"o-oh, hey user."

>"o-oh, hey user."

Other urls found in this thread:


Hu fu fu fu~

fuck off slut

Superior Semen Demon

I still remember than Shin Maou Testament show. An oldie but a goodie.



Hello my cute JC wife

I want to lick Aoba's butt.

Hifumi doesn't give that.
Hello Hifumin.

Where's the savior of New Game, the great Nenecchi?

In my bed.

>Hifumi doesn't give that.
Your denial is amusing.


I recognize that bulge.

I'd ransomware Aoba if you know what I mean.

So, anyone watched the literal shit subs for the OVA?

It's too late for you to go out this late at night?

What did she mean by this?

Casual sex with Aoba.

Are you also an employee at Eagle Jump?

I'm going to have to ask you to produce to some I.D.

Is Aoba awkwardly saying hi to user a meme now? What does it mean?

Would Aoba or Nennechi be better at Enjo-kōsai?

I want to sniff her butthole.

Aoba already has a job, she doesn't need to whore herself out. Nenecchi might need the money though, especially now that her time at Eagle Jump is over..

what subs?

How is Aoba the plainest girl while at the same time also the sexiest?

Because she looks like an elementary schooler with a fat ass.

Shitty Jp-Fr-En script hardsubbed on a terribly upscaled raw. It's on anidex.


>smile at aoba
>walk away

The fuck is with these subs?

What the fuck. Is it up on nyaa?

>Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

I'm surprised they're such trash subs, New Game seemed popular. Any chance of Mori doing them?

Actual demon comin through (though she doesn't act like one)

Aoba's midriff.

No idea about him, but maybe Doki will do it.

Nyaa.si devs said they'd allow doki subs there again, not sure if they'd want to work with the cartel though.

How generous of them

She's not plain at all, senpai
She's super cute, and she has a hidden mean, acerbic side underneath is all. She's cute poison.

Not mori, but we're working on a release. Hopefully out by the end of the weekend.

They're french to english

It's on anidex.

Did the OVA ever get subs?

*good subs

With 283 MB it can't have such a shitty resolution.

Literally two posts above ya.

Good, thank you.
are decent vids available by now?

Dunno. Ours is ripped straight from disc.

Wasn't it just the owner's autism or something?
Eh, thank god we have for now more alternatives to them.

Sounds ok.
Who are you anyway? Any group I might now?

We're all people who have done stuff before. Not final yet what group tag we're releasing under. Fansub groups are more nebulous than people think.

Hajime still best New Gay.
















Hajime should get milked.