...b-but winter was really cold this year...
...b-but winter was really cold this year...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Oregon plate
>Not liberal larping as "dumb redneck"
>Oregon isn't full of rednecks
That has to be computer-generated.
Aside from taking the stance that allows for unrestrained pollution, and the fact that no matter what anyone does, global warming won't kill this generation, what's the upside to denying the very obvious climate change that's happening to the only planet that we know of that can sustain life?
>the very obvious climate change
"Very obvious"? Hey fucktard, humanity doesn't even have instruments to measure climate, much less measure "climate change", much less in a way that's "obvious" to potato-tier IQ specimens like you.
We have satellites in space for that specific purpose. We have all we need to track and record the climate. You didn't answer the question, either. You just responded like an edgy nigger. You're denying reality.
Soon, drought and famine will impress upon even Americans the reality of the consequences of shitting up the planet.
Greed is the greatest motivator. It even obscures the imminent doom threatening us all.
I don't give a single fuck about climate change. It happened in the past, it'll happen in the future. Not a single thing we can do about it.
Bitch about it to China and India, they are the World's largest green house gas contributors.
>climate change only causes the world to get warmer and does not create extreme weather conditions
The timeframe for nearly everything is the aspect that deniers latch onto; if it's not something that comes on like a sickness, they say it's not happening. See evolution. If it isn't a dramatic shift that takes place while you're watching, it's just not important enough to potentially damage profits for. Sadly, people who have never had money, and will never have it, still champion the denial in case they ever do. It's pitiable to see it happen, but it's every day on Sup Forums that someone can't see past the span of their own lifetime.
it's full of liberal faggots who want to "gotcha" republicans all the time.
To be fair, republicans are easy to "gotcha". Scientific data is treated like religion by republicans, and the two just aren't the same thing. Data isn't the same thing as faith.
seriously though, who's Perl H Orber?
The Sats have only tracked since the 70s.
Obviously fake but fuck it
>Chevy drivers
Heinrich Ford would lol
And we have recorded temperatures for at least a century before that, not to mention the geologic record that allows us to collect climate data for eons. There's also tons of data that we get formic records in glaciers and the poles. There's also ocean floor sediment analysis. All of these sources produce valid data that point to climate change. If your argument is that we haven't been paying attention long enough to know anything, you don't know enough about the research. Before taking a hard stance on something that could erase your species, maybe take a look at the HUGE amount of data that points to global warming. If we're wrong, we might waste some time and money finding out. If you're wrong, everything dies. Life on earth will be erased. It's more of a gamble than you think, but it won't kill us this generation, so people just don't care. I find it interesting that religion has the devotion it has while verifiable science is rejected as superstition.
Do you eat meat?
>brainlet fearmongering
hang yourself low IQ liberal retard
>All of these sources produce valid data
The product data. But seeing as we don't have reliable reasons from those time periods to confirm thier accuracy I wouldn't call the days particularly reliable.
How is the Earth warming a bit going to kill everything?
What is projection?
You got me. I'm panicked as fuck.
everything dies? scientists confirm the meteor that struck earth and killed bunch of dinos put 10'000 years of current pollution in atmosphere in a day. half the vegetation and algae that converts c02 was destroyed. by current science predictions (fear mongering) of climate change outcomes It is impossible that life on earth exist now anyway.
>communist flaggot
You have no clout here. Your opinion means nothing.
Are you religious?
>thread full of burgers burying their heads in the sand because it'll totally trigger libtards when every major coastal city in the world is starting to be submerged and crops are failing due to extremely harsh summers and winters alike
You realize meat has terrible effects on the environment. If global warming is to be fought off most of the world will need to be vegetarian. Why do you thing there is so much focus on the oil industry and not the meat industry?
It's warming progressively. You won't die from it. Your great, great grandchildren will, though. It's not a 98 degree day that's troubling. One half degree increase per year (for example - I'm not writing a thesis here) puts that 98 degree day at 148 degrees in only a hundred years. The unknown parts are the ones that deal with the chain reactions happening now, such as the ice caps melting. Additionally, we're freeing up carbon at an alarming rate. Once we've reached a certain point, which some scientists say is soon or already past, there is no return. The greenhouse effect has several causes. The gas composition of the atmosphere will trap heat and (this part is harder for people to accept) the surface carbon level literally changes the overall darkness of the globe, and as you know, dark colors absorb more light and convert it that than light ones. This is all measurable stuff from space.
