Ghana YES!
If this is a trend lets get it going
Ghana YES!
If this is a trend lets get it going
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>"You might not have electricity, but you won't get killed by the police either."
oh man this writes itself fellas
bump for lulz
That would only work for those who look african.
A place for Black Nationalists! Yes! They must flee from white oppression
probably better to run with it then get into those details later. anyone who self identifies as black or black muslim is kind of who i had in mind.
checked. they simply must. racial police violence becomes a thing of the past. disregard necklacing and vigilante justice and weird voodoo shit
this is something that can be easily pushed once Black Panther comes out
>look at this amazing 100% black civilization
>go back to africa and make your own country
Yeah but the ones we desperately want to go to Africa aren't going anywhere
The whole article she claims that she is made to felt like a second class citizen? She’s obviously the kind of person who would say the fact she had to wait behind whites in a grocery store is her being made a second class citizen
This will only truly apply to the blacks with the means to make the transition. The well-meaning, educated blacks will continue to leave and we'll be stuck with the hood rats and dindus.
Because they are in prison.
absolutely. minor inconveniences of everday life portrayed as having to endure unspeakable racism and marginalisation... Unless you move to Ghana
fuck, that gif. my sides
Good idea user! Black Pride is going to be at its peak when Kangz the Film is playing. Time to rid our country of the apes that only drag us down.
I actually know a black girl who moved to Ghana after graduating with an engineering degree. But that's because her grandmother still lived in Ghana and she went back to take care of her. It's pretty fucking hilarious though as all any of her cousins or sisters want to do is date white guys. Basically all the single women came over from Ghana, got a husband, had a kid then the dad left like clockwork so they all hate black Americans. Only the one who was married to an Italian stayed.
fair point, but in terms of hypotheticals, it could be advertised through a utopian framework, minor incentives may be instituted. $3500 each maybe??
This is kind of exciting
>"You hear stories about the richest black people, like Oprah Winfrey, getting shut out of a store or Jay-Z not being allowed to buy [an apartment]. Those things happen.
As long as the lighter skinned ones don't outnumber the darker ones, I think they'll be good.
Not a bad move.
The average Afro-American family can live like Kangz in Africa, given their education and initial capital.
I'm white but I lived in Ghana for 5 years.
Personally I wouldn't want to live their all my life, but you essentially live like millionaires with cooks, cleaners, guards, etc.
> Blaxit
Ghanaian aren't racist.
They don't care about your skin color or your tribe.
Which is quite remarkable because the Ashanti's did enslave all the other tribes and sold them to Dutch and English slavers, but they don't hold a grudge neither towards the Ashanti's nor towards the Dutch or English.
>even the wealthiest entrepreneurs can't escape oppression
only 1 option user
Yeah, I suppose you could promise some dope to dindus to have them moving.
interesting. So the cucky Erik Eriksson tweet about "muh free market Ghanans" is essentially true?
I don't know who that is or what he tweeted.
incentivize user. large groups of poor inner city children can get fast tracked for approval. affirmative action if you will
No way fag, I like it here. The rest of the dark-skinned monkeys can go back but I'm staying.
Liberia 2.0
>tfw when ex-slaves go back to Africa an enslave blacks themselves.
What happen when they will find out Wakanda isnt real?
This is the reason why Blaxit won't work. There's plenty of darkies who stay just to fuck white women to spite us.
>i like it here
yea, precisely why this should be marketed strategically. nobody can make you do anything at this point, hence the need for creativity by using leftist drivel and Sup Forums's autism to prop up this idea. the notion that blacks have living alternatives other than staying in the united states to shoot people and reload their EBT cards.
>white women
Nah. All IRL women are bitches. I'll stick to 2D, thanks.
precisely why this should be marketed strategically
It shouldn't be marketed at all. It's a bad idea. Africa is a shithole through and through, and why anyone would want to live there is beyond me. Maybe if the other chimps just stopped being detriments to society and pinning their problems on some big white boogeyman who hasn't existed in hundreds of years they wouldn't be getting shot left and right..
We wuz cartoon characters n shieet muhfugga. Whypipo devil men came and took all through trickery to make the movie. It was jus like dat when wez got here, holla. Gimme money for dem build-up projecs
checked, nice trips m8
>if the other chimps just stopped being detriments to society and pinning their problems on some big white boogeyman
if you have a practical way of doing this im all ears. it would seem that this would be the easier undertaking if it were achievable but i'm having trouble envisioning it. agreed though that it is a shithole through and through, that's why all the ungratefulness from the black community is comical, and extremely obnoxious
Its perfect but we must make sure before the nigs leave they sign a document saying they forfeit their right to return
They don't want to leave because of the welfare. Funny how your cuckolded mind went straight to that. You must be a liberalist.
I applaud them, the best way to make something better of Africa is with this kinds of actions, just trhrowing money to Africa does not work in the long run.