I've been awakened to the JQ and other various right wing ideas(white ethnostate, degeneracy etc.) but I still can't understand how people can support Hitler despite all this. He infringed on the sovereignty of the Polish people, who are white and have saved Europe's ass when they struck a death blow to the Islamic Ottomans at Vienna in 1683 or when stopped the red menace in 1920 from invading an extremely weak Weimar Germany. On top of that he was a heavy drug user, taking amphetamines, bull semen, and morphine among others. Is praising Hitler just a meme or are people serious in thinking that killing hundreds of thousands of an ethnicity that saved white Europe on multiple occasions a good idea
Why did Hitler want to kill fellow white brothers?
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Interesting and enlightening, yet Beck was only half incorrect, the German army was weak and under supplied, a German general even said at the Nuremburg trials that the Luftwaffe was literally out of stuka bombs after the invasion of Poland. I've read claims that if France had attacked during the invasion Germany would have fallen because there was essentially a skeleton crew on the Franco-German border. Regardless of all that the claims of Hitler that Slavic people were Untermensch is widespread and undeniable, with the Lebensraum concept being the main reason Germany invaded Poland, unless that whole concept can be debunked as some sort of Jew lie?
shameless self bump because I need answers
His hand was forced
because at the time we were baited by brits and french into opposing him
Because he was an idiot.
Care to expand on that idea?
because he was G*rman
The brits gassed the poles up and made them think that they would have their back, so Poland got ballsy and started shit with Germany, then the Brits kiked Poland and left them for dead
i dont really have enough knowledge or pics to really "expand" but i can provide a quick rundown
>be poland
>regain independence after 1918
>hitler rises to power in germany
>getting all militarized
>britain and france offer an anti-german alliance along with hitlers proposition of building that road to prussia
>poland obviously sides with britain and france because Józef Beck and forced we must hate germans meme (look at for more reference)
>britain and france promise to help us in case of war
they indeed helped, by throwing notes saying "stop fighting" on now blitzkrieged poland
Hitler's memorandum addressed to Himmler dated 4 March 1944. In this memorandum, discussing the affairs of nations shattered by the Third Reich, "fuerher" wrote about Poles:
> "Poles are the most intelligent of all the people with whom Germany came across during the war in Europe... Poles in my opinion and basing on the observation and reports from the General Government, are the only nation in Europe that combines high intelligence with the incredible cleverness. They are the most talented people in Europe, because while living in extremely difficult political circumstances, acquired the great sense of living, unparalleled anywhere.
> Based on recent research made by Reichsrassenamt, the scientists came to the belief that Poles should be assimilated into German society as a racially valuable. Our scholars concluded that a combination of German orderliness with Polish imaginativeness would give excellent results".
200 000+ Polish kids were kidnapped by Hitler and raised as germans
Hitler was a German/Nodric/Aryan supremacist, not a white supremacist. People worship him because he was ahead of his time and he was correct on most things. I believe if he could see Europe today then he wouldn't have acted the way he did towards certain Euros. Its all about perspective.
Dond judge if you don't know reality and every aspect of the situation.
also this.
hitler wouldve definietely acted differently towards poland if he was alive today, mainly because of the based poland meme but also because of the amount of joos in today's poland
How you make the conclusion that Hitler looked down other races? I can keep some one higher place and still respect others. Aryan race is most evolved. That does not mean others have to disappear. What i seen in Hitler speeches is that he wanted to release human race from ((their)) bondage.
krauts are niggers, that's why
people praising hitler would end up in antifa organizations if they didn't find natsoc, both draw rejects with pompous rhetoric and shit
only difference is that one sets an absolute purpose (aryan domination etc) while the other kinda abolishes all purposes (and authority)
larping either way, neither of these groups has power and can't change anything
oh btw hitler loved muslims
American IQ60 jewnated answer. So much ignorance and thoughtless conclusions. How you can think that if you do not know fully situation they were.
>He infringed on the sovereignty of the Polish people, who are white and have saved Europe's ass
You're retarded and obviously have not been awakened to the JQ since you know nothing about the historical period. Back then Polish people, and Slavs in general, were not considered white. Neither were Italians, Irish, or even Jews (yes, many people today consider Jews to be white). Hell, the whole "ubermensch" concept was applied to Slavs more often than Jews.
Hitler was strictly talking about true Aryans, the true whites. I suggest you keep reading about WW2 and Hitler before making such uneducated posts. Poland didn't deal a "death blow" to the Ottomans at Vienna and Hitler was going to kill all commies in the Weimar Republic anyway.
as usual some salty ukrainian living in canada try to rewrite history... what's wrong with your nation mykola?
Where the fuck could you even get such an idea? I just said that Slavs aren't white and you're accusing me of being an Ukrainian? Retard. But considering how many Ukrainian, Poles and Russians we have around here (largest Slav minority in the world), it is a pretty good guess.
Taking Danzig was perfectly justified. Everything else was just defense. He was willing to make peace with Britain and France even after they had declared war on Germany and was willing to make peace with Britain after he had defeated France.
im talking about the battle of Vienna and few battles with Ottomans after this battle. You are literaly creating our own version of history living in your imaginated world.
