Where were you when Kaneki and Touka fucked and Etofags got completely BTFO?
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Hakitori is a true philosopher and a scholar
>yfw she eated his face instead of kissing him
>Last three chapters, death of a side character and the total insanity of Mutsuki all done just to force the two worst characters into a hamfisted romance the author couldn't resolve on his own
For a change this manga doesn't seem that much of a clusterfuck and looks like it will actually be going somewhere. Also touka a qt.
How have the tumblrfags been reacting to the tranny's meltdown? Are they still "muh representation" or have they forsaken Mutsuki?
I do like the fact that Mutsuki is a 'realistic' tranny i.e. She's totally batshit and mentally fucked-up. I'm really, really happy that Ishida went "No, she's fucking crazy. She is a literal axe-murderer, and dressing like a guy just highlights how insane she is."
Tumblr BTFO in the best way possible.
Most people there are only posting about ToukaXKaneki now and pretending Mutsuki doesn't exist or they never shilled her.
So like Sup Forums with Eto.
Too busy on TouKen to even notice pic related.
Stop bumping please. Minimize duplicate threads for being made.
thei fuk
Cute and Perfect!
And about fucking time
I like it that Ishida clearly tells us that Touka will ride him. I mean i couldnt picture any other position for them but still.
Watched 9 episodes of TG anime.
I like the concept and I like Touka. But obviously anime is not going anywhere with the plot or character development. Did they do a better job in manga regarding the plot and characters?
>when the time is right you can fuck me
>10 minutes later and she's raping him
Damn women are scary when it comes to securing status and wealth through their bodies
Reveling in the thought of EtoxJuuzou chances possibly increased.
First manga is solid. Don't read :re.
I almost got into the :re hate train because of the bikes but somehow ishida managed to make them cool as fuck. Based ishida, how can other authors compete?
how much will you be willing to bet she didn't actually do shit?
Loving the tears of these Etofags.
Is there a proper and/or satisfying ending in the first manga?
>Don't read :re
Is this a meme or is it really not worth it?
Shame they changed how Touka looks there. Well, at least from those few picks I saw.
I love how she looks in the anime, not so much in manga (both original and re).
>Is there a proper and/or satisfying ending in the first manga?
There is an ending in Part 1, but it's devastating. It's still a positive experience, I'd recommend it.
>Is this a meme or is it really not worth it?
It's readable until the Tsukiyama Raid Arc. Afterwards it's a different manga, not worth reading honestly.
that bicycle shit was fucking retarded. I know they're at war but I liked when TG was little beyond average human soldiers in the many vs the few super human cannibals. It had a balance and strategy to it. Now it's been ridiculous edge and whoever has the most power. No thought in tactics.
There's already a re: thread newfriends. Don't bump this one
Alright, thanks.
Last bump
Yeah but Touka is pretty useless for half the manga and it's going downhill at some point in :re.
Give it a try I'd say.
She looks like a man. Ayato is prettier than her.