Niggers are animals

>niggers are animals
>jews are demons
>some white people are animals or demons too
>Satan runs this world and is doing everything he can to exterminate humanity and Christianity
>invocation is real
>the elites use demonic entities to gain worldly power
>everyone trapped themselves in the pc matrix as all they love decays
I feel alone and angry. How do you go on, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


you ever spend the night in jail?

i just ordered a 8700k processor and a 1080ti and a 4k screen and some good weed

guess ill enjoy 4k anime and gaming and see if thats enough to keep me alive

>taking your kids to the (((doctor)))

If only it were brother, if only it were...

>current year

ya goof'd big time

>How do you go on, Sup Forums?
Honestly, I had so many horrible things happen in my early life... Nothing moves me anymore, for the most part (aside from women). Just keep on rolling.

You're delusional. You're only hurting yourself. You user are your own worst enemy


>group A is a subset of group B
>group C is a subset of group D
>group E (where I belong) intersects with group B and D
>fictional character X is the cause of unwanted behavior
>X eradicates fictional universe Y
>fictional term Z is real
>the elite uses behavior identified as J in Y
>group E plays vidya

Don't be so myopic. The world world isn't shit. My dog is legit. That egg sandwich was legit too. All of the things you listed are used to create fear in poltards.

Woman mostly anime girls but IRL one to everything else just makes me feel abit sad inside sometimes

I envy your moneys...

My first PC cost me £2,400 in the early naughties.
It was so shit hot that one day I put a game disc in and it spun it so fast the disc disintegrated and exploded like a bomb. They repaired it with a lesser drive.
I finally melted it playing Unreal Tournament with all the specs maxed out every day. It was full of dog hair by that time I discovered upon opening the casing, which explained the burning dog smell I used to get after wasting an enemy with a plasma rifle.
I can take PCs from work any old time now, I can't imagine paying so much for one again.

I have no motivation anymore. Why even have kids if my descendants are just going to be brown godless commies in Brazilified America. Why even try to compete in the job market if you have to be a jew to get anywhere. Why even do anything if I’m destined to die without even making a dent in this fucked up world anyway.

Maybe I’m just too gullible.

LOL you let the world be like that, it can be extremely different depending on your perspective. Take some shrooms and walk outside, that should boot up your optimism.

>How do you go on, Sup Forums?
Listen... I didn't choose to be born on this shitty planet with all this evil tribal nonsense. I wish I could get out, but I don't think there's a way out. In death, I would probably just reincarnate into this timeline again. What keeps me moving forward is my curiosity. I am really curous about how this story will end. Will division, hatred and the inhumane forces of evil continue their rule over this earth, or will humanity finally prevail prevail and bring us into a new golden age of enlightenment? At this point, there's nothing else to live for. The elite that rule this world are far too powerful and they can easily use both the maonstream and alternative media to keep the plebs fighting each-other, while they cuck everyone out of their basic freedoms. It's looking shady... but I believe in miracles, because I have to. Maybe that's just the point of life: to cause conflict and suffering. Non existence sounds pretty comfy, when you think about it...

Or don't, the answer is with you regardless.


You want to get rid of the fucking deep state? You want them gone? Guess fucking what. History has shown us time and time again that those in power almost never do ANYTHING to that extent. They keep the masses appeased while they spin the world circuit in their personal interest - and that is more than likely what is fucking occurring right fucking now.




> winning


>We are winning.

Really? Are we? Why have the Clintons not been publicly arrested and thrown in jail? Why is Huma still free and running about? Why is there NO FUCKING OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION INTO PEDOGATE? Are we winning? Really? Because the fucking way I see it - we're fucking losing. The deep state is still in power, chans are still being shilled, Silicon Valley is still fucking running around happy as a clam.

No, we're not winning - we're waiting for someone else to do the fucking work for us so we can say "we won". That's not how it fucking works you stupid fuck. You want to win? You're going to have to put some fucking effort into it faggot.

