What the fuck did I just watch?
What the fuck did I just watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
the greatest anime of all time
also asuka is, and always has been, best girl
A 20-year-old anime that's not nearly as deep as it or its fans think it is.
>muh chrischan imagery
>muh abstract ending
>muh shitty waifu
The imagery is just there because it looks cool. This has been established. There is tons of depth beyond that.
>abstract endings are bad
the state of you
t. speedwatcher
Eva is deep, debate me.
shame on you
Something 2deep4u, exept this isn't just a meme this time.
Anno literaly said he wished that Otakus fantasizing about Rei in bandages should all just die.
Honestly NGE is a great anime, just has a shitty fanbase.
There is literally nothing deep in EoE the main idea is very obvious and is stated many times in the film and sometimes even directly.
They rest is just imaginary and effects added "to make stuff look cool" - as Anno admitted himself.
I don't hate on it, I love it too. But saying it's deep and has some hidden deep message is untrue. Why you have to justify liking something because it's "deep"?
Implying that abstract endings are good
Abstract ending are neither inherently good nor inherently bad.
People watch Eva without having watched any serious cinema or read any serious literature and think it's the second coming of Christ.
Forget about the mecha elements and the religious symbolism (it doesn't mean shit). The show is a character drama.
A bunch of ripped off scenes from 80s ani/m/e
FUCK the otakus
>Serious cinema
I'll have you know I watched Shawshank Redemption and The Truman Show
>character drama
I think you mean
here's your (you)
The bible told backwards.
You watched a japanese cartoon about kids piloting giant robots to fight evil monsters, which surprisingly turned into dark psychological drama about loneliness, fear and social anxiety.
I shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.
You're a big guy.
Now this is symbolism.
the fact that it only makes sense from that user's perspective means he is truly big, for him.
A depressed teenage boy learning that he has value as a person.
Except he doesn't learn shit.
>Eva is deep
Is this depth from EoE? Because I watched the original series and it was just meh.
When he actually doesn't.
No one does.
tldr: love yourself, it's okay to run away sometimes
I'll sum it up:
That live action bit though, for what purpose.
EoE shows what happens during the 2 final episodes which are happening entirely in Shinjis mind due to budget restrictions. So instead of being 2deep4u actually is fun to watch.
I also think the series is just alright but I think EoE is amazing.
again, also no, Eva isn't deep.
This one has pictures.
What's the matter too deep for you?
well, I'll put it on the backlog
>Watching Eva without watching EoE immediately after
How does this even happen? The two are part and parcel of each other. You can't have one without the other.
What do you expect from someone who doesn't get EVA? If he doesn't take the time to even finish the series, he certainly won't put in enough brainpower to figure out what it's about.
>EoE shows what happens during the 2 final episodes
>Hayashibara: So there will be two episode 25s.
>Anno: Right, it will be a multi-ending.
>Hayashibara: So, a dual... ah, a multi-ending. After episode 24 the endings will diverge.
>Anno: Right.
>Hayashibara: There will be two of them.
>Anno: There will be two of them.
>Hayashibara: Ah, two endings.
>Anno: Yes.
>Hayashibara: In terms of gaming - is it called a simulation game? What do you call it? The ending for that [particular] self changes as you go on [through the game].
>Anno: Right, a multi-ending [game].
>Hayashibara: You took this road so you went here. You took this road so you went here. The ending changes. That's how it goes.
>Anno: Um. Evangelion is my live performance. Since I create it with this sense of it being live, what I'm thinking now, what I'm feeling now, my current mood, all this gets transferred onto film - that was the initial theme, or the theme I had in my mind.
>Hayashibara: Right.
What happens when you go off your meds.
Im gonna just dump my shitty explanation from a thread that died too early yesterday:
>Rei was lilith soul, just like Kaworu was adam soul.
>SEELE do stupid shit, trigger the instrumentality. Which is merging everyone into one single being.
>Whoever is the "host" for instrumentality gets to control how it goes.
>Rei (lilith) who is crucial part of it gives the control to shinji.
>He is scared, depressed and confused, so he wishes for the world to die
>After a while he realizes the shit shit he did and ask for the world to return to normal, because even if life hurts sometimes, there are moments that make it worth living.
>So mega-rei "kills herself" to allow the souls to return to the world.
>Rei and Kaworu tell him they cant bring the people back, but they need to come by themselves. They probably will with time.
>Yui fucks off to space because it was her plan all along.
>Asuka is the first one to come back. Not sure how long it too though. Some theories say shinji spent at least a few weeks alone.
>He chokes her (some theories say its to check if its reality)
>Asuka gives him a small caress and he starts to cry. She then call him on his jerking off bullshit.
>he thinks the religious imagery was meant to be symbolic
Oh my, how embarrassing.
>It happens during the tv ending
Even though there are some similarities, there are WAY too many contradictions, and most theories can only explain them with way too much mental gymnastics.
They are similar, yet completely different endings.
Whys he molesting that girl.
Being forced by budget restrictions is a myth, the ending was planned that way from the start. There were budget issues, but they didn't force any kind of drastic change of the ending.
Doesn't contradict it at all.
That's completely a matter of opinion, and a minority one at that. I've never seen any evidence of major contradictions between the two, and I've watched them both personally at least a dozen or two times (it's my go-to whenever I'm feeling really down and depressed).