is this movie redpilled? i'm about to watch it
Is this movie redpilled? i'm about to watch it
Very. Ironic cuz they tried to be bluepulled.
You tell me
his arguments are literally irrefutable especially about the dog breeds
This is my opinion on it too. They tried to make him look absurd, but they ended up making his points look measured and reasonable.
Yes. The book is even more redpilled.
how was this not banned in Krautland?
As an American I take offense
I just watched this last week. There are parts where you will have to pause it because you're laughing so hard.
It's also pretty redpilled, until about the last 15 or 20 minutes.
My favorite movie, is too redpilled, don't know why (((they))) allowed it.
Yes. I've watched it yesterday. Epic ideas and an unfiltered mirror of society.
It was a german production.
actually no, I think the message goes somewhere like this:
he's back again, because there is still a nazi in every german. it's satire, but on the expense of right wings.
Pretty good, funny at times. I'm shocked the krauts allowed it.
yeah but how did it get the greenlight?
Pretty much.
>oy vey, see? it doesn't take much for ze evil germans to go full nazi again
>shame on you!
>you must fell bad!
>take more refugees to prove you're not evil
Or something like this.
This movie is utter bollocks actually.
Because it's anti-nazi.
not really, his arguments are never refuted, they just shoot him at the end
That wasn't the message at all you imbecile. Out of the interviews you could see why people turn far right. Watch it with your brain turned on next time, Hans.
They thought it would be a blue pill.
>Look how easy it is to follow a fuhrer!
but thats just liberal logic because it is filled with logical redpills that show how bad they need a strong pro german leader.
>until last 15-20 min
Elaborate. End of the movie is literally whats happening in Europe with Hitler commenting "its a good point to start"
They thought the Nazi deadbeat argument still worked. The thing you have to realise is that our government and censorship authorities mostly consist of foreigners, mostly those Polish Jews you fought two world wars to hand our welfare too. They assume that what they're told works by their think-tank leaders always works because it works in other countries and then browbeat us for not being more like other countries. By the time they realised this movie would have everybody doing joyous Hitler quotes for months on end it was already far too late to lambast us about it. They now try to simply pretend that it never existed.
>the movie is called "Im Kino"
He's probably referring to their rooftop dialogue. What's funny is that most people got goosebumps watching Hitler dress him down.
Hello, Der Stürmer.
>German humor
Not bad
Quick question whats with the ''kino'' appreciation on pol. Wht does it mean?
>movie about how most people are stupid plebs who will buy into any superficial charisma
>nupol thinks the movie is praising Hitler and showing how great he was
really made me think
Yo, Yizhak. Why so crabby? Did you have to make do with Semitic kidneys for breakfast today?
You havent seen it did you shillboi?
It's from Sup Forums. Kino (german) - Cinema. It is a quality seal of good movies.
>ass blasted
It reminded me of how at first I browsed/posted on /pol ironically
If you really think a german movie would be accepting right opinions, you need a brain, friend. The goal is that the audience looks at the people being interviewed and says "lol, look at those dumb ass germans from today, still being nazis deep inside. they learned nothing. now let's open the borders and accept 10 million refugees because we are all still guilty."
but it backfired and now people unironically want Hitler back
You haven't watched the movie then.
The average viewer could and would relate to the ideas of the interviews inbetween.
The point of the movie is that Hitler is literally inside every human being.
Everyone hate mass migration, everyone would love a ethno state, and so on.
>getting the point
Jesus christ, and they call US autists.
I did. Your knee jerk needlessly confrontational response means youre the exact sort of nupol tryhard Im talking about
I found some parts of rooftop dialogue pretty hilarious. Due to the fact I identify Sawatsky as your average beta-cuck progressive soyboy when Hitler tell him "but I was voted...what do you want to do Sawatsky?Decide you for everyone?"
This is literally the leftist mentality "no's not democracy anymore if those who I disagree with, win!"
>Everyone hate mass migration
then why do they all vote for it
I've watched it.
It's supposed to be the most pozzed, bluepilled shit you can imagine. The intended message to Germans is supposed to be that they are all innately racist bigots and that if they aren't constantly fighting against turning into nazis again, they will.
