Shingeki no Bahamut

Say it with me.


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>Humans yes.
>Demons no.

That simple. Why donĀ“t people understand ?

Rocky is best character

Is nina the biggest slut of the season or the biggest slut of the season?

>he cares about a cartoon character's """"purity""""


Nina stopped blushing around Azazel after the date. Cheerios literally purified her. Truly best king.

I wouldn't care if nina wasn't worse than common whore.

Didn't watch the show, but she sure look like a slut

Amira was so much better

A pity it will devolve into some an episode or two later. Her maiden in love expressions are really cute.

What did he mean by this?

Azazel is fucked.

Nina is for fat old men. It's the only way to make sure she doesn't transform during sex.


Wheres the autist that claimed its not cheerios but a twin brother? I bet it was some delusional azazelfag and hopefully this made him realize the error of his ways leading to prompt suicide.

her skirt looked so short in this episode


You spelled "slut" wrong

Nina confirmed for slut

But he's not Cheerios, his name is Chris.


Anyone else love that nighttime bedside whispering voice of Nina when she asked "what are you doing?" in the last episode? Felt so natural.

Why aren't Bacchus & Hamsa telling Nina that something's up with Mugaro?

Consider how dumb in the head she is she may accidentally leak it out for someone like not-Cheerios.

>Amira died for this.

It's not fair bros

don't worry it will get serious soon

I'm watching this anime because of the metal opening \m/

It's really grown on me over the past few weeks, I'm really digging the first few lines now

I like metal but this OP is so week compared to the one from Genesis

Hopefully the one for the second cour is better

>Favaro will show up in the finale of the 1st cour just in time to ave the day.

Calling it now.

Anime with metal openings are always the best.

Not really feeling it myself, the bit where the chorus kicks in alongside what's going animation-wise is nice though.

She's not even the fun kind of slut. She's a fucking retard.

She was so annoying this episode.

Azazelfag detected

>act like a retard
>overreact over everything
>insult people who helped her sorry ass since forever
>"muh pretty boy I'm so in love!"

She's garbage. Like some fucking tumblr character.

But it's one of the worst OP's of the season.

>Metal 4 Life
>Pop chorus at 0:40

Reconsider life.

I wouldn't know, I only watch anime if they have metal openings \m/

This episode felt kind of weird to me. I was getting the impression that everyone was acting whole episode. Nina becoming completely powerless when confronted against handsome men surprised me, I mean, I knew she was weak against them, but that was a little bit too much. I even felt a little bit uncomfortable when that thug picked her up and she was unable to free herself.

Bacchus was acting different. I didn't expect him to feel guilty for what happened the night before.

Charioce was stiff as always.

Whole date thing was too sugary for me. I enjoyed the dance though.

What I absolutely enjoyed about this episode were Nina faces. Her expressions were hilarious, even though sometimes exaggerated.

I'm looking forward to next episode when Nina, unable to transform into Red Dragon, will be caught and accused of collaborating with demons. I hope we also will get Charioce visiting her in the jail.

>She's not even the fun kind of slut. She's a fucking retard.
But retard moe is the strongest

Nina is a shitty protag, why couldn't we get favaro?

OP has really nice visuals but the song is trash.

ED is GOAT though

Dude, he literally said his name is Chris. That's not the king.

It is cute, but that's not what made the original bahamut an amazing show. This show falls flat hard.

Nina pantsu.

This It can't compare to genesis' op.

This episode didn't feel like the previous ones. I think they simply wanted to make this and next week's episode contrast a lot, you know, young lady falling in love with handsome stranger, who says a lot of things misunderstood by her, gets thrown into the prison by said man who is actually a tyrant king. They just overdid it.
>people actually didn't like the episode


Still laugh

I feel like the previous episodes are also weaker than the original. Favaro being an amazing lead especially compared to a retarded nina is probably also a huge factor.

That was creepy as fuck.

>I knew she was weak against them, but that was a little bit too much

It's not that she's powerless. She could have wiped the floor with them at any time. Problem was that she was busy trying not getting aroused and turning into a dragon that would torch the city.

Nina was fine until they made her completely helpless against pretty guys. Watching her being lifted by that thug was really sad.

Only delusional demonfags, this episode was fucking beautiful.

>Bahamut was actually just a DANGEROUSLY THIRSTY dragongirl

Only the God-Emperor of Mankind is a bad enough dude to dare brave the volcanic intensity of DRAGONPUSSY and stop a repeat of Bahamut's Rage.

This episode was great. I just feel bad because I know Nina is going to get destroyed emotionally in the coming episodes.

To retards who complain that this show sales like shit - IT'S NOT EVEN ON AMAZON, THEY DIDN'T EVEN ANNOUNCE DISC VOLUMES.
Similarly to previous season.

So you're saying sales are literally 0? LOL

Every show from this season has sales equal zero, retard. Cygames doesn't even care about thing of past like disc sales.

It also had one of the lowest twitter followers number of the entire season until they announced the SV collab with free packs.

They care about advertisement though and RoB anime failed at that. Hard.

Nips have shitaste. NEWS AT ELEVEN. Good that they make it without caring about sales.
They didn't even plan disc sales for Genesis until later on.


Out of context this is pretty hilarious.

>Watching her being lifted by that thug was really sad.
Yea that whole scene was cringe. Please no more of this shit mappa.


They know.

>volcanic intensity of DRAGONPUSSY

>season 1 drama
>how will they ever manage to stop bahamut?
>season 2 drama
>which shoujo/josei fantasy dick will she fuck?

I'm pretty much convinced MAPPA has the best dancing scene animators in the industry.

> World slaying dragon slain by power of cock

Wait, Tanya is back??

This whole episode should be renamed to ">wtf I love the king now"

Everybody fucking knows, retards. There is no "fun fact xD!" in this.

Nina has to be the worst MC of this season, the show is wasted on her.
There's nothing interesting going for her. MShould have made Rita the MC instead

No one can resist the BDC


Aren't you interested in knowing who will claim her virgin pussy?

At this point anyone can.
Even Bacchus could if he stopped drinking

I enjoyed ss1 and currently enjoying this one as well. Wish thread would be comfier and people would bitch about it less, though.

If she was gone, the show would hardly change. She has no real reason to exist. Sure she can turn into a dragon, but in the overall plot, she seems mostly irrelevant thus far. She is good as fanservice with her fancy faces, but that's it, that's all she is, the SoL in a theatrical thriller. She's executed well, but the show could do without her.

The events and characters in this season has been toptier, the only problem I have is the MC.

>She has no real reason to exist
They realized last season that a lot of girls watched the show for the husbandos (minus Favaro) and now decided to make a self insert main character for them to project themselves onto and dream about fugging all the cute boys.


>minus Favaro

Smother yourself with a pillow, comfyfag.

What did you guys think of the dance scene here compared to Favaro and Amira's dance in S1?

S2 did it better

roastie called out

Yeah she should have been a male teenager from our world. I think a MC who is intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor would have worked way better, instead we got this boring and dumb MC who is honestly just a self insert for fujoshi.

>le strawman
Shut the fuck up

Fucking learn what fujoshi means first.

Why is this so funny? He looks like he's judging her for being a whore.

Since when did she want Kaisar dick?

S1 was way cuter.

Since season 1

Since she left her village behind to go on an journey with him?

the original had a better metel op

S2's execution is better but S1 is more feels inducing

Since she abducted his hand and uses it for all manner of experiments?

Hard to say. I really liked this one and thought was very good. But I also liked how innocent and spontaneous the dance with Amira was in s1.