> largest Slav minority in the world
well i never heard that but i doubt this, canada is like what, 36 mil large? slavic minorities there are like 1,5 mil each / russian might be bigger. The only one group not considered a minority could be anglos/irish/scotish. if ur not one of them you are a minority in canada.
Because he was a disgusting filthy Kraut and they see themselves as superior to other Europeans despite living in trees and being smelly pagans until Charlemagne. Pic related
There is documents showing he begged the british not to go to war with him and that he was applauded in every country he invaded.
The only upset people were the jews, I understand why, because the Nazis were coming for the jews, they had decided that (((they))) were the problem of europe.
I can talk openly about this with any Israelis, Israelis are very open to free speech and ideas, please do not mistake me for just a killer jew-hater.
>slavs aren't white meme
Hitler fought for German supremacy, not white supremacy, why is it so hard to understand?
he was crypto-rothschild bastard child
Because he is an american
For americans, there is little to no difference between race and ethnicity
Have you listened to the 1961 speech of Benjamin Freedman? Its on jewtube,
Germans arent aryans, stop spreading this bullshit
He is still toted around by white supremacists despite plunging europe into a massive white massacre
Get your filthy Germ hands off our Gdansk
It's just the state of some of Sup Forumstards. They are never gonna admit, that their idol made countable severe mistakes that costed him losing the war. If you tell them about it, they will call you a Jew. Nothing new.
P.S. Do you really think that their (Kraut) grandparents considered Slavs as human beings, if nowadays, after all these years of leftist propaganda (((we are all humans))) tier, Prussiaboos vel Krauts still don't consider Slavs as equal to them human beings?
(((jew)))polak is not white not is brother of any kind
/Hitler hater jew/thread
No such thing exists. Germany will however retake occupied Danzig the moment our cucked government falls.
exactly why I'm asking for new information, I don't know enough about this certain situation and who better to ask than Sup Forums
And so is every thread, polak ((jew 56%)))delusion and lies
nice LARPing song but Merkel shows no sign of stopping soon, stay jealous of our white ethnostate germ
Bolshevism started WW2, not Hitler. No Hitler just means Red Army invades Poland alone in 1939, and the Britcucks still do nothing. Then the USSR takes Germany and the Britcucks still do nothing. After that, who knows, but the USSR was always going to invade West again after they got their strength up.
>im talking about the battle of Vienna and few battles with Ottomans after this battle.
Ottoman Empire survived for centuries after the battle and only started declining in 1828, so what the fuck are you talking about exactly? How is that a death blow? You do know what a death blow is?
>well i never heard that but i doubt this,
I meant by percentage. Out of Europe and Central Asia, Canada is the only country with a Slav minority over 12% of the overall population.
It's not a meme. Today you are as white as the kikes are, white only in name. Hitler knew you were subhumans.
Possibly the most retarded post in this whole thread, the red army was in absolutely no state to invade europe in '39
(((jew))) polak not accepting pooland being shit-hole on a stolen clay, producing jews and slavshit's, endless pit of EU funds
>fellow white brothers
He was a civic nationalist. only cared about Germans.
>Ottoman Empire survived for centuries after the battle and only started declining in 1828
Their advance into Europe was halted after the battle of Vienna and they started losing land and wars since that battle
yes, you definitely lack knowledge, this is why you spew bullshit to gain attention and acceptance from 4channers who come from more likeable countries than yours
Merkel has another four years at most. The anti-german guilt culture is crumbling even as the government tries to enforce it ever more frantically. The occupied eastern territories will be liberated before the end of this century.
i bet 100$ that there is a british flag behind this meme flag
Never forget that he's Austrian. Keep that fact in mind and all his idiotic decisions during his lifetime will make sense. Austrians hate the Poles.
not rly, russians didn't have any real army back than. Whats more they just got beaten up by Poles decade earlier. Russians literaly entered empty land cause everyone was fighting germans.
Poles were fighting many battles after Vienna and pushing Ottomans even more
> Out of Europe and Central Asia, Canada is the only country with a Slav minority over 12% of the overall population
oh so now you have full data on how many germans who settled in canada is slavic? or how many slavic austrians settled there? Let me guess, you live in the world where Germany is 100% germanic/nordic, Norway is 100% germanic, Poland and Czechia are 100% slavic?
> Hitler knew you were subhumans.
thats why he kidnapped 200k+ polish kids, right?
Seriously now i understand why everyone discard canadians opinions, their mouths are always full of shit.
It's almost as if countries with a large polish diaspora start to dislike poles, while countries that have no contact with you consider Poland to be le based white holdout. Funny how that works.
Israel is the kike state. Why go after the only militant christian country in Europe when you can smite israel?
I'd return to the Vaterland to reclaim the eastern Provinces
Silesia is rightful German clay
There is not enough discussion about israel in here.
Which countries support israel even the most?
Which countries give israel nuclear submarines?
Which countries actively work against the west even more?
It'll be great.
Catholics are far below niggertier.
