What's the current recommended player for watching animu...

What's the current recommended player for watching animu? CCCP used to be gold standard but it hasn't been updated in ages.

I'm getting annoyed by the horrible banding and want to fix it. What filer/decoder should I use to get rid of it?

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Install gentoo.

pic related
absolutely disgusting


I have never used any other codec pack aside from the K-Lite pack ever since It have ever been created, played all formats know so far, even the whole 10bit stuff, so yeah



Exactly what I needed, thanks.
Same screenshot with new settings. Much better now.

FFS use Worksafe request.

everything else is shit

MPC-HC with MadVR and xysubfilter.

I use potplayer.


My bad.

Install MPC-HC
Install MadVR
Install xysubfilter
In MadVR, enable debanding on high for Horriblesubs or other poor quality sources. Enable smooth motion "only if there would be motion judder without it." Uncheck everything under trade quality for performance. Now, while playing a 720p file, set the image upscaling settings as high as you can without experiencing frame drops. NGU Sharp is best for good sources, NGU Anti Alias is best for poor sources. Then set your chroma upscaling as high as you can without frame drops.
That's it.
Do not use codec packs like CCCP or KCP as they can and will cause playback problems later on which manual installation of MPC/MadVR/xysubfilter will not. I base this statement on personal experience.
There has been literally zero reason to use KCP or CCCP since MPC-HC installs started containing LAV filters by default.
If MadVR is slow for you even on low settings, install mpv instead. mpv is objectively worse than MPC-HC for good PCs until it obtains an upscaling algorithm equivalent or superior to NGU. It's nice for toasters, though, as it's less intensive.

>Same screenshot

I serve a plex server to my playstayshun and pipe that into my Smart TV.

Yeah it's 1 frame difference but you can clearly see the reduced banding still.

This. Put the convert script in your config directory, and you can make webms from mpv.

I just use Vanilla MPC

CCCP is obsolete, use mpv with this config:


I still use CCCP. There's a chance I'm retarded though.

What's the best way to watch on a pi? Don't say Kodi.

mpv or mpc-hc

if it ain't broke don't fix it. CCCP masterrace

>and you can make webms from mpv.

How can you do that, care to spoonfeed me?

That config is redundant and even wrong.
The profile profile=opengl-hq already sets vo as opengl. It also has deband on by default. Some of those scalers are subjective in their quality increase.

you really cant at all.

It's not being updated anymore though, so expect bugs (I had to edit it to stop using metadata title as filename, as illegal characters broke output).

Here you go. The exact same frame also taken after all the filters so you can see it better.

Well fuck me. It's still not after the filters. Anyway the banding is basically completely gone with the madVR filters.

thanks user

Does madVR let you watch anime on one screen and shitpost on Sup Forums on the other? If i remember right it locked focus to one screen while in fullscreen mode, or restored the player window when focus was lost.

It has settings to enable exclusive fullscreen but it's disabled by default. I'm doing the exact thing now no problem.

Are you one of those retards that watches anime in 2.5x speed so your mal stats look cool?
Either you watch something or you don't.

Wathicng at 2.5x speed is silly. Instead I have skip set to 2500ms and I use it about every half second. The half second is enough to read the subtitles and 2500 is just enough to jump to next line so I can follow dialogues 90%+ while saving 83% of time. When there is something cool happening I stop skipping though. Also that's only for mediocre series. If it's good I'll watch without skipping but there is only 1 or 2 series like that per season. And I don't have MAL or any other online profile so it's not for e-peen. It's just that most series are largely boring and I'm just skimming them for those select good parts.

What the fuck are you talking about you stupid nigger?

>he doesn't shitpost on Sup Forums about the anime he's watching while he's watching it

What is wrong with you?

Why would you need to watch anime whilst at the same time posting on Sup Forums?
The only explanation I can think of is that you let it run in the background so you can boast about how much more shows you watched than your imaginary friends.

I literally don't even have a mal. Stop projecting you fucking faggot.

That's not the point, I'm genuinely confused as to why you would want to watch shit on a second monitor while not even paying attention to it?

It's very possible to pay attention to several things at once.

>not using mpv +madvr
you are all pleb

My negro

I just open video files in notepad and read them out loud.

No, it's not.

LAV Filters megamix
No need to thank me.

It comes down to a simple question:

>Are you autistic?
See >157166526 and the myriad other posts telling you to download a billion different programs and sacrifice your unborn child to the heathen gods

>Are you normal?

Use VLC like a normal human being and enjoy how everything just f.u.c.k.i.n.g. w.o.r.k.s

No other posts are needed, everything below this line is moot.

