Boku no Hero

and people defend this shit

Wait, what's the problem here?

He's a Shinsou fan and mad his self-insert failed. Don't mind.

So next episode will just be one chapter I guess. There's enough omitted content to fill an episode and that way the next two episodes end precisely on Uraraka facing Bakugou and Deku telling Endeavor to fuck off before facign Todoroki, rather than in the middle of those same fights.

>second Bakugo and Deku fight
>Deku makes direct contact with Bakugo's face
>OfA has been seen to cause mass destruction already in Deku
>Bakugo easily grabs his arms and doesn't take any damage


No one cares about Deku,

Yeah, and since the match against todoroki is 3 chapters long, it should go back to two chapters per episode after that

>shit thread about to die
>bump it for no reason

We already know it is shit.
>people defend this shit


Where do you all read your manga from? I would prefer a app on android. But I'll also go with websites. It's been a while since I've read anything so I forgot all the good spots.

It's definitely plot armor but it isn't an asspull.
It's just the introduction to OfA's hidden ability to boost the determination of its wielder during important situations, the same shit happened during AfO vs AM


>during important situations
I really wouldn't call this important though.

It was for Izuku, that's all that matters

>people defend this shit
Autists definitely do. They can't handle their precious series being generic.

So mad

So wait hasn't Mindwasher fucked up any chance of being a surprise and useful next year hasn't he?

I feel like it is one of these words that lost all their meaning, like "edgy" or "jobber".


>user mad that people are having fun

he's super powerful, but only as long as no one knows what he can do, yeah

if he gets to be a well known hero he'd immediately get fucked by every villain


Fuck off, /r9k/, you aren't welcome on this board.

That's with literally everything with him though. One is a life or death situation, the other is a lost because he fucked up hard.

When is Shinsou going to be relevant?

personally I use but it's german so I don't know if you can use that

This arc when he's revealed to be the traitor. No, but really, Hori mentioned in an interview that he'll be getting spotlight this arc.

>Hori mentioned in an interview that he'll be getting spotlight this arc.
I could have sworn it was spotlight this year.

He said he MAY get some development this year, but most likely it will happen next year. I doubt this arc will last until next year.


>I don't know if it will make it into 2017
So it's going to be fall at the very earliest, more likely winter.