Why is Europe being reversed colonized?
Why is Europe being reversed colonized?
Cuckoldry, also Jews.
because the wrong side won the world wars
are we really getting so many cubans now? it used to be all about bolivians and romanians
did the US stop letting them in?
complacency and safety net
We knew about the UK, Sweden, and France, but whatchoo doin Poortugal?
Still better than the brazilian immigration wave of the nineties.
Well I'm guessing the English come here to avoid being chopped up and put into kebabs.
Or that the (((English))) are coming over to spread their traditional religion of Islam and peaceful truck attacks.
You can't trust these things. If they have a UK passport, their from the UK.
Obongo btfo shithole Cuba immigration and started sending them our cruise ship normies as fair punishment
You also have those?
I wish. They atleast work here.
Big Polish Cock conquering central Europe.
I can see many such cases.
What's with the blank countries? Does nobody migrate there?
learn to read nigger
kek at the Bozgors,Janez cunts and Southern Serbs
read pic description, Fritz.
Are you having trouble reading? It's literally explained in the OP's pic.
we have every assortment of spics that aren't close enough to jump the border on foot
People in Europe don't move to other European countries much, at least thats how it works here.
We're more interested in going to USA, Australia and Canada. I only hope we can close the gates
Nope, only the Scottish people are coming in Ireland
We're getting cucked up by Krautfugees.
>poland strong
But we are still Germans, you know.
Then why did you want Independence from the Natzis?
Based Poland saving central european countries from becoming non-white shitholes one plumber at a time.
Isnt austria like more conservative germany?
wrong about bulgaria mate
> Angola
So the Alberto Barbarossa memes were true after all
the eu want to disolute the nation state
the businessmen need cheap labour
the politician are absolutely corrupt and dont suffer in their own blood
capitalism has no loyalties to the people or nations
plutocracy has reached level worse in inequeality than in ancient imperial rome (gini index)
the middle class in disconected the one who fought for a fair world is lobotomized ,coward ...
Cosmic Karma
Youve got to be joking. Its their ex colony you dingus.
No, we are the true Germans, the others are Untermenschen.
Still salty?
don't devalue yourself. we are not g*rman autist cucks. Austrians are proud continental celt people.
Austria is a meme country. It was created after WWI so that German-Austria (the German speaking regions of the defunct Habsburg state) would not unify with Germany. German-Austria however included German Bohemia and German Moravia, but these regions were put into the Frankenstein meme country that was Czechoslovakia instead of Austria or Germany. A national identity only started to develop after WWII.
say hi to mummy for me
Shut the fuck up, you filthy jewish subhuman, Austrians are pround and true Germans, you should gas yourself.
Might as well change your flag
Since the war in Syria is over it about time we send them back so they can start rebuilding their destroyed nation.
Especially this one.
The expression "expanding" is significant? It's a comparison of initial immigrant population in 2010 to 2015 - relative growth (%). This is a shit map because the Brazilians (mostly pardos) and Cape-Verdians (niggers) are still #1 and #2 . Still niggers and mullatos - mostly subhuman specially 2nd and 3rd gen specially Cape-Verdian mullatos and niggers. Angola is still just 4# competing with the Africans of Guiné-Bissau
tl:dr Still a lot of niggers.
The map ain't shitty, the conclusions that you are taking are shitty.
we're stealing the best of the best Serbs. also, fucking hot serb bitches 24/7
you can keep the rest. Fagbia BTFO
Not at all,it's actually funny how your is bassiclly all Serbs and one nigger
>russians colonizing Ukraine
>Ukrainians colonizing russia
why wont you guys just admit you are essentially the same. so tsundere
>Germans leaking into Austria
Please no...
>getting physical labour workers are the best of the best Serbs in Hungolia
my sides
>We knew about the UK, Sweden, and France, but whatchoo doin Poortugal?
... going from 1% to maybe 2% is hardly worrisome.
Spain Cuba
Republicans Spain 's families returning home?
WTF are u retarded? cheap physical labor nowadays is a goldmine son.
Serb user BTFO
What do the blank spaces mean
Were already 1-2% PALOP. Give a larger margi to the PALOPs plus the lot of kangz (mullatos, pardos with kang mixture and subsaharans) in 1st numerous immigrants subpopulation - brazilians and we're probably 3-5% Black/Mixed Portuguese.
It is,but Hungolia is just what we call a buss stop to other EU countries
t-take that back! Hungary is final destination. all little serb children dream about working in SuperHung2020 Kingdom
Because of Christcucks, because Christcucks are worse than atheists when it comes to giving up and accepting nigger hordes and Muslim invaders.
I sent this Catholic girl pic related. She said maybe it is about forgiveness lol. So according to her if I kill her entire family she would still love me because that is what Christ would do. Surprise: her best girlfriend is a black cunt.
Turn the other cheek and spread your anus. -Christ
he didn't award her a medal for abortion, she's a diplomat
I didn't knew that Hungolians wanted an another wave off Serbian migrants,didn't you learned from your mistakes :^)??
can somebody explain why is my nation playing countryswap with our neighbours?
to create the greater slav republic of remove kebab
god I hope so
doesn't change the fact that she fights for abortion. Anyone who is pro-abortion should be excommunicated, well except for pic related
nigger she's not even catholic. she's a foreign trade minister. it's just an old ceremonial thing the vatican does with politicians.
czechoslovakia still the same lol
There is no reverse, retard anti-white. Colonization and "racism" isn't a one-way thing. They aren't defined as exclusive to whites, unless you only consider whites to be human and everyone else to be insignificant fauna.
Because the people in power many decades ago decided they would rather have masses of Arab and African plebs being paid cheap wages and being dependent on welfare than free thinking euros and national pride
It’s all about money and power, power and money don’t expect anything deeper
our governements allow it since decades and it won't stop
>more low IQ people voting left as expected
>more violence, murder, drug, terrorism etc
>reinforce security laws and more surveillance
>less liberty
>more people on welfare, more in prisons
>not enough ppl working compared to ppl who produce nothing but shits.
Oh hey goys we run out of money, looks like you'll have to work until 80yo for less money
Ukraine is Cossackia
>India is brown
Why not?