Tfw living in the whitest nation on earth

>tfw living in the whitest nation on earth

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Finland? Can't tell with your faggot meme flag.


Sounds pretty comfy. Mind if I come shit it up? Do you guys have McDonald's over there? Maybe I could come open up some franchises and then use them as a hub with which to export/promote American-style degeneracy.



They're literally called White Russians

So literally a shit tier middle eastern european country.

T.jewgermanrussianmutt stay raped my friend


America is 56% and is still way more prosperous than your shithole.

The moment all the Jews left your country it went to shit.

Aren’t they like 5% Tatar colonists?

I'd rather live in Compton

the salt is real

Poland is genetically pure, sweetie. Thanks to Hitler.

Have fun with your niggers and spics.

To be honest so would I.

>muh jewish money

Anyone can be white if you compare them to russians

It's true though. Poland is nearly all white and is barely any better than a muslim country. It's shit tier.

Come on now.

Literally everything of worth done by a pole was done by jews pre-hitler. After WW2 Poland went to shit.

>whiter than you, achmed

>100% white because not even niggers want to live in your country.

>american education

>Poland is genetically pure
Nice joke you yellow skinned monkey

the salt is real




t. shlomo

Where is this magical land? I need traditional white gf

It's barely any better if you think the only thing that matters is money

which is why everyone in the world is laughing at retarded americans

>when your county is so weak you need mutts to protect it

No, you mean Byelorusians

Then why are they the only whites who aren't scared to bring up the Jews in open political discussion? You can say kill all the kikes all day on this board but until you start marching in public against them you're far less of a white man than any one from Poland. Get your perspective fixed

>not giving actual arguments

Keep being butthurt. Atleast when our countries go to shit we can blame it on the migrants. The only people poles can blame are themselves.

You ever wonder why muslim migrants never actually stop in poland?

It's because they don't want to leave their shitholes for another one.



Because jews don't care or see poland as a threat. So they let the polacks kevetch. Besides Poland is just an americuck vassal state meant as a buffer against russia.

>My country is being browned but it's okay because we have bread and circus

Does the whiteness come at the cost of extra chromosomes?


They do though. Don't you remember the kvetching when Poland had it's "Nazi" March

He's right though. All these eastern european fags bragging about being ethnically pure and having no minorities. It's because their countries are shit and no one wants to move there.

This is the first thing that I noticed as well.

That was just typical libtard kevetching.



>It's because they don't want to leave their shitholes for another one.
Thanks for being the 1000000th person bringing up that argument.

It literally takes not to be American retard to fare well in Poland, just get good education and you're set.

>Keep being butthurt. Atleast when our countries go to shit we can blame it on the migrants. The only people poles can blame are themselves.

Yeah, we do blame it on ourselves and we're doing something about it, while your kekistan retards, antifa, BLM and rioters keep chimping out on streets.

America is shit compared to eastern europe


>the women are horrible
>everyone is a cuck
>everyone is a money obsessed glutton
>disgusting obese population

I'd rather live modestly than decadently

>a hub with which to export/promote American-style degeneracy.
Those things are called "US embassies" not McDonalds.

>thinking I'm going to be triggered by this

White Ruthenia is basically neodanubian/westbaltid central, it has the highest frequency of that phenotype in all of europe

One day i will visit the place for sure, if it drops all the neo-soviet nostalgia and pootinism (Ukraine might have to liberate them first when Azov takes over there in Kiev heh)

He said Belarus, not Poland.

>You have to have millions of Jew for your country not to be shit.
Interesting theory.

No they are not with those box heads and yellowish skin and corruption etc...

> fare well in Poland

If by fare well you mean the same living standards I could get in the shitty part of detroit then sure. I agree.

>implying most Poles look like that

Haplogroups are a meme and won't tell you anything about genetics of country

I dunno, I'd rather live in a homogeneous, white yuropoor country than this shithole. This place fucking sucks. Fucking hate niggers more than anything in the world.

I bet they can do the squat

>muh 6,000,000

Not much difference

>the women are horrible

Eastern euro women are sluts. It's literally the main stereotype there women are known for

>everyone is a cuck

Not really. Eastern Europeans don't even have kids anymore

>everyone is a money-obsessed glutton

Atleast you can make money in america

>disgusting obese population
I agree with this one

They need to be gilded by my auriferous amorous apparatus, and then they'll never have to resort to one of their race's toothpicks again. Dress on. That's how I roll

>almost an ethnostate
>isn't nearly as plagued by Cultural Marxism as the US is
Oh fuck off

Box heads are god-tier. You know nothing.

America is an example of what consumptionism and materialism does to culture and people.
(pic related)

>be in Detroit
>get mugged/raped/shot by a nigger

yeah no

Belarus is shit tier middle eastern european

Poland is shit tier sub saharan european

>an cap caring about demographics

Atleast follow your meme ideology correctly.

Same. I feel like there are a lot of anons being tricked into "based eastern europe" meanwhile they don't have niggers because nobody wants to move to their shit tier countries.

You might not like it, but this is what peak white looks like

An eastern euro slut is a girl who has slept with 5+ guys, and the actual majority of eastern euro women are good quality

don't listen to bitter idiots who complain on this board

>implying having kids changes your cuck status

Get a job and move out of east baltimore then. the midwest is 90% white. Move there. Stop blaming your own ineptness on others.

Fuck off European threads mutt

those are called bydło and are our niggers. they are known for their herd-like behaviour, iq below 80 and to travel in packs of no less than 20. they hang around 24h liquor stores and monopolize the tiny window to order no less than 40 zapiekanki at once, occupying the order window for hours on end


>tfw descended from the whitest nation on earth

Whiter than you Muhammad

i want to immigrate

ameripost best post

Junglers dont fit there

May be we should stop makeing quarrels? Our countries initially were both white ( now you have got 56% white population, in Russia there is ~ 60%). We all should do something to protect our countries and White civilization.

Stay where you are, niggermutt

People beyond the hajnal line aren't white

>sub saharan
>literally northern-most ee country

americans can't into geography

What, you guys can't take some ribbing without getting all booty-blasted? You don't think I know this place sucks ass? I'd much rather come live in Eastern Europe than this nigger-infested shithole, as mentioned here: Unfortunately for me, you guys only allow Muslims to immigrate nowadays.

Honk honk here comes the US embassy

The Atlanticist powers must be destroyed


Wow. Those alex jones supplements really do work.

What is the point being white if you are africa tier? lol

I am actually jelly of Belarussians. It's literally a better and whiter version of Russia. Better at everything other than military might. But they are allied to us anyways, so it doesn't matter.

isn't that what Sup Forums is about?


>tfw a Spic living in a soon to be majority non-white nation
It was comfy while it lasted


>US gov. is trying to brainwash Estonians about the "benefits of diversity" and "multicultural society"
Fucking Americans