> Starting around the time I turned 27, I could not bat marriage away.
All millennial women start to think about marriage when 30 is near. Marriage is just a game to them. How many evidence do you need Sup Forums.
Millennial Women
I hate how these people write. They talk down and oversimplify too much.
So women are Italian?
women are so clueless it's almost surreal. then again we have to throw in most men to that category as well, but they're not quite as absurd as women
essentially, yes
This is like not paying your car payments then complaining when your credit is bad and you cant buy a house since no mortgage.
Men notice these whores and wont buy them heavily used later.
This wouldn't be a problem if 3DPD women would be like 2D women.
Fapped to that one on sadpanda yesterday.
Who the fuck would want to marry that disgusting used up whore ?
Hope you guys are buying cryptocurrencies before they go orbital so you can afford/buy a virgin wifu
>tfw no milf to make happy
feels bad man
>the cut
Holy :b:rap that was hard to read.
Have a meme.
i'd rather the white race die out than to allow women who rode the cock carousel in their 20s to marry after hitting the wall
if you marry anything other than a virgin you're doing it wrong
Milf would imply that they have children though.
Fine "mature older woman"
This is sexism. You just compered women to tangible assets
To most of these women, Marriage is:
1) A big Disney fairy-tale event to feel really special.
2) A status booster to show off to friends and associates.
After the party is over, and they realize what it means to be a wife, they regret it and fall out with the husband. Avoid these people like the plague.
Women are tangible assets. Or more often, tangible liabilities.
Ehhh, some of them are just smart enough to know when to cash in their chips. She's letting people know that she's done with drug dealers and chads and wants to move onto simps; they buy her things, and can accept being cucked and her whoring past.
well it checks as my girl keep pushing for us to get married since about 2 months ago (she is 26). We are together for 2 years. To be fair, she is putting a lot of effort into reading books about how to have a successful marriage and having us talk about it.
If you think about it, the main reason women latched on to a husband or marriage was for protection. Now they can do whatever the fuck they want and the law is on their side. Best to just genoicde them.
>been together 2 years
What is this sad panda?
I don't get it.
I knew within 6 months I was going to marry her. At two years she should give you an ultimatum or tell you to fuck off. Women start losing fertility and 22-23.
big if true
so can I ask about you about your experiences on the matter? How long must I stay in the relationship to be ready?
This. Notice how every single one of these articles is about what her friends are doing and how that makes her feel bad? At no point is any discussion of the men the friends are marrying ever given, because it isn't that relevant in her mind.
Biology is one hell of a drug.
flag checks out. a good catholic lad he is
It is the reason why they want to get married once they hit the wall. Fuck through their best years and then find some hubby who will support them.
Its ingrained in women to get married young. Its genetics. Can't blame them. A lot of them can't handle they are not sought after after 30. Because for years they held all the power.
Long winded bullshit about a woman desperately trying to fight the natural order of things. She never questioned why things are a tradition in the first place, why humans have been doing it for thousands of years and is actually conceited enough to believe it’s the first time in human history that people have tried something different.
I seriously hope he never proposes and she ends up a miserable old cat lady
>Implying that a relationship is not an exchange of goods and services at its most basic level
Fucking shit that got me hard.
Have you only known each other 2 years or is it you've only been a couple for 2 years?
I like Italians they are showy but effectively useless to have on your side. Aint that right Hans?
>30 at the time
>Gf was 29
>Bitch be diggin hard and sheeiiittt for us to live together.
>Emergency break in my head engaged due to her drunken slutty conduct.
>Thank god for that emergency break.
>Got rid of her
>She is now a land bound manatee with 3 kids and some guy who is as miserable as fuck.
we've known each other for a little over 2 years
Hell yeah!
they are hitting the wall and still don't get it. they never will
Trips of truth
Well done my man.
You know what... Don't listen to me. Do whatever makes you happy.
okay sorros. we will abandon women and die alone.
A magical place.
Pray tell how I get there?
I've been sent links before but only ever got the eponymous sadpanda appear.
I wouldn't marry a female above 26.
>How many evidence do you need Sup Forums.
>Checks flag
>Checks grammar
K. Dad, you really need to lay off the Boddingtons.
Next time you'll try to find it yourself.
>you marrying someone
Why are you people so pathetic.
If you are a great guy and understand women marriage is doable: Get a prenub, don't be too strict and find a girl with personality.
Ok, that’s it. Done with white women. It’s up to Generation Zyklon now.
Damn, I love happy endings...
>dont be strict
>girl with personality
how the fuck can one sentence be so gay?
All I'm getting is a picture of a panda.