But it fails, and what you are left with is a depiction of Hitler completely understanding what is going on around him.
He is never shown to be wrong.
The penultimate scene of the movie makes it clear; Hitler is not evil - he is the manifestation of the will to live. He is the instinct to survive.
I've honestly wondered if the thing wasn't deliberately written as a stealth redpill, but that would take insane genius levels of tact.
>then why do they all vote for it
When and where was that referendum again?
>then why do they all vote for it
They don't.
They vote for gibs.
The people that voted brexit are the working class labour voters.
Black Hitler looks like he might be related to Idris Elba.
49% of your country voted for their own extermination
what with the dead dog? and why can't i ever find torrents of this?
No, the point is that people are stupid and easily manipulated through shallow charm. This is why stormfags can never articulate their love of nazism and base it on purely emotional terms through pictures of cool SS troops
Wow that's actually reasonable.
It's actually really funny and Hitler comes across really reasonable.
So did 47.7% of yours.
Why do Americans think like this? People vote for many reasons, they vote for job security, or to make sure prices in the supermarkets stay low, or because they want to benefit from protections afforded to them by European legislation. This is why you'll never win anyone over, because your a purposely ignorant person.
It's the most redpilled movie I have ever seen
It's like the movie is trying to make hitler looks bad SOMETIMES, but fails again and again
He is shown as way more charismatic and intelligent than any other modern politician
he talks about race realism, immigration and other stuff
You do realise at some point he isn't really hitler, that also explains why he would kill a dog when he got angry while the real hitler would never do that
it's just the physical manifestation of an european feeling, the will to survive, destroy the current political system and push back the invaders
The biggest redpilled show at the moment is the The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
The show is genius. It subconsciously tries to make the view antisemitic.
No, they tried both to be honest. They highlighted the absurdity of both sides and warned if things aren't changed than 'a hitler' can work with them. Of course jack shit is done and the right rises. The movie is a lot different from the book though, I think they try to be more dramatic.
My ass really just emits gas though. You sure that you want this to go there?
That was my favorite part too. "I'm a monster? Where those who voted for me monsters too?" or however that went. Instant classic.
Because America went from a 90% white country to a 56% white country. We know europes future
Not unless you look at it with red-tinted glasses. Still an okay watch, but objectively it is not "redpilled" and I sincerely doubt it has changed anyone's opinion of Hitler.
It's a weird one. It's supposed to be bluepilled but it ends up, because of how German humour works, being pretty god damned redpilled inadvertently. It depicts a spine-stiffening of Germans which to a German audience looks terrifying but to anyone else looks a re-invigoration of national pride.
I think the goal was to build hitler up as a reasonable person, then when the girl is found out to be jewish and the grandma gives that scary sentence "I know it's you" we are supposed to be reminded of all the evil things ect cetra. At the end they blow their wad and say if you oppose refugees you are literally hitler
What they did wrong was make him waaay too charismatic in the beginning, and they overestimate how many Germans actually like refugees I think.
I'm curious to know how German audiences responded
Most people considered it a joke because the people Hitler talks to all of course realised that he was an actor and the ads still tried to hype that people thought he was the real one. Also the guy who plays that program director - the bald skinny guy with the glasses who conspires to ruin the broadcasting station lady - normally plays a stereotypically evil office boss in a really bad but popular comedy, so most went in expecting lame slapstick. When they actually viewed it there was then confusion about whether it is bad that most of us agreed with the things that Hitler said. Then eventually there was a trend about quoting him everywhere that lasted all of three months and then the hype died down. It's now that movie you show people whom you aren't sure are redpilled, but overall it's agreed to have been one of the better ones that year. Make of it what you will. We're not an incredibly talkative people.
How in the actual fuck did this get released?
Jesus, my mum looks more like Hitler than this guy
Yes, they completely botched this.
He even has sympathies for the Greens in the movie - the favourite party of probably 50% of the average German film crew.
>It's you. You're him.
>"I never claimed to be anything else. History repeats itself"
>Yes, history repeats itself. You're fooling people with your propaganda.
