What's your biggest anime fetish Sup Forums?

What's your biggest anime fetish Sup Forums?

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Girls wearing wristwatches.

monster girls

You posted it.


Two girls beating the shit out of each other

boku no pico

This is pretty close, actually.


good taste



Portal fucking.

Multidimensional glory holes you mean?

breast expansion

father x son


>this picture





Clothing that frames the breasts.

Beating the shit out of girls.


Guys beating the shit out of girls, of course.*

Respecting women.

A married couple having lovey-dovey sex.
Too bad no such hentai exists.

I'm gonna need a sauce here.

Oh god, it's so funny.

Loli brapping

Armpits and pubic hair, but just a little bit, trimmed, not a full hirsuite abomination. .

Do the girls fight back? I can't get off if it's a one-sided beatdown, regardless of gender or what-have-you.

>pubes in tv anime never

Loli on brown loli hate-crime.

Literally never ever

Of course. I find one-sided beatdowns boring in general.

I wonder why this has never happened. Japan is pretty lax about nudity and they see shaved girls as sluts so one would think that pubic hair in anime should be more common.

Stomach punching


Big anime girls

Hand holding.


Extremely powerful or omnipotent girls getting dominated by ordinary guys.

hand holding missionary position leg locking/mating press kissing upon climax

Please forgive me for my disgusting and barbaric fetishes

Believe. We already got Bakuon and Long Riders, someday there will be a moe adaptation of the Freedom Riders movement.

Is the guy either fat, old and/or ugly?


Is this for real? Cause it's even funnier if it is.

I see you have a fine taste sir.

Demon girls, specially the blue skinned kind, love it when they have a lovely/cute side in them

A man of good taste.

Is that the girl from Onegai Twins? Great taste in girls but bad taste in fetishes.

>Australian Coalition of Jewish Feminists

Are you for real? Retards like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Traps, Im a fucking faggot for that

they should be gassed infact, both of them, feminist and jews

Two ears > four ears, right?

big anime tiddies

Worse than furries.

>complaining about an underwear fetish of all things
You sound a bit new to the internet, normalfag.


>tfw anime gave you a killer megane fetish

anime tiddies

Feisty girls.

Don't try and pass this off, you fucking creep. Diaper fetishists have nothing to to with normal underwear fetishism. You're specifically into infantilization. You want to be and act like a grown baby, or be with someone who wants the same. For that much you deserve to be physically removed from polite society.

>You're specifically into infantilization. You want to be and act like a grown baby, or be with someone who wants the same.
Projecting much? Babyplay is a separate fetish from diaper fetishism, as it can be done without diapers, and diapers can be worn without any babyish connotations. That said, if you weren't a complete newfag, you'd know babyplay is just an offshoot of BDSM and hardly very out there when it comes to fetishes.

Unwanted creampie. Specifically on her dangerous days, but won't turn down otherwise.

Regardless, the point is that you fetishize an article of clothing that only babies, and the old and incontinent wear. That says a lot.
That says to me that you're no better than the grotesque idiots who prance around performing mock animal mating rituals and have fursonas. You're that embarrassing an excuse for a human being.
And don't try to pull that newfag shit on me. I've been on this site since 2006 and it's never been welcoming to degenerates like yourself.

Bunny girls. Basic, I know, but I can't help it.


2D only, not a fan of it in 3D

Almost any other fetish is tolerable. Just not the ones where you pretend to be an animal, or a infant. That shit belongs on tumblr.


Aqua is dumb enough to get drunk while pregnant, though.

>only babies, and the old and incontinent
And, you know, people of all ages who wear them because they're comfortable and sexy. Pic related, it's a real brand.

Fuck off back to Sup Forums. If you have an issue with diapers of all things, you really need to lurk more.

>Just not the ones where you pretend to be an animal
Is this newfag seriously bashing petplay?


I, too, like to walk with my shit smeared all over between my cjeeks

>drawing massive pubes on a girl who is barely old enough to even have them

Good for you, scatfag. Most diaperfags hate shit, though.

>not having one of the worst fetishes means you're a newfag
But keep wearing diapers, it suits your mentality.

>Jewish feminists

That explains it

Reminder that whenever you hear someone tell you to go back to Sup Forums, they're likely wearing a diaper and sitting in a pile of their own shit and piss, waiting for their play mommy/daddy to change them. Do not let this horrible shit be normalized on Sup Forums.

This reminds me of that german CP advertisement. It deserves the same treatment, too.

>But keep wearing diapers, it suits your mentality.
Well, you're right about that, what with them being adult diapers and all.

>Do not let this horrible shit be normalized on Sup Forums.
Too bad, it already is. Good job admitting you're from Sup Forums, by the way.

Until recently I used to think this was shit but I am slowly starting to see the appeal.

Just when you think you've reached the bottom of the slippery slope, there's another fall.

Goo Goo Ga Ga? Baby want wattle?

s-shut up their ADULT diapers....


Hard to pick one
>Gentle femdom
>Tall girls

A nice landing strip.

that stomach holy shit

She's like 15-16, right? Pubes start growing at like 12.

Other than glasses, this is a damn fine list.

>tfw armpit fetish and that image would be god tier if not for the hair

Replacing the current Human Race with another more evolved Creature with superhuman capabilities

Am I into petplay if I just want to be petted, headpatted, have my ears scratched and be called a good boy? I wouldn't be into barking, eating out of a bowl or being put on a leash.
I wouldn't mind purring into being petted or wearing a collar though

Cute girls doing exhibitionist things or just generally ENF related stuff


....what's wrong with glasses?

It sounds more like you're into gentle femdom rather than petplay.

Not him but I like a happy medium between a landing strip and a full bush.

Ara ara > Cool > Tomboy > Smug > Sleepy > Everything else
Is light petplay considered a thing?

Incestuous loliconism.