Little blonde girls are the best

Who is your aryan waifu Sup Forums?


this bitch






1/4 foreigner though.

Meat isn't little.




ku ku ku


Only real answer.

This thread is racist.


Hairy vagina!




Isn't obnoxious, isn't bitch nor bratty, just an absurdly hard working homely girl.
The cutest blonde girl

needed more of her in this show

>no cups

That's a really pale blonde




all that semen spilled for her

Get your eyes checked brah. Might be color blind.


I like longer hair


I accept all kinds of blonde








Chitoge would've been perfect if her default hairstyle was twintails.


I miss Lion-tan.




You ruined this thread with you shitcrap taste



Me too

Lisha is Love and Life

ESL fuck off and die

yami is hate and death

>That quality


I wstched this yesterday and a thread pops out of nowhere, it's getting fucking weird
But good taste tho

Karen for life I don't care if other boards ruined her.

Fuck off/you Repulsive Cowtits fag
Shitzuka by far is worst girl in hotd

I try to find her with better quality


In my own mind woman needs power to break me in half whenever she pleases, that way my dick can get hard VERY fast.

Sup Forums explain to me, why do so many blonde girls have fangs?
Do nips see blond people as specifically rash/semi evil/whatever the fang represents?



how can blond even compete

Aren't most of these characters just Japanese with dyed hair?



by not being genetically inferior


russians aren't white

you neither


but im Argentinian.





did you forget her, Sup Forums?

Perrine, ma belle

Everybody loves Perrine!!

As if there's a better Aryan waifu.

>Blond hair
>Blue eyes
>Strategic capability to lead the Third Reich

As if it could possibly be someone else.

That's not how it works.


That's where you're wrong kiddo

Don't have one. Besides you shouldn't have multiple waifus.


don't touch my daughter

Me and my siblings are all blonde haired and blue eyed and we have pretty sharp teeth, everything from our front canines to our back molars is pretty much shark teeth.

Technically she's a video game character but she did appear in a crappy OVA.

I thought he meant to post your waifu if she was blonde or aryan?

>publicly exposes herself on a regular basis
your daughter a whore

I'd hang your daughter up naked and perform experiments on her shota friend too.

Wow this faggot has standards.

That's okay, you don't have to be white in order to have blonde hair and the thread is about blonde girls, not white girls.

She's only a haafu but she's still my wife and I still love her.