None of us want more than for the fucking president to actually get rid of these pieces of fucking shit but don't be a ignorant fucking fool. What has history shown us? Time and time again we are let down. Fuck this shit. There is ZERO FUCKING EXCUSES now for them not to launch an ALL OUT FUCKING ASSAULT on the deepstate and give us something to fucking chew on. What did we get yesterday? FUCKING NOTHING. Trump didn't even have a fucking contingency plan in place for a broadcast on one of the most awaited broadcasts in fucking known history. If you cant do it live you prerecord that shit and give the masses at least something.

We got a twitter shitpost. That was it. Wake the fuck up faggot. Don't expect our President to do shit for us. You want the make the world a better place? Get ready to do it ourselves.

I usually just watch this speech and then I feel better

People are fucking fed up. Anyone who's taken the red pill is ready for the fucking purge. So far all we've seen is a bunch of sealed indictments and the big players still running around free. No one worth mentioning has been taken down. The globalists are still running free. Silicon Valley is continuing to shit up all the fucking chans, twitter, fb - you fucking name it.

A better name for the "awards" would of been the fucking demoralization awards.

We've received NOTHING of substance. little piss ant things here and there. Millions of people are fucking DONE being happy with "bread crumbs". It's time for the whole fucking loaf. But no.

We don't ever get that with any president or leader that we think will do magical things now do we? Who tried it last? JFK?

Another fucking good point from toranon:

>That very fact that approx 2/3 of the internet was going completely apeshit about IT (or "The Great Awakening") should have illustrated to him that All His Base, and then some, is ready for the purge. He has no excuse now to continue cucking out.


also an appropriate usage of cruise control.

It was a distraction from the sealed indictments being opened into uranium one and a practice run for the patriots Twitter army. They got #fakenewsawards trending worldwide and took control of the narrative while bombarding the hashtags with redpill memes.

if we win there will be nothing to do
enjoy it while it lasts

Its time to let go and trust in God

ok. we'll see.

Reincarnation is real and this lifetime is about toughening you up.

You are learning how to deal with adversity. If you can actually make the world a better place this lifetime while not losing your mind or becoming an apathetic psychopath, you're doing better than most people.

Try not to take everything so seriously. Its just a game.

why does this make me eerie just looking at it

All I see is a rare pepe and a faggot OP

people are giving up because there's been a massive hype that there's finally going to be happenings.

we persistently get no happenings.

time to start making the fucking happenings ourselves.

Smug Pepe is NEVER to be placed into a pic with trash...

>which explained the burning dog smell I used to get after wasting an enemy with a plasma rifle.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.

There is much good in the world user, cheer up and stop focusing on the negative, be aware of it but don't let it drag you down, I mean look on the bright side, at least you're not a leaf

>at least you're not a leaf

Just waiting to die. Meditation and yoga make me feel pretty good though. I do believe there is something other than this world, I just hope its BETTER than this world. Also doing self improvement shit helps, but mostly this world is fucked I think. Also good weed and comedy helps.

The love of Jesus man
>Jesus will return on a white war horse and blow the satanist right out of the water
>I hope I live to see it

it's insinuating they're getting owned. kek

amd is suffering too from the exploit fag

Swallow that nwo pill and now you are curled into a ball suffering from a massive migraine accompanied with nausea

Sky jew isn’t real you’re fucked

Stop believing in religious horse shit. You all sound like Allah worshipping sand niggers, all of you motherfuckers.

Be fruitful and multiply or something you faggot.

this but i like to expand on it
in order to beat the stronghold of what these kikes achieved we must do exactly what they did
we must play the infiltration games, play their game of degenerate chess and beat them at it
we must beter ourselves and get into every nook and cranny of educational secter, poltics , showbiz, etc etc and slowly redpill everyone en masse and start taking action the same way its done on this board but it has to be more subte and more vast and 10x more sneaky than the sleeziest kike whilst still pretending we are poltical correct soiboi cucks whilst doing so..
so do yourselves a favour and drop this board out of your life and pick up some damn books

Learn how to make bombs and stockpile them until the right opportunity comes along.

not necessary for me i'm well read as it is. i can say however that "infiltrating" them is a moot point until the bulk of them are disposed of

Go to there you will find articles and materials concerning the truth about God which has been bastardized over the centuries.

Good luck