I actually agree that prenup is the best plan. Wonder how long it'll be before feminists get rid of those.
Facts: Girls don't know what they do most of the time it's just feelings. If it goes wrong they get all of your money unless......
the solution is simple don't get married with unity of goods and get a woman who you could stand to live with the rest of your life. Capiche?
What is so wrong about you why you cannot just accept the idea of people (males and females) doing what they want? Why you want to oppress or kill someone, for whatever reason?
I am not defending women but hey calling for genocide is so strong imo
Prenups don't work unless you have a lot of money to put in on a lawyer. Also, I'm gonna get married and have kids soonish. Just don't fall for the type of women in ops post and you're golden.
Plus haven't there been instances recently of prenups being completely ignored by courts?
Oh didn't know that. We have something that does work, no lawyer needed. only problem is:
>user don't you trust me!?
>don't fall for most women in modern society
>what could possibly go wrong
Yep. Prenups are useless unless you're a billionaire like Musk who can afford millions in court costs. Most courts throw them out because the women say that they were under duress when they signed it.
No doubt it's happening in Australia (most of the results I found were British). Here's something from Tennessee:
Holy trips speak truth.
How jewed is your legal system?
It's a newfag filter. Once you stop being a newfag, you'll get past the sadpanda filter.
Very jewed. Most courts/ society don't really like men that much.
I'm really not sure where this Sup Forums meme comes from. Common law in the U.S. requires seems there is no duress by law when both parties have legal counsel present when signing a prenup.
I was the whole dating scene for a while and I'll say that most women do not fall in those groups. Just don't go for women online and you should be fine about 80% of the time.
>signed under duress
women HATE this one little trick
My gf is 29 and clearly starting to pine for marriage. Her two best female friends have already been married and completed divorces. I think she's trying to play catch-up.
Well, I hope you've put her through a proper vetting. Questioned her family and scoured her online accounts for any indication of whoredom or feminism. Has she ever even been aquainted with a nigger, has she ever used the terms 'patriarchy' or 'triggered' in anything but a derisive manner?
As much as us men can't stand it, this is how women's brains think
Marriage and children are two ways a woman can get the attention whoring moments they crave. That's just how it is.
Marriage is how a woman stays relevant when the beauty they once relied so much upon begins to fade away
>What's wrong with you white men?! You're all just insecure virgin's!!! Especially you pedophiles going for 12 year old looking Asian twig girls!!! Don't you want a woman with experience?!!!!!
boy he bout to do it
>why is every fiber of my being incompatible with third wave feminist theory?!?!
we fourth wave now
Oh dear
Just sit and think really good okay. wILL YOU PROMISE?
Lawfag here. The requirements here in the UK aren't even that crazy complex here now due to Radmacher, and in the U.S they're supposed to be even easier than that. You could literally go and google the requirements for your state right now.
dead links rip
I know her super well, don't worry about it. She's left wing but most women are. On the other hand she is not an SJW and we can have actual intellectual discussions about politics, so it's not bad. I can see she sees my points (and in a lot of ways, just by being with me she has changed her way of thinking).
Anyway, before getting married we will have a proper discussion about how to raise our kids, and then we have to come to some sort of agreement on a number of things. I want them to have at least basic religious teaching for example.
>The only thing more annoying than the cringe-worthy depictions of marriage I see around me is the desire itself, which feels beyond logic or control.
"fuck the merciless genetic onslaught brought about by four billion years of evolution, i know everything since feminism is clearly the way forward"
Agree, the Dudes trolling us with Redbook/ Vogue level rubbish.
only those who are worthy can pass the panda
The average age at first marriage for women is around 30 in Europe and Japan so statistically speaking you're wrong. These women do get married
>Break up with gf
>she gets a new guy
>after 4 months she wants back in
>yeah fuck you
>next year they get a baby
>pauses college at last year
>second one
>dude gets doctorate done
>she menages to cut him off from his whole family because she is a bitch
>guy overworks
>hangs himself
>28, 2 kids and in same profession as he was so everyone knows she caused this shit
>lives on pittance pension
>nobody wants to hire psycho woman
27 is not alot still got time for kids and marriage
Thumbnail reminded me of Scar from The Lion King
>tfw virgin for so long achieved wizard status and the only women left are used up whores
Fuck this gay shit.
It sounds like you've got it sorted out proper so carry on.
Trips of truth tbqhwyf
>implying that the reason you were a virgin is not because those 19 year old girls were out fucking 33 year old men
Honestly though once people get married there social circles change and once enough get married a few singles are left to scramble as they are kinda left now.
That feel is quickly approaching for me and I'm 27.
Who said that?