Episode 31 subs out.
Shingeki no Kyojin/SnK
YH is cute and canon.
Endgame right here, brothers.
What is Eren touching? Notice how he tries to sit far from Mikasa and even his food plate is moved
Oops I meant *Episode 32 subs out.
but how can you pair someone with a dead person
The same way I can pair you with me, user.
Let's be honest: Just because someone has Ymir's memories it doesn't follow that she's dead.
If Zeke fucks Eren, does it count as incest?
Every. Fucking. Time.
I'd explain to you but you're just a filthy speed reader, you'd probably blaze through this text without the getting the message.
Reiner is so handsome.
Yes, why wouldn't it?
There's an image of her chained up like eren was
>***,184位/***,184位 ◎ (**1,341 pt) [*,**7予約] 2017/06/21 Shingeki no Kyojin S2 BD
How can we save this show from bombing?
Some people are into that kind of thing.
The game isn't canon
Anyone have the gif version for pic related by any chance?
I want to ______ the mule
It'll be fine
It's not gay if it's BJJ
He's hiding the unclean parts of the table and cleaning up whatever else is left low key.
>that leglock
>Series jumped the shark a long time ago
>Season 2's sales projections are abyssal
Why does Reiner sound like a fucking Mecha when he moves?
It's true that we have seen memory transfer, without the person being eaten, but he also does have her jaw titan power.
Today I will remind them.
this episode is fucking gold
Also, balls can't touch since titans don't have any
Holy shit this turned into Muay Thai and MMA
This second season is fucking beast
Was she seriously getting jealous just from Hanji being excited over titan Eren communicating with her?
They always will be, no matter what.
>some long haired jew hippy
But Jean only likes to watch
Post yfw Eren remembered the basics of CQC
don't be jealous mikasa this girl(?) ugly
His armband is on the wrong side
>even eromanga is selling better
Just like poetry.
He's alright
>sash on wrong arm
Is Gabi/Falco the closest thing to ER we'll get?
this reminds me of when papa Gundam compared Titan to porn
Dat ass tho
Shirtless Eren vs Zeke fist fight when?
>Connie on the list
>Oh fuck. Oh FUCK.
I'm expecting a brother vs brother fight really hard, Zeke ends up dying at the end of the fight because his 'tenure' as a titan runs out.
Gabi a best.
Retard, she's depressed she didn't kill Bert and Reiner. She's not a bimbo like your hisubutt slut.
>Sasha and Hanji in the top 5
I am ok with that.
Must you do this in every thread YHfags? You really need to chill out, one guy.
Ugh, no.
Hongo's man voice really makes her unattractive. I expect an adam's apple to pop out any time they close up on her face and neck.
You're... pretty good.
is erwin really kill?
Part of me likes how quickly the scene ended for this moment but the other part of me wished it was slowed down so that they could make it look better in a still image like in the manga
Poor Marlo didnt deserve this fate.
Nifa is a super cute Who! SUPER CUTE.
This is Mikasa, she's sad. Say something to cheer her up.
>Ymir's main character arc
>can't even rank
>meanwhile Annie who hasn't appeared at all and is a literal villain ranks
What is this sorcery anons?
Stinkren a shit.
Eren likes historia
Mikasa, you are the best waifu anyone could ever wish for! Don't be sad qtp2t with a booty
>Annie 9th place despite her lack of screentime
Armin murdered him so he could take his place
What did they mean by this?
He's probably also one armed which could explain why he has it on the other arm.
Eren and Reiner have an objectively well-written relationship and dynamic together. Which is a godsend in this series of failed potential.
Poll was done before episode 4.
>Hanji blushing looking at Eren
>followed by immediate Mikasa deathstare
Rico a qt and still alive
Waifufaggotry since SMAH are actually attractive.
ops meant for
Seeing Sasha's and Connie's rank, this was shortly after the Sasha episode. BRYH probably might rank higher now.
Shut up AUTIST
That abrupt ending was weird.
Kek, I see the pictures I posted last thread really got some people assblasted as fuck. BRYH a best always.
>Armin murdered him so he could take his place
what the hell? there's more honor being killed by a mindless titan than by fucking armin
Rico is best Who. Still alive and she probably got another promotion! I hope she outranks Kitz. He's a poo.
>probably also one-armed
Let me just say that Reiner punches were fuckin epic. One hit and eren was flying like bitch.Also the CQC was glorious.
Not even half as good as any of the Mikasa butt pics we have so far. Grossu!~
Wow, she's so cute and misunderstood.
She has way more personality tan that background character that says "Eren" all the time.
>levi is going to die
>his death will probably be the most emotional
Lol fuck I love that angry manlet and I know he isn't going to survive.
These walls sure are easy to destroy.
Technically they are in a lesbian relationship
Annie teached him the basics of CQC. Best girl.