If the earth recovers, perhaps enough algae will survive to start evolution again. In three hundred million years, earth may get sentient life again. If it doesn't recover, earth becomes venus. Nothing will live here ever again. Venus is a planet with a rampant greenhouse effect.
pretty sure faggot it was hotter during the time of the Dinosaurs but you completely leave that out
there is no Global Warming
Yes. Meat, on the scale at which we produce it, has an ill effect or twenty on the environment, but worldwide vegetarianism isn't necessarily what it has to come to. It will need to be addressed, though. I'm not focusing on any one industry here. A lot of things need to change. Deniers get really bent out of shape over this because they like oil or meat, but it's a cumulative effect from many sources, not just one. Petroleum and natural gas just happen to be huge sources, so they're easy to use as examples.
I just stated above things like meteor strikes and super volcanoes have repeatedly put c02 and pollution in the atmosphere at 1000's of times current man made levels. if this runaway greenhouse shit was true life on eart would not exist now.
>we ain't got no more A's
>fuck it
you are insane. It will never average 148 degrees. The highest it's ever hit was 134 degrees back on July 10, 1913 in Death Valley, California. Guess what since then (the 1910s) and during this Global Warming (Climate Change whatever you faggots call it now) period as you call it the highest the temperature has ever gotten on Earth has been 129 degrees.
You all are so full of shit, just admit it you run around screaming global warming so you can get more money from the state in the form of higher taxes. Fuck you all.
It will never hit 140 degrees let alone 148 degrees.
do we have any proof venus ever had a different atmosphere? no
It was hotter then, and the oxygen level allowed for massive organisms to roam the earth, but everything has changed since those days. Much of the world's carbon is locked in oil and coal, but it was out then, adding to the heat. The oxygen levels were higher because of plants that thrived on the carbon-dioxide fueled greenhouse effect that was present at the level it was at before the dinosaurs, too. The difference is that these changes took place over hundreds of millions of years, but the changes we're tracking now are measurable in hundreds of years, and we humans are at least assisting the speed of the warm-up from the last ice age. There may very well be an extinction with or without our help, but the evidence that we're unlocking the elements necessary to speed things up is verifiable.
GLOBAL warming
the fact that you got a bunch of snow while australia's having record breaking heatwaves and california's on fire in december doesn't mean global warming isn't happening
earth has recovered several times and although a lot of life died there is still living thing directly from before the worst crocodiles sharks bugs etc.
>the climate changes
Ayo hol up
The earth is constantly changing. I don't feel like fact-choking your assertions, but it doesn't matter. Humans didn't exist during those periods. In fact, many of the times in history where natural occurrences caused dramatic climate changes, there was a mass extinction as well. The fact that certain levels of elements existed before doesn't prove your point because the point is human survival. Maybe we'll bring dinosaurs back with conditions that we can't tolerate. It's unknown. The point is our survival, not just not destroying all life on earth.
>has no proof
Fucking lmao
You won't be alive when it does. That's what's so hard about convincing others to accept the facts. The surface of venus is almost 500 degrees celsius. It's not because Venus is geologically hot, either. Venus' atmosphere is holding in as much heat as possible. Venus may have been earth-like before the greenhouse effect took place. Our situation is real.
It's Climate Change and always has been. Nobody claimed Global Warming meant the earth was heating up. It was just a side effect of Climate Change.
I fucking hate conservatives so goddamn much. Idiots
We only have the speculation that a different climate was present to form the surface features of venus, which does not have features science would expect to find in the rampant greenhouse atmosphere it has, if that's all it ever had.
Humans will cease to exist at some point anyway. Why do we even worry about survival of us. the earth is going to be destroyed if it takes the sun supernova.the only thing I am interested in is making niggers and jews as hated and miserable as possible while we have the chance. priorities man.
