Porn star Stormy Daniels reveals details of 'affair' with Donald Trump

This will bring Trump down. Not the affair itself but the hush money and forced cover up.

Yeah except she said none of this happened.

Old, fake and gay. Kys op

just post her tits

bye shartblew


>Trump fucked a pron star and somehow this is bad

I'm not a fan of pornstars but this whore would feel get it right in her pussy.

Fucking lucky Rich fags

How would this bring him down. Im actually pretty impressed.

She didn't, but her signature appeared on some piece of paper distributed by Trump's lawyer unrelated to this.
Which is exactly what she was blackmailed and paid for so it means nothing.

The smell of flowers to libs

>Trump is an adulterer but this is okay somehow


Price of signature: $130,000

Text written by: lawyer

Trump is fucked.

This is really worse than just the adulterer thing.

Who remembers John Edwards?

will pay $1 if some cummunist can produce a webm of trump schlonging a pornographic starlet

What is it like being this much of a cuck? Your meme flag does explain a lot about it though

No bump for you, off to page 11 you nigger

She’s hot, what’s the problem?

You are severely delusional. Please seek help, as I am worried for you

>Beat up cunt Daniels

Lol ok m8. Good luck with this one

Hillary campaign paid Fusion GPS, a legitimate political firm ran by former WSJ journalists OMG OMG OMG Hillary must be jailed!

Trump campaign paid whores and bullied them into silence with lawyers: it's nuffin

Yeah, tell me an attention whore ACTUAL WHORE would just release this dry lawyer statement instead of doing on ten shows to deny everything if it was her aim. This is once in a lifetime opportunity for her and you bet she's regretting selling this for so little.

And we're not even talking about the money which NO ONE denied!

Yeah, Trump is fucked.

Bimbo fuckers > child fuckers

Um, the difference was that Hilary’s fusion gps is actually real and trumps has been confirmed false by everybody except your degranged self. Please get mental help.

>wasting time on media where they could just spin your words to make trump look bad in any way possible
Gee, I wonder why she’s not trotting out.

>confirmed false

It's so obviously true that they didn't even try to deny it and the lawyer bullshit letter is nothing when we're talking about an ACTUAL attention WHORE.

More prof will come out with more whores and it will be Trump's downfall.

>Gee, I wonder why she’s not trotting out.
Because she signed the rights away for $130,000.

Otherwise she would be self promoting non-stop and only zombie Trumpkin cultists deny this obvious fact.

Don't worry it will all come out and other whores too.

Alright, enjoy your delusion.

>the left is putting it's hopes in a fucking pornstar to take down Trump

Your delusion that whores choose to release lawyer letter through Trump's lawyer instead of getting a million TV appearances and becoming famous world wide.

You guys need mental treatment you're so deep in that Trump cult.

Lol. Please try and remember this moment years down the road when you think you know what you are talking about on some other subject. Maybe you'll start to get the hang of the difference between reality and wild wishful thinking. Wake up, dum dum.

No you know what, you’re a fucking idiot. I’ve been too nice now. Also, you’re fucking slut shaming her.

What are you even talking about?

Give me any hint of a denial that a payment was made coming from Trump's people.

They were very active when it came to this except denying the payment. And the whore is still silenced. Wonder why.

who cares if he banged that roastie slut a gorillion years ago...
It's not like he was getting a blow job at his desk in the oval office like some other fucking president I know of.

>going out of your way to write a note like this and signing it
>getting bent out of shape when the media has some story
This fucking reeks to high heaven and you people are living in a fucking bubble thinking everything that's bad for Trump is "fake news".

In a normal case, a made up story like this would gain zero traction, and both the woman in question as well as the white house would simply deny it and that's that. This reaction is not normal. These are the actions of guilty parties trying to cover it up.

Dear insane cultist, please explain to me why I'm an idiot.

Protip: you can't.

And whores are fucking whores. They deserve all the shame.

it's gaining "non normal" traction because the leftist faggots will grab at anything (especially fake shit) just to undermine Trump.
-the fact that libtards will do absolutely ANYTHING to discredit Trump should tell you something.



Is it hard to deny that Trump paid her? It's so fucking obvious that he did precisely because he doesn't deny it but he goes out of the way to release prepared statements about other bullshit but nothing else.

And the WSJ are not libs, it's the Fox News of newspapers owned by the same guy and it's pro-Trump.


>Wall street journal being pro trump

Holy fuck lads, its an actual brain washed NPC EVERYBODY LOOK! EVERYBODY LAUGH AT THE RETARD

Yeah, those are totally different... unless the hooker is a deep state spy. Do you know something we don’t?

who gives a fuck if he paid her? all that shit happened before his presidency. I can't fault a man for banging some broad. Hell I can't even fault that pussy little bitch Clinton over getting a sloppy blow job from some jew bitch.

Op is severely delusional and will waste your time. Sage and move on.

Even if it's true, it wouldn't matter. You only care because sex.


The memeing cultist retard has arrived. This spastic retard can't even. He's triggered out of words. Seeking safe space.

Stop watching porn and grow up!


>no fap

Why'd shartblew give up on shithole so easily? Too close to home for you?

Lol you're so dumb showing the telegraph as your source. Good one dude!

>shitposting "alternative facts"
You deserve the liberal government and everything they bring you.

I don't blame him


Yes they are different, Hillary didn't do anything illegal.

Trump paid hush money and his lawyer to bully hookers as part of his campaign.

>her signature appeared on some piece of paper distributed by Trump's lawyer
Oh it's this shit again.