Are you still not done yet faggot? The only reason I ask is because my CCCP setup at the moment has sync issues with monitors running at different refresh rates with certain applications forcing priority of my card, which affects the quality of my animu. You come accusing me of some speed anime watcher or whatever the fuck you're going on about which I literally couldn't give a shit about. I fucking hate reddit.

What should I see here?



That was someone else, I agree with him.
You imply that disagreeing is reddit but you're too new to not have set up your shit right.
Fuck off.

Someone not using "reduce banding" on high
They all look the same


Why do people care about not being able to see their their anime in pristine quality?

If you took a picture of a turd with a shitty camera and an expensive one, you're still looking at a turd at the end of the day.

>using an inferior player just because you're too lazy and/or stupid to learn something else
Not an excuse. If you spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours watching anime, you might as well take a couple minutes to learn a superior player. Streamfags use vlc, as does your tech illiterate grandparent who googles "best media player current year" and clicks the first link.

Woah, there's someone else that does this

I've mostly stopped doing it after learning enough japanese to watch raws though. I'm trying to watch as much as possible with subs turned off and skipping around like that doesn't work when you don't have subtitles

I'm using it but MPC takes screenshots without applying all the filters. There is no banding on the screen when watching. I know you can set processing order in mplayer to set screenshotting last so you get true result. Does MPC have similar switch?

How do I use it irl?

Install the latest patch, it should be in video options.

Exactly, which is why I stream. Who cares if the quality is a bit off. It's so much easier and the steams are all 720p nowadays anyway.

Not the guy you're replying to, but your multiple different programs don't actually do anything better than VLC does. It's just a placebo affect to make you feel superior for using 4 different programs instead of one.

>Inferior player

I bet you still post mudkipz and think LOLcats are hilarious as well, considering you're living 10 fucking years in the past.

Even given the same source decoder and filters can make a big difference in final mage quality. Streams run in browsers and use shitty decoders optimized for performance. With good setup you have state-of-the-art decoders optimized for quality with filters to remove annoying artifacts like banding and ringing.

> don't actually do anything better than VLC does
Does VLC have deband filter?

lol nerd tl;dr

now I know you're shitposting

>loading font cache
>just fucking works

VLC doesn't have not being a piece of shit

Use mpv. Madvr is gay botnetware and nonfree shitware. Don't forget to install GNU/Linux.
>Inb4 muh werk, we all know your time is worthless



>not using quicktime the player that's always there for you and the first one

this shit has trouble with subtitle rendering when OPs and EDs are seperate files


Yeah okay fag, don't address a technical issue with your free open sores software.

>being so bad at software development that your software doesn't even have a practical, functional GUI

I don't have that problem. Thus, it's either been fix or you fucked up somewhere. Shoo, philistine

All I can say is think is it's been fixed, I wasn't the only one with the issue and the other person with the issue got no help from Sup Forums. libass is the problem.

If you're talking about mpv, it does have a functional screen controller where you can control the playback. And as for configuration, you only need to configure it once and that's it.

what about linux

mpv if you're willing to invest a little bit of time to get the config you want, otherwise vanilla MPC-HC.
No further autism is necessary for MPC-HC, because if you're going to be autistic about quality then it's best to use mpv.

>new version of MadVR comes out
>easily play with and learn all the new features without doing any research using the competently designed GUI
>new version of mpv comes out
>spend years trying to find new config lines
>spend more years figuring out what they're supposed to do because nobody but three Sup Forums autists uses or talks about mpv on the internet

Linux is a kernel, what about it?

>not using quicktime the player that's always there for you and the first one
Not using Real Player, the player that's always there for you and the first one.

>because if you're going to be autistic about quality then it's best to use mpv.
Except mpv does not produce higher quality imagery than MadVR.


Look at that, no need to deal with any autists on Sup Forums.

>too dumb to figure out mpv
How you gonna install Gentoo with that mindset bud? Gotta step up your game.

mpv with the opengl-hq profile

echo "profile=opengl-hq" >> ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf

That's all the configuration you have to do to get decent playback.

But it does. And it uses less resources while doing so.
Either way, who the fuck cares whether it's mpv or MadVR that has the 0.01% better image quality?

When you're too dumb to install a real nigga free OS, that 0.1% starts looking real important.

Literally 209 page downs on a 1080p monitor.
>new version of MadVR comes out
>easily play with and learn all the new features without doing any research using the competently designed GUI
>new version of mpv comes out
>have to read 209 fucking pages of manual to find all the new config lines

If it's a smart TV then why not pipe plex directly in?

default deband is 1 iteration

Imagine being this retarded. Geez, what a life that'd be!

>but it does
Compare ewa_lanczossharp with NGU Sharp when upscaling a quality BD rip then come back and tell me that again. You are wrong.

>he doesn't know about user shaders
Hah! Come back in 20 years, kiddo.

What is a changelog?