Only the most infuriating scenes in anime history can be posted in this thread

Only the most infuriating scenes in anime history can be posted in this thread

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yeah, vegeta could have escaped, without making goku look like a retard



The point in which Dragon Ball turned from a fun adventure show with likeable characters into absolute irredeemable shit.

>Huh? What was that?


But that screencap isn't from episode 1.

Kuririn wait, he killed all of our friends but he also seems like a man I could be a best friend with! C'mon buddy, let him go for my sake :)


Aside from the aliens twist the vegeta saga works as a sort of grand finalle. Namek and everything that comes after it though is garbage on a scale that makes even Naruto look like a creative masterpiece.

Look at that stupid face, he deserved it

beat me to it

If the sword could kill Vegetableman so easily then why didn't they use it earlier? Why didn't they all fight with weapons?



Only because Vegeta is hurt

This killed the /l/

wtf is is /I/

>introducing aliens
>introducing an entire world to be explored in space
Shouldn't have opened that door.


beat me to it.


God that pissed me off.

>lol he just jumped off

>let's have the main characters lose against their mean-spirited rival team at the end of the first season due to a last-second fluke!
>let's have their last chance at a revenge match get ruined by their mid-air ball not counting, even though pretty much every single match until now was decided by mid-air balls!
Literally why? Ro-Kyu-Bu would be a great sports anime if not for that one rage-inducing moment.


Ro-Kyu-Bu had sports in it? Huh, I watched both seasons and didn't even notice.


>slimy coward Krillin about to about to murder an injured opponent who he never could've beaten on his own or in any kind of a fair fight, after his friends took him down first
I can see why this would make your blood boil

I thought he wanted him alive so he could fight him again?

reminder toriyama did it because of vegeta's surprised popularity


Namek is perfect, you had 3 point of views. Vegeta, krillin and gohan, and freeza forces. Then vegeta joins krillin and gohan which brought on freezas point of view and goku's onset into namek

JoJo has fuck awful ends

Everyone was also hunting for the dragon balls which was the whole point of the story in the first place.

Why is he using a sword if he's stronger than a sword? Aren't they moon level at this time?

Swim2 did nothing wrong.

I think he was too weakened from the fighting before to do a ki blast or something.

lurk for 2 years before posting



except being an asshole

I'm pretty sure most people agree that when it just devolved into power level autism after the androids is when it turned to shit. A lot of people did not like the Buu saga either.

At least Buu didn't take itself too seriously.


user, /l/ has been gone for more than two years...

He means that you should have learned of its existence by two years.

That has been the general consensus on Sup Forums for a long time. Newfags either haven't seen Dragonball and don't like how it was sort of a normal adventure and love the power level shit for some reason. I wonder why that is.
Lurk to not even have to ask that question.


Whats this from? I feel like having my heart ripped out and stomped on

Everyone is so fucked up at that point they can barely move if they can at all.

I don't remember that scene.

Beat me to it.

Honestly the Namek explosion would have been the perfect ending to the series.

The legendary super saijan, after finally defeating the gallactic evil emperor, dies like a hero saving everyone.

>Johnny eats a boulder.jpg

what part was this


Manga but still.

I.. I actually like this scene

What's this from guys?

well, powerlevels are dick measuring contests taken to their logical conclusions. Everyone wants to have and enjoys watching the biggest dick.

source? I remember she had a sign offering sexual services (shopped from some curse thing)

Roshi is moon level in DB
Vegeta is planet level
Cell is solar system level
Broly is galaxy level

Lurk for 2 years before posting.

>Bizarre kung-fu growth arc
>This is my moment!
>Oh no, he stole the moment

I remember this, I was visibly upset.

>this level of autism
Black Bullet eps 8

The whole manga is fucking stupid honestly.

Black Bullet

Is that even legal in japan, the country that censors porn?

God I hate Mirai NIkki.

doesnt seem that good, is it worth it|? i was hoping for something new

That was actually funny

jesus how can that kind of thing fly out in the open

That's so over the top, it is actually hilarious.

I dropped this after like 3 or so episodes, what exactly happened to best girl (right)?

just go marathon it right now

doesn't that basically make him the joker of anime?

Feels like the scene where Samwise is about to kill Gollum and Frodo tells him to to. Of course Goku didn't have a wizard to tell him that the monster had a purpose to serve. But they did have their shared experience as Saiyans so there's that, I guess.

new-Cloud wouldn't have the balls

Still much better than the novel version where best boy also finds the girl he was trying to save but she accidentally shoots him dead.

i dont blame cloud after ff7. would you be deterministic and flaw free after the events of ff7?


This is a good underage filter

The dub script
>If you kill him, you'll be just like him.

If Goku letting the villain of the day get away is infuriating, then this ain't half as infuriating as that other time when Goku fed Piccolo Jr. a senzu bean at the end of DB.

Everyone was just hunting for da DBs... but Goku was just looking for Vegeta to finish their fight in a beginning, but after Kaio told him about Freeza's power, Goku dished his desires to finish his fight against the Veggie and wanted to fight Freeza, not giving a fuck about the consequences.

This is Goku's POV.

Goku is Universal level
Zen-ou Sama is existencial level

The worst part of the dub is the whole thing making Goku look more like a generic American superhero.


Dude. Just sign in this blank space here.

>Broly is galaxy level

god the last part of this manga was shitty


is this real

It's official, if that's what you're asking.

Jr wasn't responsible for the death of half his friends


looks like budokai 3, what is this game?