Agreed lol

You're so dumb that you don't know that it's a conservative newspaper.

hookers pulling tricks is part of their profession.
the worlds oldest profession I might add.

if it is the truth, kudos to them for playing out the money source.
but I'm sure it's all a bunch of bullshit.

Who cares? Liberal or conservative its know for having bait articles








Everyone American man's dream.

half the media is talking about how limp dick he is.. and the other is talking about him banging pornstars.. pick one.

Why was the Trump campaign not reporting that campaign expense?

Do you remember John Edwards?


Trump has been married a bunch of times, he cheated on his wives before, he has a history of "enjoying" beautiful women. Like how he's currently married to a decades younger former super model. So this story is certainly believable. Trump is clearly not the kind of family man who sticks with one woman his whole life.

This story obviously rings true and they're trying desperately to cover it up, which simply reinforces that. And the woman is going along because she got paid. If this was really all made up, why bother going public with shit like this? Just ignore it. That's what an innocent person would do.

You can bet your ass Trump motorboated that shit.

That's the Daily Telegraph you moron. The Telegraph is the most serious conservative paper.

Liberals are mad because 1.) it’s a woman 2.) not underage 3.) he didn’t eat her brains 4.) she was paid and not drug raped in a basement

>Later, she found Mr Trump sitting on his bed. “He was like, ‘Come here.’ And I was like, ‘Ugh, here we go.’ And we started kissing.”
>‘Ugh, here we go.’ And we started kissing.”
>‘Ugh, And we started kissing.”

lel whores.

Wow look, some other dumb bitch/ pornstar that NOBODY has heard of. The president is a dipshit though better than Killary, but when are they gonna stop, seriously.

Are you some sort of Hillary supporter?
or Bernie?
what gives?

Like I stated earlier... the leftards are going to grab at anything (even fake bullshit) just to discredit Trump.

Lol believe what you want cuckservative

Stormy Daniels
>It's not true.
>Signed, Stormy Daniels


it's all fake, she told it
just post more tits and shut the fuck up you slide tread posting recycled turbo cunt.
maybe i'll mail here a link to this so she can sue you for dammaging and defaming her name or something

I'm a Mike Pence supporter, he will be president after the impeachment.

>Like I stated earlier... the leftards are going to grab at anything (even fake bullshit) just to discredit Trump.
This is not fake. This whole thread is about how this is not fake and it didn't come from liberals.

and if he did bang the broad... oh fucking well.
I mean, why the fuck bring up the guys sex life? haha. seems a bit much.

I'm sure if we dug into Obamas sex life there would be notches on his headpost with trannies and men.

It's not a belief, it's a fact.

shes fucking gross and has the face of a pure conniving cunt. Why are some guys attracted to pornstars? I couldnt imagine going down or kissing this broad knowing how many dicks have been insider her orifices. Fuck I hate porn. It really is a destroying "business".

lol nah b, you dont wanna see them. I never heard of this cunt before this story involving trump came about but some user in other thread posted pic of her tits. Hideous. Simply hideous. I bet you she has soared in popularity to porn fans since this story though

we don't tend to read british websites in the US.
Also, whats up with your memeflag?

What is up with your recycle flag?

And niggers thought Clinton was a rockstar for getting a bj from an ugly Jewess. No way, Trump is going up. Alpha chads are the best leaders.

why the fuck would someone sign a legal document using their stage name?

Yea that's the funny part, if this had come up with Obongo, he woulda gotted kicked out of the white house in a day. With Trumpy, it's not even the worst news of the week so nobody cares

What's simpler than to simply deny that money was paid if it wasn't? You know very well why this weak ass denial FROM TURMP'S LAWYER and nothing about money, no appearances by her anywhere in the media. You know this, you're just playing dumb for your team like a good cultist.

My question is why would she accept $130k for silence when she could probably get 10x that amount by selling the story to the press?

why? What is impressive about a billionaire fucking a worn out professional whore with mangled fake tits?

>the hush money and forced cover up
Assuming this actually happened, neither of those things are illegal so it wouldn't "bring Trump down" as you say.

hillary campaign paid a foreign entity millions to create lies to pass them to the FBI and a sympathetic government whose executive CAMPAIGNED for hillary to justify SPYING on the opposing party with information everybody with a brain knew was false

THAT is collusion and THAT is all illegal for every single person involved

Do you still support Trump

Underaged fag, stormy was top tier in the good old porn days with jenna jameson, jenna haze, bella donna, tera patrick etc

LOL retard she literally signed a statement saying the whole story was false, the whole story is made up.

Pic related.

He's a germophobe and he screws a woman whos had a google of niggers come in her mouth?

Don't believe it, fuck off joo.

I support Mike Pence who will be president after the impeachment.

Trump is destroying conservatism. He lost Alabama, he lost Virginia, Democrats are taking over everything. Wake up!!

Why ? whores are paid for fucking, thats why they're whores.

Oh and the story was in 2006 and theres nothing new about any of it...

>not even the worst news of the week

Not sure where the fuck you get your news from...

>tree hugger
>claims to be a conservative

Fuck off shill, nobody believes your lies.

Except for the mike pence part i have to agree with you! Fuck trump he's the worst President we ever had!

>the whole story was false,
Except the $130,000 right? Right? Think!

She would be releasing a tell all book and appearing on every show if she had the rights to the story. But she sold it for $130,000 which that statement clearly shows.

how awesome would a gta game be if you played as president trump in the whitehouse and all the missions were doing things the president does plus free roam. Just rolling around with the secret service fucking shit up

There's nothing illegal or reprehensible here, OP.

She sucked his cock, he paid her to keep it quiet. That's called a mutual agreement between two consenting parties.
Mfw you're just jealous Trump gets more ass than you do.