Mutilating your genitals is badass!
The absolute state of JEWsa
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Anybody suppose all the mood-altering drugs and hormones that get pissed into our drinking water supply have something to do with the tranny invasion?
jews pushing the anti-smoking agenda too
I'd say that stationary lifestyles, 14 hour a day desk jobs and such, are probably a bigger factor than not smoking cigarettes, but I'm not a scientist. Seems to me that humanity would have experienced this before cigarettes were invented if smoking was an important factor. I'd rather deal with trannies than cigarettes. I smoked them for 25 years. No thanks. I'm done. Guess I'll go cut my dick off.
What their band name?
Fag Hags or Cockchop Suey?
Any soy boy fag that hates being a male that much should first cut his..hers ITS Throat.
combination of anime and the fact that men are not allowed to be men anymore
also that it's turned into a fad
The fad aspect is troubling. Are these kids permanently altering themselves due to a mental disorder, or are they just seeking acceptance anywhere they can find it?
I truly believe that they feel they have no purpose anymore and it's just easier to be female and females are multipurpose now that they've taken away our main purposes
but yeah the fact that it is now a large group they can become part of and gain attention from is not helping
speaking as a member of the metal community
we have no problem with gay people, trans people etc
we were ok with rob halford being gay
we were ok with lemmy fucking a shemale
but becoming a state legislator IS NOT METAL
The fuck Rob Halford is gay?
>but becoming a state legislator IS NOT METAL
>who is Fenriz
Remember when metal was full of working class white guys instead of trannies, hipsters, and black guys wearing burzum t shirts?
No? Metal has always been a place for the outcasts of society to congregate.
unbelievable isn't it
i mean there was nothing in their image in their early days that even remotely suggested it
not rly , no..
That shit was just the weird crap that metal bands did though, especially in the 70s and 80s. Look at KISS for fucks sake. And yes I know KISS isn’t metal, I’m just making a point
Brendan Small is a notorious SJW if you follow his twitter. I like his music a lot, but unfortunately he also has a gigantic overblown ego for no fucking reason what so ever.
Being in government is totally not metal.
The greatest country to ever exist, filthy europoors are showing their envy. We NEVER think of you.
Kiss isn't metal?
>Aggressive music that was originally for white guys into fantasy, DnD, and motorcycles to blow steam of to.
How inclusive!!!
This is why the metal scene is so toxic and cringey, and why anti fa literally try to shut down bands like Marduk and such for having a swastika on the album cover or referencing gas chambers.
just you daily reminder that the jews are pushing this weird deranged shit because the god they worship is literally a dick-girl tranny
Singer in Life of Agony too. Some of them don't kill themselves, even though they should
I only see him spamming about net neutrality
Not really. Musically they’re close, but lyrically, not at all. People forget that lyrics are a major component of metal.
They were the progenitors of a lot of the metal aesthetic, but their music is in no way metal. It’s the epitome of hard rock.
what invasion? How many trans people do you see in a week? You are just seeing those on the news and media because it's being pushed as normalization. Not to mention, everyone here would be trans if that were the case because everyone here is mentally weak and hormonally imbalanced.
Ive been following him for over a year and he was WITH HER!!!!! And constantly retweets negative current party stuff but loved Obama. My gripe is more that hes like a tim heidecker politically, AND arrogant about how legendary his skillz are dude.
>Epic! Based! Metal! Supreme fucking awesome! Whooooooo!
The fuck are you arguing about? Metal has by its upbringing been for people who haven’t felt that they conform. Fucking look at early metal bands. Look at their style, their lyrics, and they sounds compared to everything else at the time. Metal has never been for the “everyday person”, which is why people still ostracise it today.
Goddamnit Brendon
Testosterone drops because men aren't being men. Just make decisions and stick k to them and your T will go up.
Those fucking jews not letting us die from lung cancer in peace
well that's disappointing if that's true. I absolutely love everything he's created
>Testosterone drops because men aren't being men. Just make decisions and stick k to them and your T will go up.
dont forget to eat raw onions, avoid soy, and not masturbate. god Sup Forums pseudoscience is amazing
This is why you learn to separate the artist from the person.
>American metal
First they sing about Jesus, Angels and Satan and wear crosses like good goys, then they mutilate genitals.
It's closely tied to psychology. It's not a coincidence when you're in charge you start feeling the effects.
>Cutting your dick off is SO FUCKING METAL!
It's literally the equivalent of nigger rap but for white trash. It has not been improved by the faggot/tranny/normie infiltration.
Brendon Small has disappointed me so greatly in the last 2 years.
i'll just have to tell myself that he's just simply morbidly misinformed.
at the very least in regards to net neutrality that has been the case 100% of the time when i've actually talked to people about it
hello millennial
Are you fucking retarded? Metal is obviously an almost entirely white male dominated art form in all of it's various iterations. I said that and you said
>No? Metal has always been a place for the outcasts of society to congregate.
Outcast is a subjective term, but metal literally has been 99%percent white heterosexual men. You can't deny that. Christ you are a fucking idiot.