Crocodiles are relatively unchanged. They speculate the same about sharks, but the active words are speculate and relatively.
The bigger point is that sharks and crocs are not human. They survive differently than we do. The scare of global warming also isn't about saving sharks and crocs. If crocs and sharks survive what we do to the planet, but we don't, your point is moot, isn't it?
Proof is abundant. Look it up. You won't.
What are ice ages and warming periods?
Id be fine with renewables if we didnt have to cuck out to china for them
Venus is also the most volcanically active planet in the solar system with 1600 VOLCANOES YOU DUMBASS FEARMONGERER. CALL ME WHEN WE REPLICATE THAT.
People still believe the global warning (((hoax)))?
>t-trust me guys
>I mean, I can't offer any proof, but you should still trust me
humans will change as well before our eventual extinction so it isn't even human survival either.
Our sun isn't large enough to go supernova.
Yes, the earth will be uninhabitable in approximately another 1.3 billion years due to our sun's expansion as it runs out of hydrogen to fuse even if we don't help it along. The difference is whether we survive long enough to expand our existence to other planets or not. If we make humanity extinct in another 5000 years, we won't likely survive as a species, but if we nurture this planet long enough to make technology advanced enough to get off of this planet, we may one day inhabit the whole galaxy.
No you stupid fucktard. It was most definitely global warming...you are too young to remember. Before that it was cooling...now (((they))) call it climate change because the warming was a bust.
They are periods of different climates on this planet. They've been historically caused by events such at meteor strikes, geologic activity and even the proliferation of one type of biological entity or another, mainly plants. The point this time is that there have been many times in history when humans wouldn't have existed. We may very well be heading towards one of those again, and by our own doing. Once again though, the point isn't the ability for earth to sustain just enough life to recover; if it kills us, game over. There'll be no one left to care.
Every building in our nation should have solar panels out of sheer principal.
Everyone should make efforts to conserve gasoline and oil just to fuck the Middle East.
Everyone should recycle as much as possible because we don’t need more trash filling up our landfills. These garbage dumps also pump tons of methane into the air as the garbage rots
Everyone should drive a hybrid or electric car because it will help clean up the air and fuck over the Middle East in the process
If you disagree with any of this you’re an idiot
>cold countries are cold
>warm countries are warm
>b-b-but some of them are 0.0000000125° warmer
>haha checkmate cuckservative redneck retards :)))))))))))
You better pray to God manmade climate change is right. We can see that human life, all life expands, grows and flourishes in warming periods. Looking at the entire history of life on earth, the average CO2 level was around 1200PPM (we are at 380) when life flourished the most and the earth had the largest amount of biomass.
Infact during much of these periods the CO2 was over 1,000 and the temp was up to 20C warmer worldwide not the 2C increases global warming people are scared of or even the 4C warming which is the most extreme view.
Nasa is actually measuring a massive greening of the planet right now directly caused by CO2, despite the amount of land we are deforesting, satellites see more worldwide greening is occurring as we continue to produce record crop yields year after year.
Now if we look to the model that makes the best predictions of climate change (no its not CO2 that model has not made one accurate prediction) we would look to the sun. Solar cycles are extremely good at predicting climate change. Not only do they impact how much direct energy and warmth the earth receives during that cycle but ionizing cosmic rays create crowd nuclei during solar minimums to create more cloud cover exaggerating the cooling event.
The solar cycle predicts we are ending a warming period now and will be entering a Solar minimum period 2019-2024, this is the Eddy Minimum, or Grand Solar Minimum which may last decades or more.
Grand solar minimums usually see abrupt temperature drops, a large amount of arable land unable to produce food either from drought, too much rain or simply too cold. This causes massive famine, populations migrate from the famine, this causes disease to spread as well as war as countires fight over resources.
Solar minimums are a civilization killer. Minoans. Egyptians. Romans. Dark Age europe.