How can such a progressive government in Germany give nuclear submarines to a state like israel?
How many Germans are aware of the issue?
Yeah, just look at these bavarians
>It's almost as if countries with a large polish diaspora start to dislike poles, while countries that have no contact with you consider Poland to be le based white holdout. Funny how that works.
Can confirm hatred towards polak slavshit untermensch.
Worthless degenerate LARPing scum of the earth
Yeah. This is correct. Weird how Sup Forums slobs on his knoblet when he is responsible for the destruction of Europe and the emergence of the US to protect it.
Fuckin polacken jew scum with their pseudohistoryan nuclear crayons, shameless LARPing and eternal victim's...
Look who gets to speak!
>Germans arent aryans, stop spreading this bullshit
Polacken swine is?
jew- yes, Aryan- never!
>proves that a sizable percentage of Germany is not ethnically German
>instant shitfit
Today we have genetics but as some idiots still believe in Shitler propaganda
We dont care for muh white people, we only care for our self. I wouldnt mind invading again our shitty neighbors if we gain something out of it. We are the Übermenschen and are destined to rule over europe.
dude this one is pretty funny.
this meme is opening my eyes.
my country is changing .
>sacrifices cities to refugees
>suicides in less than a decade
Yes, and what better way to do this than to ruin it as much as possible? Did you like the Merkel Lego blocks around the Christmas markets? Have your police forces stopped tweeting in Arabic yet?
Germans are the faggots of europe, you tried to conquer twice and failed so now you're ruining it for everyone.
I like that fuckin painting...
Poles own German clay , he wanted it back that's all .
If we crash Europe with no survivors than it was our destiny all along. But Germans cant be destroyed, we were bombed to ground more then once and we recovered quickly.
Aristocracy is not to be trusted.
they will just improve our genetic lineage. The purest Aryan and Arab genes combined are unbeatable.
That's still not a "death blow", and their decline only start in the 19th century, much later than the Vienna battle.
>Poles were fighting many battles after Vienna and pushing Ottomans even more
Nothing too significant actually. The Ottomans were more occupied with the arab revolts than conquering fucking Europe
>oh so now you have full data on how many germans who settled in canada is slavic?
Can't learn to properly google you subhuman scum?
>thats why he kidnapped 200k+ polish kids, right?
Most likely to use as lower class citizens. Look up Generalplan Ost, he planned on exterminating your subhuman ass and also planned on leaving some of you behind to use as workers. He really didn't like Polish subhumans.
Why is Gdansk claimed as German clay in the first place? Poles and slavs before them held it for longer than any form of the German state see
>Poles own German clay , he wanted it back that's all .
Also poolan is jewry of Europe
LARPing (((jew))) polak.
Danzig was free city and will be German again
>East Germans are not really Germans because I say so
Sure thing Mateusz.
This wouldn't be fine if it were real.
I know you're shitposting, but don't even joke about that. If there's one way to ruin your superior genetic lineage, it's by mixing with arabs.
'Gdansk' does not exist. Occupied Danzig is german.
because hitler was a self serving autistic mong high on amphetamines
Hitler was a double agent.... He worked for both sides of the same bank....
He was possessed by a demon who lived inside the spear of destiniy
Is this some kind of new leftypol shill tactic? No sane person would believe that. What were you thinking?
>those retards on Sup Forums believe in conspiracy theories and shit so let's just say Hitler really worked for tha joos, surely they'll believe that
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we're not actually that dumb.
>This wouldn't be fine if it were real.
true, it's not real
the reality is far worse
hitler was a nationalist not a racist. his nation
just happened to be the glorious color of white.
>kraut: we occupied it for 120 years.. therefore last 900 years doesnt matter
indian legion Wehrmacht.
He didn't.
Poles and Lithuanians build their empire by theyselves. While Germans did it with A HUGE russian help.
Also Germany failed the colonial race. People, in America too, like to say a degenerathy jokes about "muh french pussies". But Frenchmen conquered half of Africa, including Mahrib.
While Germans and Austrians failed the colonial race. At all.
what? Poland - Lithuania. The true EUROPE
Adolf Hitler was a delusional nationalist from the very violent nation of Germany. During WW2, he was doped up on a cocktail of drugs including testosterone, amphetamines, and barbiturates by a quack personal doctor. Hitler's actions during WW2 are based on the delusion of racial superiority brought about by a prolonged drug psychosis. He was a brilliant leader, orator, and military strategist, but he was also a paranoid delusional drug addict.
What is truly funny to me is that many of you who frequent this board would not be alive if you were in Germany at the time of Hitler's reign. Do not forget the 5+ million non-jews who died in the Holocaust, including the Roman Gypsies, Christian Priests, and the mentally ill. I think it goes without saying mental illness plagues this board, especially autism. Many of you Nazi-supporter LARPERS would have been put down like a dog by your own glorious leader for being "unfit for life".
What exactly do you mean by "german"?
>He infringed on the sovereignty of the Polish people
Poles killed ethnic Germans. Read some history.
Regionalism is the future of Germany. Especially if right Austrians will won. There is no reason for est Germans to stay in federation yet.