and then you simply message the person you're interested in after.

I'm going on a mixer next week, hope I meet some cute girls.

>going after 3DPD

That's an oxymoron user.

>that would be radioactively illegal

Who are your waifus? I have a theory that the more unrealistic your waifus are, the less you like real girls.

Omiai is pretty successful and plenty of people (of both sexes) are going to the omiai independently

Go to work Tom.

>not going to mixers to take advantage of sluts, only to learn they already wanted to be taken advantage of as cocksleeves



>party pooper triggered
No fun allowed

don't need to be jelly, and I'm not white. whoops

Did this guy die and he's getting NTRed as a ghost?

What manga is this from?

Is this what sex really feels like?

He's able to have out of body experiences, and he's looking in on his ex-girlfriend that he was never able to have sex with.

post your fav group sex doujins.

Yuutai Nova.

Mizuryu is always nice.

>tfw there will never be a real MizuryuKeiLand

Cucked into oblivion

I'm going to Japan and fucking as many of them as possible to help with the birthrate.

Gender is not an issue

all men? women? mixed?


>white guy believes he's super hot once he steps on asian soil

spic actually :^)

Have you ever been to Tokyo. All those fucking nerdy white guys with big fat glasses walking around with a cute japanese girl by their side. It's unreal.

Why do white people win at everything?
This again proves they're demons.

This really only occurs in old fashioned companies, you'd never see it in the modern day. No one gets married unless they want to anymore, which is why no one gets married in Japan

>untrue things like the company is systematically engaged in illegal practices

It's not that they are automatically alot more attractive. I think it's a combination of several things.
1. They usually work in IT, alot of foreigners that moves to Japan end up working in IT, not just as codemonkeys and techsupport but as leaders of a companie's IT depertment, or IT security or consultants. This makes them attractive since they have a proper career and makes good money.

2. They are taller than most japanese men, the average in Japan is around 170 cm. Many of these guys are 180 cm or more.

3. They stand out more. Here in the west if you look average you just melt into the crowd and won't get much notice. If you live in Japan you stand out extremely well so there's a higher chance that a girl that would find your type attractive notice you.

When will women's standards finally drop so half the world doesn't end up with negative nation growth?

Don worry. IVF exists in case of emergencies

Normalfags do it here in the USA, so I don't see why it wouldn't also happen in Japan.

I participated in something like this when I studied in Japan.

In my college there was a girl who organised such dates for japanese college and schoolgirls who wanted to meet a foreigner.

It was pretty awkward because my japanese was pretty bad and girls barely understand few english words.

Judging by the asian women used in Hollywood, the burger perception of cute/hot is pretty warped.

anal sex with easy girls at mixers!

Yes and usually the women are OLs from within the company specifically hired to marry off to the companies salarymen.

>white people win at everything
Keep telling yourself that whitey.

The dick transcends language barriers.

I think white people can go faceblind with Asians. I've had it happen to me before, especially if they give you attention

>only 15 countries have an average IQ at the mean or above
Why is the world so retarded?

That's really no different than going to bar and chat up some random people, except mixers are organized by someone.

>Why is the world so retarded?
Niggers/pajeets/mudslimes/various south Americans and other brown people

>except mixers are organized by someone.
Usually by your boss, and they're mandatory.

>this will never be my boss
Kill me

Man, that was a pretty good manga

His art is god tier but he doesn't draw porn. Why is this allowed

i sure do hate to be a saucefag, but sauce?

What the fuck, why? What if you just want to be single?

great thread, i love that anime too
fuck you

Then lose ur job

>going to bar and chat up some random people
I hope nobody actually does this. This is considered sexual harrassment these days.

>Germany that high with all these immigrants
Diveristy truly is the solution!

This is human IQ buddy.

It's like compulsory overtime, you just have to do it as part of your job

It really is my (((friend)))

Kitazaki Taku

>muh birthrate
Isn't germany and s. korea's way lower?

Yeah because those rapefugees aren't shitting out kids every 10 minutes or anything

Careful now, we have Canadians and cartel shills all over the board at the moment, you're likely to find a lot of redditors and other assorted faggots crying at you for being mean.

They sound like feudal Lords and vassals at that point.

>What if you just want to be single?
Then attend a mixer and mingle with people without hooking up with someone. You fend off your boss, stay single, and have fun in the process

>mixer with a bunch of desperate cakes
>have fun

The food and booze helps, senpai

>without hooking up with someone

Maybe in Japan are more common, but there are everywhere