The Liberal Condition

>live in san francisco
>pic related is normal, everyday occurrence
>just tune it out and keep walking
>eventually it just becomes normal
>at this point you would think it strange if there were no bums pooping in the streets
>they become invisible to you
>perhaps somewhere in the back of your mind you feel guilty for mentally blocking out these filthy people day to day
>mayor proposes san francisco should become a sanctuary city for the poor illegal immigrants
>this will absolve you of any moral conflict
>give it your full support
>number of street poopers increases tenfold
>as you walk past three human poops on your way to work, you can't help but feel a sense of pride in this wonderful sanctuary you so generously offer to criminals



This city used to be kinda nice, in spite of harboring so much degeneracy. Eventually it was overwhelmed and now it is literal shit.

More public toilets or staying in your house solves these problems, Instead of doing something about it here you are, sperging on the internet.

>have pooper-scooper laws for DOGS
>let illegals shit in the streets

San Francisco never ceases to amaze me.

How about rounding them up and taking a flame thrower to them? I solved the problem by leaving that actual shithole. Enjoy your AIDS while you pay for public toilets.

>staying in your house solves these problems
>be me
>sick of stepping in street poop
>stay inside for months
>only order delivery
>work from home
>get call from jimmy john's driver
>get can't get to the door
>too much poo
>i'm pooed in
Problem solved.

Interesting. Walmart is the norm in other places but in SF it's street. Indian influence perhaps?

I dont think they have Walmarts in SF desu

>poo in the loo
maybe since drumpf came they don't have jobs

I'm sure a startup will get 400 million investor funding to develop the Poop-scooper 3000 robot so it can patrol the streets looking for naughty poos

burning their shit and chasing them out into the ocean would be a start


>ignoring the problem solves the problem
you are the dumbest person on this board and that's saying something

There are literally NO public restrooms on the route to the airport from the Golden Gate - none of the gas stations, NOWHERE -

if we can control the weather could just do a purge by dropping temps

Honestly if i was in San Fransisco I'd shit on it too. Happy hep-a sanctuary city.

this would interest Trump

That makes sense.

Without Walmart they have no place to poo so they do it in the street.

Isn't be a homeless in America a crime?

These places plummeted fast under Obama.

No, and in california you can be homeless, an illegal alien, give people aids, and shit on the street legally.

No idea why someone would want to work in a shithole city to make 120k to pay off their million dollar 200 sq ft room after studying for 20 years.

Because you would get mugged and raped if you went into one. Do you know anything about San Francisco?

That must make you a third world country.

Once glorious United States are turning into shit on so many levels. It's so fucking devastating to see them go like that.

All these fucking guns and you've already lost to marxism and degeracy.

I guess they won't save you not only from aircraft carriers.

San Francisco isn't a country. I'd be okay with it if they were though.

I moved away from SF a few months ago and I’m so much happier because of it. Living there drove me from being a centrist to being probably farther to the right than anyone else I know.

>this happens with enough regularity to merit a government form
jesus christ kim please nuke california

What was wrong with her? Whores who require public attention are broken.

>be me
>in downtown at a gas station
>young homeless guy walks into parking lot
>pulls pants down just a bit
>shit SHOOTS out of his asss
>it flew like 6 or 7 feet
>pulls up pants and walks into store
>before I could register what I saw a second homeless guy walks out of the store
>he pulls his pants down and shoots shit out in the opposite direction as the first guy
>then pulls up his pants and walks off
>everyone acts like it's normal

I will never forget this. Felt like I was in some nightmare. I never knew shit flew like that

Yeah why do t they have poop scoop laws for vagrants? They should have to bag their own shit and throw it in the trash can and if they don't they should be arrested.

All the H1Bs can't be helping with this situation either

This already happened and they smeared shit on it. In San Fran. Look it up

If only you know how truly bad things have already gotten user

Topkek. It's true.

Current state of America.

>I'm pooed in
my sides

I was a lib until I lived in SF for 4 years. It was there that I learned there will be no end to acceptance, as someone will always invent new ways to be unacceptable if you condone their other behavior.


Well in every other city in the US, homeless people just ask a business for a plastic bag and shit in that, tie it up, and throw it out in a public trashcan.

San Francisco is full of sheltered idiots so they banned the plastic bags.

I forgot about that.
>inb4 501(c)(3) non-profit to distribute biodegradable shitbags to the homeless

I live in central Cali, as red as can be. The stupid plastic bag ban got spread to out county too. Dumbass libs. 0.10 cents per bag now. Fuck the environment, I happily use as many plastic bags as I can. Ain't nobody got time to remember to bring their own bag for a quick store run.

Same here except I haven't left yet


> someone will always invent new ways to be unacceptable if you condone their other behavior