The centrist meme is proof that Sup Forums has a lot of autistic users

The centrist meme is proof that Sup Forums has a lot of autistic users
It's autistic because only someone with autism sees the world in such a black and white way that you have to 100% be right or 100% left and individuality and self made opinions cannot exist because it's outside the realm of comprehension to autistic people

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Centrists are insufferable because they always take the middle (gas HALF the jews) as if it inmediately makes them intellectually and morally superior but only leads to half assed policies

no more half measures, walter

Buddy i'm a centrist.

Centrists realize that the left and right can be right or wrong about certain things. There's a grey area on many issues and i don't like to jump to extreme positions. Besides both on the far left// far right preach bigotry and hatred.

Yeah man. I've never even heard anyone post that but it sounds totally ridiculous. There's another sign of autism though. Clearly whoever is posting whatever the fuck you are talking about is joking but you can't pickup on it because autism.

>doesn't understand his point veiled in a joke
>he's the autistic one

t. shill

Ok, post it too
The point is invalid, even as an analogy, because it's completely false and based off of nothing

My example was a meme. Commonly coupled with the meme you posted, and is an absurdist satire of always taking half measures. I would ask if you're retarded or just autistic yourself but we already know you're a centrist

You got assblasted in that other thread and decided to make a thread to whine about it, didn't you?

Can you post an example of why your meme makes any sense
As in, post an actual unironic post from on here that can be summed up in your little "we should only HALF this!" meme

we're referring to what he said, not the image


Don't bother, most of nu/pol/ unironically thinks the republican party is "based".

centrists believe in nothing, and ecelebs never want to change this because then they'd have to pick a side which would cause conflict and a loss of subscribers

Because you either believe in something or you don’t.

Most of Sup Forums is radically centrist.

>Centrists realize that the left and right can be right or wrong about certain things. There's a grey area on many issues and i don't like to jump to extreme positions. Besides both on the far left// far right preach bigotry and hatred.

Fucking this.

"Some of them are valuable members of society, perhaps we should relax the laws for those that are beneficial to society at large and deport those that aren't"

"There is an enormous cost to this, one that has the potential to cripple our society financially. People who mistreat their bodies through the use of excess food and drugs will overburden a completely free system. The cost should only be zero for those who truly have unlucky breaks in their health while discouraging poor unhealthy behavior."

You clearly don't understand the meme you're talking about. Nobody said that, we were shitting on avowed fence sitters, not left-centre, right-centre people.

It's an insult directed at people who are apolitical and pretend they aren't.

Centrist is just a buzzword for
>The 80s and 90s were great. Let's go back to that
When it was "that" which helped create the current mess we're in. That's why centrist are retards and whose opinions should be discarded.


rhetoric makes you sound ignorant

I'm usually the one who isn't getting emotional though.

It's those darned lefties and righties that get so desperate for their side to be "correct" that they start caps locking IRL as they succumb to their animalistic tendencies to try and assert dominance on their territory, when that shit doesn't work at all against anyone whose evolved beyond being dogmatic scum.

Fucking meme faggot I swear.
Everytime the world centrist falls everybody get
>Hurr durr only half x
Why are so many here so retarded to not understand that centrism is simply Realpolitik

>calls others autismos
>can't recognize humour

I got bad news for you

>convictions or beliefs
Everybody got one and is ready to kill to prove it doesn't stink.
I say fuck you.

Clearly it is a joke but it's not funny or hold any basis on reality at all

Have you ever seen one of these? Did you ever notice how two people can both be on the same side yet be in different spots? Nobody sees the world as black or white.

What if what I believe in is solidarity of state?
What if I fucking believe the two party system is an inherent weakness to the united states government?
What if centrist is the belief that you two stupid mother fucking "wingers" are fucking up this country with your retarded and completely mindless squabble over completely inane talking points YEAR AFTER FUCKING YEAR?

Many people say that we wanna deport bad eggs.
This is sadly most blacks etc.
If they were good people, we'd be willing to keep them.
What you're suggesting is the same thing that Trump said btw.

Yes. That's what the comic is saying.
You, being a centrist or whatever, is the one guy calling the madlad silly.
IT'S funny that you are doing exactly what the comic is mocking centrists for.

Some of us were centrists like you. Then we grew up and realized one side actually wanted to preserve civilization and basic non-degenerate freedoms and the other wanted to destroy civilization to rebuild it in the image of a retarded pipe dream that ignores human nature, thought up by a jobless, homeless idiot who thought the industrial revolution would last forever.
You know what? Here's your fucking grey view. The right has its problems, but clearly the choice is between meh and terrible. I'll choose preservation over destruction everytime and, if you're not a brainlet, so would you.

Centrist meme is a cancer not because there is only two position, but because there is no specter, there is no compass, thus there is no center.

There is only narrow path and the wide path.

Don't worry, you can just become a Third Positionist instead and show those centrist cucks what for

Wingfags can never see that though. They can only think and feel in hyperbole.
>either all of it is acceptable, or none of it is

MIke is such a fucking faggot. It's like dude you murder people for a living, stop being a moralizing fucking cocksucker

That comic is mocking a form of "argument" in political comics or posts, not centrist in particular
You are silly.

