This is perfect


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every day we stray further from god

Is this a fucking joke?

This is not how you market hair products you assholes.

How modest.

you cant even see her hair, why is she there?

Huffpost = cancer

Islamization is perfect.

Has the left been trolling us for the last seven years? I can't fucking tell anymore.

I cannot imagine any other way.

You'll love how shiny and silky your hair is right before you cover it in a bag.

>some shithead did something and it’s [insert adjective]

Pick one

hahaha what the heck is going on here

I think they know we can't easily stop them so they say: "Fuck it let's get some clicks."

It will be their downfall.

I love how they have to tell you what to think of it. These weak minded liberal cucks never form their own opinion. They wait until they know what the popular and socially accepted opinion is and adopt that. It reminds me of that Colbert report where he has to tell his audience that firing James Comey was a bad thing (for liberals).

>X is Y and it's Z

Do people actually write these twitter posts or are they all automated?

I cannot tell either, the pic from OP is genius teir trolling.

They sell make-up and other stuff

Clearly doesn't want to breath the same fumes as gentiles.

This could not have been perfecter.

Why aren't Muslims raging over this?

You know, I had just made an assumption based on the egghead hat beside him. Damn I'm getting good at this

he's protecting himself from the gas


This is sad. Why don't they have a granny with the hair coverings. We are seriously regressing..

Read much?
It specified HAIR campaign

Either way, isn't the makeup she's wearing absolutely Haram?

>new hair campaign
>you literally cannot see the hair

Let's just meme Islam so we can treat our woman like Muslims do already.

This is beyond retarded. Made me laugh thx op

She needs this golden D. I can take her on a Night Journey to Heaven.

We do muslim females go on about wearing the veil to preserve their "modesty" but then proceed to cake their faces?

>hair campaign
>hair covered by hijab

Because they want to be sluts but their father/brother/cousin would honor kill them for it.

You know the difference between trash media and actual media? The last sub-sentence. That's an opinion. That makes you biased. Every conservative could use the first part, but the last one makes it tainted.

We Muslims known this as MAHTL. or ''Masha Allah Halal Troll Level...Alahu Akbar

I know it honestly makes no fucking sense anymore lol

The real question is why is she not in the house and where is her mehram?!

Why do western feminists support symbols of patriarchal oppression? Their love affair with the Hijab confuses me.

>hijab wearing....
> hair campaign

Let me guess, they're only pretending to be retarded

good ol hole-in-the-sheet

That makes as much sense as this ;>)

a redpilled kike trying to gas himself

We can only hope!.. ffs!


It actually is, because it's not about anything to do with hair. They're selling to women and women are dumbfucks who buy anything you shit out so long as you give it the right advertising.

Dumbfuck women see an ad where a girl where's a hijab and they're sold on the product because the ad is Soooooo progressive!

Marketing needs to be banned. Day of the Rope for marketers and advertisers when?

He just don't want to catch that virus his tribe infect to the goyim population

wow looks like i'm going to get this for myself, i mean come on, look at her hair! fucking baka

It's perfect for Muslims who taken over British companies.


It is in 2018, were you living in some cave for the past few years?

>fathers/brothers/cousins would honor kill them for it

Well, you could say that their fathers, brothers, and cousins are men of honor.

She looks like a painted whore, against the entire reason for the haijab

these chicks get rocks lobbed at them if they take that scarf off and they still have to do their hair? that's rough!

Are you shitting me?

>and it’s perfect.

I like how they always have to remind us how to feel about it at the end of the sentence. I thought it was stupid as fuck at first but now I realize it’s actually pretty cool.

>[Subject][did thing] and it was/is beautiful.

Every ducking time.

It's literal propaganda. If you say something enough, it must be true.

>Day of the Rope for marketers and advertisers when
Then a truth in advertising law that has some fucking teeth for a change.

I've developed a kink for hijab girls recently. Am I beyond salvation now?

You idiots still haven’t caught on to modern neoliberal Jew marketing? It’s not about how functional products are or how affordable, it’s about signaling and status.

They are signaling you are progressive and that yes it’s moral and tolerant to view hijab as beautiful. Everyone knows the shampoo works fine, that part doesn’t matter anymore. That’s why so many commercials are fully of sappy shit outright shitlib propaganda. They are preying on whites’ emotions.

I knew manga had plenty of based black men blacking white wimmenz but theirs muslim hentai??
wut anime?


No Pekka, it's completely normal, and in your case, and given the cold mongol bimbos you got, it's fine. embrace multiculturalism

Their retardation really is limitless.

Born just in time to enjoy muslim anime tiddies.


this has to be satire. you can't even see her hair.

I want her to swallow the jizz I'm shooting deep inside her throat while she's wearing that

Why do leftist faggots always say shit like "And it's perfect" or "And we need this right now" etc.
It's so fucking smug and annoying

>Marketing needs to be banned. Day of the Rope for marketers and advertisers when?
If we take care of the jews that would sort itself out on its own

Campaign for what kind of hair-related product, exactly? What does it do?

liked l'oreal norway better desu

They always add this stuff in their headlines it's annoying. It's trying to influence our opinions about certain news by forcing it on us. "...and it's perfect" "and it's amazing" and so on.
>Oh, you don't think "it's perfect"? Well then you're a bigot!

I'm convinced that everything the left stands for started out as a prank and some idiots didn't get the memo and started converting more idiots to this twisted joke ideology. The ones at the top know it's a prank and are exploiting all the little lefties down below for money or other shit.

You don't have to tell me, if anyone is onto sheklesteins plans it is I.

>star wars the last jedi is divisive
>and that's a good thing
Poisoning the well, man, they're prepping up your mind so you will readily accept the opinion they want you to have.

They understand 95% of people only read headlines and don’t aftually open articles. This way you passively get a bunch of shitlib brainwashed on to you.

It's a good start. Now if we can get more Western women dressing so modestly.

Jesus Christ Fritz I'm crying

>hamdoulilah no one likes muslim women
>what if you compiled 10 fetishes in one pic ? surely one will stick
>great idea, i'll get to it as soon as i'm done fucking our goat and after i'm done fucking my daughter

implying this kind of shit bothers me any more

>new hair campaign

>Marketing needs to be banned. Day of the Rope for marketers and advertisers when?
Hail. You have my vote leaf.

Nice hair

Dutch oven.


If they wear the hijab for modesty, then why do they all cake on so much make up?

sluts gonna slut no matter what

> mehram

Turk detected

>hair campaign
>hide hair
They're run by retards.

Try again Cletus.

FACT: muslim women want their tight brown vaginas bred by big white cocks.

We must seek out their lightest most submissive qt women and bleach them without mercy

just gonna bump this post in all its glory

Maybe shes born with it.
Maybe its Mujahideen.

Muslims are less than one percent of the American population, why are they getting so much exposure? How do normies abide by this?

>hair product
>when she is in a hijab
>in a hijab but doing something immodest like pose for a glamour mag
>glamour mag celebrating women’s oppression by glorifying the hijab

How can man survive this madness

Oh my

>and it's [X]
>is never actually [X]
Why do brainlets read this shit?