>"Oh, Sawatski. You don't understand. In 1933, people were not fooled by propaganda. They elected a leader, one who openly disclosed his plans with great clarity. The Germans elected me."
It's supposed to be yet another manifestation of German self-loathing and guilt tripping, but it actually ends up making modern Germany look awful.
Link for torrent please
Not really. They basically present what makes the alt-right, Hitler and Sup Forums attractive. Now, the thing is that Hitler never propose an actual solution and given what his previous record his, it will probably be worse than the current situation. But we'll probably get ride of sandniggers and jews.
This is made clearer in the book. The movie just has that grandma scene for that basically.
Because you oversea idiots believe that everything get censored
I wouldn't call it redpilled, but it's somewhat funny.
https:// tpb .fun/torrent/ 14139395/ Er_Ist_Wieder_Da_2015_German_720p_BluRay_800_MB_-_iExTV
slow as fuck and not sure if it works but you can try it
Honestly the ONLY bad thing Hitler does in the entire movie is shoot that dog. I find that triggering because the last thing the real Hitler would ever do is harm an animal.
yes, but Im not sure if it was intended
>im about to read a bunch of subtitles
For some reason they made Hitler shoot a dog, because otherwise it wouldn't been clear he's evil
btw, pays to run an anti-virus scan after. You know how this shit is ever since the real pirate bay was blocked by our government.
God you must actually be a nigger. I bet you watch dubbed anime you fucking degenerate.
According to Wikipedia he was a vegetarian
anime is fucking gay
The absolute state of Burgers.
He shoots a dog that his producer means to have him take pictures with after it snaps at him. They are forced to buy it off the breeder afterward and the result is that Hitler keeps using the carcass as a handpuppet to troll said producer. As for the torrent, there's a site called that ought to have one.
Literally one of the last things he did was poison his dogs, although it was so the Russians wouldn't get their hands on them.
Lol. They tried too hard. It just comes off comical.
Yeah, that was the intention, mutt.
The scenes where he encounters modern day neo nazis and gets mad at vegan nazi cooking shows is the best moments in the movie
worth a watch if u can find the subtitled one
But it doesn't make him look bad. If the point of the movie was Hitler == bad then they missed the mark. It's such a caricature that it has little persuasive value. Hitler is supposed to be the penultimate evil. Show him accruing like a goof and getting attacked by a rat dog is a completely separate image. The audience won't connect the two.
>Birthrate lower than ever
>Lets fund abortion for a almost 95% white country just before we're about to go and lose half our population.
Really? Who took him in?
the book had me in stitches
We Wuz Nazis N Sheeeeit
its like American history x, it is meant as blue piled but it ends up red pilled by accident.
Its accidentally redpilled, Hitler is a completely sensible man in the movie and all of his points are valid. They relied too much on normalfag avoidance triggers that they forgot to actually make Hitler have bad ideas and or have his ideas be countered.
The film presented itself as a goofy comedy.
Why it's good is because it merly present the characters viewpoints. Sup Forums agree with Hitler and liked the movie and liberals (and I'm not talking about the /leftypol/ version) liked it because it show how dangerous Hitler is.
Personaly I enjoyed it and the book because it show how someone like Hitler can become a leader by being charismatic despite having retarded policies.
>show how someone like Hitler can become a leader by being charismatic despite having retarded policies.
And which of his policies are retarde? your own country is flooded by the millions with violent, raping immigrants.
Every major movie or whatever made in the past couple of decades is not redpilled, you can take that as a rule of thumb. I did enjoy both the book and the movie though, there were some elements which (maybe accidentally) made Hitler more palatable, like stated
kek I'm about to download this
No it was intentional. One of the point of the movie is that people trust in the governements and other bigs institution is dwindeling as they feel lied to, betrayed and such. And then comes Hitler with his glorious aura. People feel he is genuily concerned and he doesn't speak the same language as those corporate overlord.
The book also never prove him wrong, but since you have access to all of is internal though you see him as bathshit insane. The thing is, you have no characters who stop the story to tell you that. Well, one does, but he still manages to win the argument.