We were also very geologically active. BTW, venus is one of only three planets thought to be geologically active in the past three million years. There isn't nearly as much proof of geologic activity as you assert, only remnants of lava flows that may be as young as hundreds of years old. Look it up. I'm not wrong. It's speculated that its geologic activity is what caused the abundance of greenhouse gases and carbon to create the atmosphere that keeps it at a cozy 477 degrees celsius - a fate we're bringing upon ourselves here.
Why are you getting so angry? This is interesting stuff. You should read more about it. It's fun to pick a stance and just plain argue it, but the evidence is pretty clear.
> Land temperatures have fallen
> Ocean temps have gone up
> Glaciers are expanding
> The sun has virtually no sun spots detected
Look up when NOAA combined sea temps with land temps. Its all a fraud
I said look it up, not trust me. I don't have the patience to try to inform insolent kids.
Yes, we will continue to evolve, so natural climate change would present a scenario we'd be likely to evolve enough to survive, but the current progression is much too fast. Evolution takes time periods so long, most people simply can't wrap their heads around it.
>I've never researched it myself because I'm too afraid to find out I'm wrong
When - ever - was a global cooling scare?
Nice so uh whos paying for all this
immediately before the global warming scare
I'd be more amenable to pure electric cars, but why the world hasn't seen even the most basic of concepts here - fucking the middle east and our dependance on their oil - is befuddling. It's the single most immediate effect an energy shift would produce. Without oil revenues, sand niggers would starve and their culture would die. Also, at the least, we'd pollute ourselves less. It's a win/win.
You say that like the smug douche you are, yet liberals screech as soon as you talk about human gender or race.
how'd the last ice age come to end?
never. It was just a talking point big oil shills adopted a couple of years ago that Sup Forumstards ate like the good goys they are
We dont know. A meteor impact caused a massive warming spike but then resulted in an even bigger fooling event as the melt off of the ice caps stopped the gulfstream and threw so much water vapor up it caused thick cloud cover and rain offs for decades.
At the depth of this cooling event another event happened, theorized as some sort of solar phenomena, perhaps the impact of a massive coronal discharge into the upper atmosphere, which then resulted in a massive warming period, basically jump starting life. At one point our CO2 was hovering around 200PPM, 150PPM CO2 would be an extinction level event as plants wouldnt have enough to grow.
*cooling event
A Jew of course.
The difference is the manner in which these conditions existed. Also, humans didn't exist when these dramatic scenarios played out. I'm not fact-checking you, though I'm sure I'd do well if I did. Nonetheless, we aren't talking about whether life can survive, but us.
>Solar cycles are extremely good at predicting climate change.
Literally no historical data stating this. We literally have no more than a few hundred years of solar observation to draw from, and only the last 25 years have given us the data necessary to correlate anything. It may not be complete bullshit, but it's a stretch. The earth's retention of heat depends a whole lot more on the composition of the atmosphere and cumulative hue of the surface. If you have a link, I'd like to see it.
Glaciers always grow in the winter. The difference is that they expand for miles and miles, ten feet thick, far into the ocean, but these glaciers used to be miles thick, not feet thick. A five-foot square that's six inches thick does not hold more volume than a four-foot cube. One has a bigger footprint, but the narrower one has ten times the volume as the wider one.
Once again, children.
I mean't what we evole into will not be what will now consider human so we are not really going to save future humans but whatever we evolve into. really just it's a money resource grab aka tax or buy this new lightbulb or car.scientists, politicians, companies and media give zero shits about future of humans or earth. but if they are going out of the way to push anything its going to be s sales point.
Hahaha! They're admitting that the ice caps are melting (a product of climate change due to human activity) and then speculating nonsense. When I said "scare", I meant something that was taken seriously by respectable scientists, not oil company propaganda.
You're thinking of the south.. or just not thinking apparently.
The article you posted even discredits the idea. Also, this was never taken as seriously as the current model.
What sort of ranges of atmospheric composition are acceptable for human life?
What point in the acceptable range are we in right now?
What's the acceptable temperatures for human life, and how would that change if people need to move closer to the poles?
I'm not talking about either of those things, nor do I care. Your attempt to discredit by association won't work. Save your straw men for other boards.
Look back at the record. Look at the mini ice age, look at any other global cooling event in the last few thousand years. Look at what cycle the sun is in.
