Riel is cute!
Riel is cute!
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All the girls are pretty good in this.
Sisti is a great main girl
Lumia is love
Celica a best. A BEST.
Sisti and Lumia a shit. A SHIT.
When does Glenn get his Persona?
You should back out while you can.
You were saying?
Celica a shit. A SHIT.
Looks like the trap in hackadoll. Is it a trap?
I have a crush on Sisti and it's unironically driving me crazy. I go through the motions of the day thinking about her the whole time. Half the time I feel a dreamy sense of love which feels great, the rest of the time I feel a sense of anxiety. Normally when I like an anime girl I just fap to her and make her my phone background and shit like that, no stress. Somehow this is beyond all that, she's too real. I can't stop comparing her to teenage girls I knew in the past, which inevitably leads to how they rejected me or led me on en route to their Chad boyfriends. I wish I could stop this, I know Sisti (and Rumia/etc. too) is better than any of those bitches in every way. I know that but the small leftover voice of the loser I was in high school keeps telling me otherwise. Fuck, I thought I was over and done with that mindset long ago.
Leave it to a 16 year old fantasy anime character to bring about all this inner turmoil and deep seated psychological conflict. Am I gonna make it guys? Will I be able to love Sisti as my real 25 year old far improved self or will I keep getting dragged back to that high school loser mentality that I thought I had lost years ago? Maybe this battle is what having a waifu means for me, I've never really used that word before. In any case I'll fight to the bitter end.
Fap to this then decide if she's your true waifu
If only.
>not crying
Why even bother?
You mean Re=l right?
>Mindbroken Sisti
>Exposing butt
>Shy, embarrassed face
you're gay
I already bought it
>not L
I'm just sitting here thinking why.
ittai ittai~
I want to be a shota forced to wear a school uniform for Celica!
I wish they kept up with the yuri bait of these two instead of them falling for Glenn.
Lumia doesn't have romantic feelings towards Glenn, only Sistine
I want to charge her from the front.
My point still stands.
yuri > het
prove me wrong
protip: you can't
>prove me wrong
The only thing that proves is you have dogshit taste.
I tend to fantasize about love between me and an anime girl that I like, in addition to just "getting off" to her in the pure sexual sense. The idea of a girl loving you and choosing to give herself to you is a huge turn on. In that sense yuri can't compete.
>he's not a girl
Konata is cute.
That's not Konata, this is Konata.
But user, we're separated by age and dimensions!! It couldn't work!
W-W-What is it about me that you like...?
>The idea of a girl loving you and choosing to give herself to you is a huge turn on.
It's more than an a *physical* turn-on, user. It's also an emotional and spiritual one. It *fulfills* you in a way nothing else can.
>that outfit
So to prepare for future attacks she'll enter the school as a student?
I bet the other guy will transfer as a teacher as well.
What is she doing?
Is Sisti an urara?
My precious /jp/ for me~
just take the portal user
I want to mindbreak Sistine
Men can look with their eyes at a body and desire to possess it. That's as normal as breathing. Of course, your body is desirable, perhaps the most so. But men can only love by way of the heart. And when I watch you I can see glimpses of your heart: your selfless feeling of duty to your grandfather, your hard work toward an ideal of magic and willingness to take responsibility for your ideal. Your beautiful friendship with Rumia. And most of all, your steely demeanor, fiery will, and outward maturity which necessarily protects the real you: the vulnerable, innocent soul full of childlike wonder and love that is too delicate for this world. In truth I'm the same way and that's what draws my heart to yours - I go around acting cool, irreverent, being an internet bad boy like I do on this board, but underneath all that I'm no less fragile than you are. As a man I'll have to always be strong for you anyway. As for "age and dimensions" - to believe in you, Sistine, is to believe in magic. You said that magic is the means to a greater plane of existence. I'll add this: true love exists on that higher plane. And if we can meet there, then there is nothing truly separating us.