>"Some of them are valuable members of society, perhaps we should relax the laws for those that are beneficial to society at large and deport those that aren't"
Holy shit, end your life

You're right. I just fucked up my typing cud I'm at a meeting. : (

Why do centrists NEVER explain what their ideas are? Why do they only complain about other people?

The reason people hate centrists is because they're inconsistent

Share blue slide thread.
Smart people don't get baited

That's exactly what happened
The newest move by the left is to make the sheep of the right decide they're centrists so that the right wing paradigm shift ends as quickly as possible.

it's true that everyone who defines themself as a centrist is a moron
However, having your own values and policies that don't fit into a specific category often gets you called a centrist which is also moronic
people here are just always using the simplest terms so they don't have to think too much

>tfw radical third way

Centrism is retarded because it imagines there is a line that you fit political ideas on, and that you can somehow find a "middle" idea between two dialectical ideas. Im not right because i want to be somewhere on an imaginary political line, but because i think natsoc policies are the best for society. If the political window changed and natsoc was now in the center or even left of political discourse id still support it.

To be a centrist is saying "whatever the two moat popular ideologies that are in opposition to each other are, ill be in the middle of that." Ironically its the "centrist" that looks at politics in terms of a black and white dialectic.

Centrists are nobodies who lack any conviction and will influence nothing at all over the course of their lives. You have my pity OP.

Centrism is inherently contradictory. It says there's is no line between left and right, but claims it is between the two.

>that political compass

You need to be more authoritarian than you are right desu.
Not bad compass either way tho

>and self made opinions cannot exist because it's outside the realm of comprehension to autistic people

I'm autistic - proof is here;

>Ideal TOPite Genome (Annointed:)

I invented my own meanings for everything, and live in my own world. I feel very lonely. Look up 'Theory of mind.'

"We need to jail all murderers"
"ahem, ackshewally SOME of them are valuable members of society, perhaps we should relax the laws for those that are beneficial to society at large and jail those that aren't"
"no, that just encourages more people to become murderers, because they know people like you will let them get away with it"

>Sup Forums has a lot of autistic users

No shit

>Says left and right are both bad
>Doesn't explains why
>Bitch and moans about both sides ideas
>Doesn't have solutions to anything
>Acts like a narcissist by saying he is more enlightened
>Acts like sjws by saying "If you disagree on what I don't believe in nothing, YOUR AN EXTREMIST!
>Watches Skeptic youtuber's
>Acts like he understands both sides
>Muh Horseshoe theory
>Saids he is a centrist because he is too much of a coward to express his views

This is exactly why I don't take centrist seriously, they equally cancer as commies. Plus you can be in the middle and be dead wrong about a lot of things.

In the end, Fascist were the true centrist.

ideological centrism is highly correlated with a lack of erudition.

>In case A we need to do X because of this principle
why not in case B?
>I-I'm a centrist, these principles are not absolute

Centrists literally have no basis for any of their political views. They outright admit neither the principles of the left or the right are worth anything to them. Nothing compels them to act except for their (((feelings)))

Centrists have no principles, they are the epitome of "skepticism" in that they are only capable of reacting to people who hold strong beliefs. The reaction is universally jealousy and anger... the centrist cannot understand how someone can care about something that doesn't involve atomized individualistic hedonism.

>that pic
>having Felix pictures saved

Maybe this might help.

feels good man

Centrism is why were in this fucking mess you dolt


Centrists are useless because you only get half of what you vote for if you're lucky because of how government and bureaucracy works. Republicans offering up centrists to vote for when the Democrats actually were voting for the distinct left is what got us into our situation today. In that sense centrists are actually highly ideological. They'll sacrifice the outcome they desire, which should right now be to shift the country right and back towards the middle, in order to instead use their vote like some kind of moral test instead of a pragmatic method of asserting your desires to government. That's what a vote should be. Or at least, that's what it should be when one side disproportionately approaches it in that way.

Not to mention the fact that anyone who self identifies as a centrist is retarded or easily swayed, since the center is completely arbitrary and subject to change. At least "left wing" and "right wing" as identifiers work a little better since it could imply any point on one side of the sliding scale. Centrism tries to create an ideology based on just a single spot because "muh golden mean".

I know it it does.

>the left: "everyone should eat shit all the time"
>the right: "nobody should be eating shit ever"
>centrists: "maybe we should eat shit some of time"

No you grey area people are just lemmings.
You are completely irrelevant in the course of history.
You don't see who's behind the wheel now because you are never going to move fast enough to notice your shackled.

You're autistic for not accepting my meaningless ideologies, where I don't really stand for anything, I just disagree with everything. And then when we get into an argument, I question meaningless definitions of shit that has nothing to do with the topic, until eventually, I play my Trump card "How do you know reality is actually real?" Checkmate autists.

- every centrist ever.

I love Centrists, they're already half way to my position. That's who I meme for, I aim for the center, I want them on our side, because they are the majority.

>The newest move by the left
>by the left
>centrist thread
>Being this fucking autistic.
Go tell me about the history of the iron cross and all members of the totenkopf that got it while you masturbate to blueprints of the tiger II.

Yeah you can see that his chin is shaped completely differently in the left photo