>We literally have no more than a few hundred years of solar observation to draw from
Tree core rings and isotopes from ice core samples in greenland are very effective at determining what solar cycle was occurring and when.
"The coincidence of Maunder’s “prolonged solar minimum” with the coldest excursion of the “Little Ice Age” has been noted by many who have looked at the possible relations between the sun and terrestrial climate (73). A lasting tree-ring anomaly which spans the same period has been cited as evidence of a concurrent drought in the American Southwest (68, 74). There is also a nearly 1 : 1 agreement in sense and time between major excursions in world temperature (as best they are known) and the earlier excursions of the envelope of solar behavior in the record of 14C, particularly when a 14C lag time is allowed for: the Sporer Minimum of the 16th century is coincident with the other severe temperature dip of the Little Ice Age, and the Grand Maximum coincides with the “medieval Climatic Optimum” of the 11th through 13th centuries (75, 76)."
>Nonetheless, we aren't talking about whether life can survive, but us.
Mammals lived during this period, where do humans have the highest population density? Around the equator? Where do humans produce the most food? Around the equator. The hottest, wettest place on earth. There is absolutetly no evidence ZERO NONE, id love to see it if you have it, that humans could not live comfortably in earlier world. Atmosphere would be cleaner and have a higher oxygen content and much warmer with much of the world having a climate similar to tropical climates today, a climate which humans thrive in.
Who has the best model? Which predicts climate better? Ask a paleo climatologist.
"When the model started with the decreased solar energy and returned temperatures that matched the paleoclimate record, Shindell and his colleagues knew that the model was showing how the Maunder Minimum could have caused the extreme drop in temperatures. The model showed that the drop in temperature was related to ozone in the stratosphere, the layer of the atmosphere that is between 10 and 50 kilometers from the Earth’s surface. Ozone is created when high-energy ultraviolet light from the Sun interacts with oxygen. During the Maunder Minimum, the Sun emitted less strong ultraviolet light, and so less ozone formed. The decrease in ozone affected planetary waves, the giant wiggles in the jet stream that we are used to seeing on television weather reports.
The change to the planetary waves kicked the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)—the balance between a permanent low-pressure system near Greenland and a permanent high-pressure system to its south—into a negative phase. When the NAO is negative, both pressure systems are relatively weak. Under these conditions, winter storms crossing the Atlantic generally head eastward toward Europe, which experiences a more severe winter. (When the NAO is positive, winter storms track farther north, making winters in Europe milder.) The model results, shown above, illustrate that the NAO was more negative on average during the Maunder Minimum, and Europe remained unusually cold. These results matched the paleoclimate record."
No idea. Doesn't matter. The existence of climate fluctuations isn't being debated. You're attempting to simplify something that's incredible complex, made even more so by the advent of the industrial revolution. We may be behind only plants as the most influential organisms ever on planet Earth. Don't forget that no other organism has ever been capable of modifying its environment, but through sheer numbers - like plants.
Wow what a worthless article with no actual information.
If you want to have a PhD explain it to you, all data and sources are cited in links on the channel.
Then climate change science needs to become profitable. Greed is the greatest motivator. Apparently fear is no longer enough.
Oregon is redneck central.
You bring up valid points. We're capable of living in different climes. The point worth avoiding is when it's no longer possible for us to live roughly as we do now. Severe changes also don't allow time for evolution. While it's possible that we'll survive a lot longer through increasingly dramatic climate changes than people suspect, these changes will bring more than temperature change. At some point, survival will be a dedicated effort. It would benefit our species to deal with these things before they change the whole game for us. The biggest problem would be if our atmosphere began supporting a Venusian climate. Not even our evolved forms would survive that. Biology as we know it won't survive at that temperature.
Well for CO2, 150PPM is a mass exteinction event for most plants and animals. We are at 380PPM now. 1,000 is average for the planet for millions of years during our greenest periods. Humans can endure as much as 5,000PPM
>If you want to have a PhD explain it to you
I should find another video, that guy doesn't have a PHD. He literally just read the Wikipedia article on Milankovitch cycles.