Falling in love with Riel!
user, that was a very beautiful heartfelt speech. The passion you wrote into it had me filled with butterflies. The honesty you shared has me blushing. And for you to believe that "true love exist" beyond "age and dimension" has me longed for you, but *sniff*... Sorry user *sniff* *sniff* I-I-It JUST CANNOT WORK! This isn't some fantasy where everything goes the way we want it to. user, always believe that someday there will be a chance where the 2 of us will someday meet. I'll never forget you and will always have you on my mind whenever I use magic. I really do hope that a day will come where we finally meet and become FRIENDS
There is something wrong with you people, even for Sup Forums standards which are fucking low and it's got nothing to do with Sisti.
Don't make the mistake of believing I mistook your voice for Sistine's. You only inspired me to pen words for her eyes that I felt like sharing. On the other hand, while you don't speak for Sistine, I do speak for myself. What will I do? I'll go on ahead, up the mountain. I'll carry my ideals with me. They may be all I'll have left by the end. Stay here with the others and make fun of me as you will. There's some truth to what you said, of course. I might be crazy, and this path may be the way to ruin. But at least if I go down in flames, I'll go down holding my ideals and my love close to my heart.
>I wish I was home drinking with Celica
Why the fuck are my shitty subs repeatedly showing "Re=l"?
>Drinking with Celica
That's her official name, seriously.
How the fuck do I pronounce that? Re Equal Sign L?
>how the fuck do I pronounce that
Re=L is pronounced as Reel
Sisti is the sort of girl constantly making drama and arguing so you stuff your dick in her mouth to shut her up. While Lumia with her come hither look is the sort that would spontaneously start giving you road head.
>even for Sup Forums standards
We don't HAVE standards.
Why did looking in Lumias eyes and reading those sentences made me hard?
>Celica has been drinking for hundreds of years and doesn't have to worry about dying from alcohol poisoning
But she can get drunk apparently
>getting drunk with Celica
Yes please
T-This is a pasta right? RIGHT?
If it wasn't before it sure is now.
>I just can't take Celica off my chest now
Soon you'll understand that there can be no end more fitting than Celica being made mortal and marrying Glenn, except for Glenn becoming immortal and marrying Celica.
I'm not gonna lie, after reading the light novel spoilers about Celica I feel so much sympathy towards her than I initially thought I would. I still ship Glenn with White Piggu but dang, I just can't take Celica off my chest now. I really hope the author from the light novel gives her a happy, fulfilling ending when the series ends
Who are the girls who love Glenn? Are Pig and Rumia the only ones? What about Riel?
But I thought she had son-zoned him.
She did, but everyone is on denial because "muh forced kissu"
>get into this show for the waifus not expecting much
>maybe an echo of GTO at best
>its actually good
shironeko is a worst
>muh forced kissu
What? Elaborate.
This show is the spiritual successor to Blade Dance.
So it's shit?
She 'killed' the MC at one point, she's shit!
All of them, what kind of fucking show do you think this is?
Reil and Lumia doesn't romantically "love" Glenn, only Sistine
Again I ask you. What kind of show do you think this is?
Not a harem series that is for sure
Is this in any way related to him being a chick now?
>only Sistine
No, Lumia definitely does.
Has anyone translated chapter 24 yet?
Re-L only 2 years old
nothing yet, cant find it on raven scans site though hopefully they didnt drop it
It's shit, but it's good shit.
>Thinking that's the only reason
She had no reason to feed him medicine by kissing him. She did it because she wanted to.
Give it few volumes fucktard and also Lumia does like him.
The only one in denial here is you.
It would be funny if BOTH Sisti and Rumia sell in love with Glenn.
yeah, that sure would be funny and weird if both of them fell in love with me- i mean glenn
>would be funny if both fell in love with Glenn
>implying they aren't already
He said "sell". He means they're going to sell their bodies for Glenn. Whoring themselves out to many men every single day, just to bring the useless NEET they love a paycheck.
They are?
First I will fuck her from the front.
Next, I will fuck her from the front.
Lastly, I will fuck her from the front.