One of if not the best episode of the series.
One of if not the best episode of the series
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It's shit
Season one is better
Your argument is not very convincing.
The fight suck.
What anime fights do you consider good fights?
Stop being a kid.
So you like two dimensional characters doing flashy shit? I approached One Punch Man with a fresh unbiased mind, but I never once felt anything for Saitama. In Attack of Titan I feel for Eren and his friends... I guess thats the differnce... you prefer bright ligjhts, and some of us perfer actual substance.
I like the manga. But the anime suck.
SNK is a bad anime. Deal with it.
Pineapple pizza might be flawed, but if you just ignore the pinapple its as great as any pizza.
Stop crying about not even 2 minutes of CGI, child.
Reiner is so handsome.
Me on the left
poor bert
>blown out michael bay shit
Yup youre 12
Do you think Annie would have changed allegiance to the walldians if Eren gave her the dick during training?
Joking aside.
I've been practicing MMA for 6 years now, along with box for 7 years, I think I could.
As well as bodybuilding for 4 years, 1.87m for 86kg.
The speed I'm granted is mad, and so are my reflexes. I'd just have to wait for him to rush towards me and throw good punches right at his head. I'd not let him go, any mistake and the gorilla's done for. There'll always be virgins here thinking that it's impossible. Nothing is impossible with willpower to begin with, my friends. And secondly, you're not gonna do anything with the cowardly-shaped bodies you've got.
Any barely trained man can defeat a gorilla with a knife. With bare hands, it's not necessarily more complicated, all it requires is technique.
I've never seen this copypasta before
12 and autistic, too! Starting to feel sorry for you.
>Any barely trained man can defeat a gorilla with a knife.
>With bare hands, it's not necessarily more complicated, all it requires is technique.
With a knife it would be plausible but bare handed? No way nigga. how did we go from attack on titan to gorilla warfare?
>great animation
>great visuals
>Blood pumping action
I don't think too highly of One Punch Man, but you have some shit taste to believe that wasn't a good fight.
Terrible characterisation, though. All we knew about Boros was that he was looking for a challenge, and we knew from the start that Saitama was going to win anyways.
Weird seeing century-old reaction images animated.
Well yeah Saitama always winning is the whole point of the anime right, that's not really valid criticism. The fight was still really well animated and for a minute when Saitama got blown to the moon or when his punches didnt kill boros you did feel "wow, maybe he might not just win out right"
And ? Eren vs reiner suck.
>actually getting distracted by flashy effect to not realize there is next to no actual movement
20 fps fight
You can really see the conviction in his eyes here and how ambiguous it becomes with the reveal. It was kinda lost in today's episode.
I haven't said anything about that. Haven't watched the episode yet.
My point was more that there was no emotional hook to that fight. I'll grant you the animation point, though, despite seizure-inducing neon lights.
>Haven't watched the episode yet.
Oh god.