>beginning of the series
>a bunch of losers talking about cartoon girls
>end of the series
>gay stuff everywhere
What went wrong?
>beginning of the series
>a bunch of losers talking about cartoon girls
>end of the series
>gay stuff everywhere
What went wrong?
Are you talking about Sup Forums or Genshiken?
This is the natural progression of a group of otaku.
It's just reflecting the trends of the industry.
First post best post.
Genshiken is the Big Bang Theory of anime.
otaku culture, that's what went wrong
thread over
Don't like gay stuff?
Faggot. . .
First post realest post
Migh as well close the board, no other comment will top this
Well played.
Screen me in the putshot!
Fucking kill yourself.
You won all the 4chans
Time to make another Sup Forums banner.
Post your best work here:
Show me your Sup Forumsutism power.
Legendary thread
Posting in a legendary bread
I came to post this. Thanks
Toasting in ebin bread
Are you seriously this narrow-minded and you can't accept a story into which you are unable to self-insert? You are cancer and you know it.
Fojos were a mistake
Mods are asleep. Post ________________________________ponies________________________________.
Sounds about right.
no one answered the question
make this into a banner
You win the internet.
Fuck off fujoshits. Glad your shit flopped fucking hard.
yuri is gay too, fag
>madarame at the start of the series
>an otaku who pines for one of the only 3D grills in the series
>madarame at the end of the series
>has a job and a harem
This is what must have hurt the OP.
Yurifags and fujoshits should both be gassed.
In all honesty? Because Genshiken went from being semi-realistic drama to being wish fulfillment.
Instead of Madarame owning up to his weaknesses and working to overcome them, he wallows in them until he gets told to date the token super-otaku gaijin in the club. And then he does. He never takes the initiative to improve things on his own, unlike Sasahara or the other protagonists.
This thread is rightfully bumping.
If only this were true. Sup Forums would be a lot better.
This is exactly Sup Forums right now.
It's all about waifu posting until you get a hunk so faggots can ship the MC with them. Or god forbid a trap, Yahari threads are full of gay trap posters.
Hato drama was a mistake.
Seriously, why the fuck couldn't they just animate the Sasahara/Ogiue arc. It was one of my favorite parts of the manga.
It was a good show until nidaime. NIdaho me was the worst possible thing the author could have done to his series.
traps are not gay though
>traps are not gay though
Yes, they are.
Futa are not gay, and they exist only in 2D.
Found the stupid tranny.
>muh self-insert
No, people like you are the caner.
I actually enjoyed most of Nidame.
The last few chapters however felt like 'give up' status.
A lot of people liked that Sue won but man did that feel forced.
Can't speak for others but I saw Sue winning as the least bad of the options given where the author was going.
Pretty much this.
Can someone post picture were the skinny guy talks about lolis, and boobs.
Gay is endgame of mankind.
We could investigate this line of reasoning and correlate the facts because of how true it is.
Nahh it's more like the dawn before the fall of a civilisation. Look at Greece and Rome, once the homophobe level gets too high we Tower of Babylon and some worldly event will thin em out.
well done.
These days /tg/ has better quality anime threads than Sup Forums and it's no wonder why