I love his music too man, Galaktikon is one of my favorite albums of all time because of the feel it gave me. But he is, unfortunately an absolute leftist to the point where I could see him appearing on late night exactly like Louis CK did. "We need a mother."
closely tied to psychology. what does that even mean. show me the psychology peer reviewed paper (which is a joke in of itself, as 60% of the CONDITIONS the experiments are performed in are non-reproducible, let alone the results are not). It's called the placebo effect from you realizing all those minor little decisions you used to freak out about dont actually fucking matter in the grand scheme of things and it was just you being an autistic sperglord about it.
The same way kids on here cry about degeneracy is how people felt about metal back in the day.
Hardcore af, they're taking edgy genre into whole new level
>eat raw onions
dafuk? that shit gives me gas.
Gay Britain used to be so cool, back when Freddie Mercury was cool.
You dropped your fedora, dipshit.
eww dude
a better example would have been the wardrobe selections on the cover of sabotage by black sabbath
so you got nothing, gotcha.
fucking trannies defiling dime's range of guitars with their presence
Any art that seems to require you to wear too much leather is inherently gay.
lets me up in
that didn't come out right
>you cannot he a white heterosexual man and an outcast of society
Holy fuck you are retarded. You’ve never actually listened to metal have you?
Thats fucking gross mate
Black Sabbath is classified as metal, but they have a very strong blues influence. Is Sabbath metal?
This is what growing up on a healthy dose of animu/fanfic/fanart/traps/MMORPG does to your brain.
Is this chick a tranny? I don't think she is but I can't honestly be sure. Either way Code Orange is fucking awful
Yes. Very much so. Having an influence is just where you form your musical styles and tones from.
I live on the north side of Chicago. I see trannies daily. I am aware that other people are responding only to the news, but they're walking down the streets here. I got threatened by a tranny who I called "it" before any of this pronoun shit even existed in the mainstream media. They wander around in groups, shopping or going to school... or whatever they do for fun.
Drugs don't affect everyone the same way. This is not even a disputed fact. It's something every doctor has to be careful about.
Fucking hate people like that
God damn you are the retarded one. I never said anything about being a le ebin special snowflake "outcast". My original post was about the racial and gender demographics of metal music, and then you started on this le "outcast" bullshit.
Plenty of normal guys listen to metal, you aren't in a le sekret elite club of outcasts. This conversation is over, get fucked.
Pic related. You cunts overthink shit sometimes. Drink clean water. Eat clean food. If you have to eat meat, make certain you killed it yourself and had it butchered.
The. Fucking. End.
Some are hot.
Holy fuck you are so low IQ that you can’t even follow a conversation. Metal has never been for “he working man” like you implied. It has ALWAYS been for people that specifically aren’t normal, hence the eccentric performances, getups, and lyrics. Hang yourself you stupid nigger
Those red tights....
Least metal album cover ever.
Metal is quite possibly the most normie genre in existence. The bands may not conform but the fans sure as fuck do.
That’s because metal has become mainstream. Doesn’t change the fact that metal is, was, and always has been for people who aren’t normal.
Entertainers by and large are not normal.
Fucking kike, go to hell.
What if your water has been polluted by strong men and your food has been engineered by strong men and strong men take away your guns and hunting land because weak men make strong men rich? This is the world we live in. You're under thinking everything.
And in metal, far less so, especially if we’re talking Nordic metal bands
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH FUCK. seriously liked thier first album. everything after was fucking gay like, how do you have that band name singing about fucking tangerines. I never would have guessed that little manlet fuck would go tranny.
So those on the left side aren't real homosex because they are too ugly to fuck?
1. Supported by tests with lab rats, massive increases in testosterone but not necessarily the same effect in humans
2. Supported by legions of japanese medical studies that you can find just by googling (how fucking useless are you)
3. Not masturbate
Never even been debated
Psuedoscience indeed, how hard is it to use google you spastic
WTF man isnt brandon smal lthe one that made fucking metalocalpyse?
Look at his fucking hand gestures and overall body language. Rob Halford is a cool dude, but he's fucking gay as fuck.
What a dissapointment i used to think he was really cool.
working for the goverment is metal? da fuq with these people
>tranny metalhead
>metal community
When did metalheads become such faggots?
Fuck yeah the great kat.
I have that cd "worship me or die".
It's called Sabotage for a reason.
Also checked.
Onions decrease estrogen, they don't touch test, increase free test by a little, 13% was the result for onionbrah.
Soy fucks you up, it fucks women up too as shit in soy binds where estrogen is supposed to in women preventing their own stronger estrogen from binding.
And masturbating lowers your test which is common knowledge, 7 days after not fapping your test increases 40% and stays there while your body changes the way your test binds.
Excessive masturbation also causes fucked up hormone balance.
Hormone problems are also tied to balding as nearly evvery balding fuck has low test and is flooded with estrogen.
dude in that pic is actually me
I hope he wins. I love making fun of my white friends for shit like this.