Only when their yay wavelengths match at a high level will the world of magic be saved.
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
Friendly reminder that none of you Dianafags would be impressive enough for her to like you if she were real.
It's okay, I rather she likes Akko.
You could say the same for just about any waifufag.
Loli Diana is getting fanart faster than any other loli.
What are the lesbian rankings in LWA?
Urs/u/la x Akko is one true OTP.
3/10, too forced
The only pairing with strong /u/ vibes is Hannah/Barbara.
WIll Diana get an insert song in her episode?
Only if you don't see them as best friends really
In which one?
Diana: too autistic for romance
Constance: too autistic for romance
Amanda: pansexual
Akko: mostly straight
Sucy: asexual with lesbian tendencies
Lotte: hetwhore
Jasna: foodsexual
Ursula: Shinji-tier desperation for affection
>Ursula: will accept anything except Croix.
That pic needs some updating
Better than seeking an impossible dream.
Yeah, we now know she's only 28 or 29. I suppose it will be time to update it once we know for sure.
Will this be the start of Akko's Yay decline?
Because they fucking love Diana over there.
I think they are cute, and more productive than the Dianafags over here.
And no need to be once again to be confirmed, since Croix graduated in 2007.
Ursula doesn't need anyone.
Even Akko?
What she does need is magic, though.
She needs me
she just doesn't know it yet
Yeah she can have ice cream and chocolate
I think I'm done with this.
Zero across the board.
>i don't know how to use the stickies on yotsuba catalog so I made another LWA thread
Neo-Sup Forums
She needs yay!
And there's one person in Luna Nova with enough Yay! for two.
You're right, she needs and loves Akko.
And I think it will be particulary painful once she reveals to her.
Put a pair of sunglasses to one twin and an eyepatch to the other.
Ursula is embarrased by Akko and she wishes Diana had found the rod
Diana can find my rod if you know what i mean
Did sucycumfag get banned? I haven't seen her in at least a week.
Well, she didn't need her before Akko found Shiny Rod.
I saw him just last night.
I wish I didn't.
pretty sure she would have killed herself without Akko.
I don't, please elaborate???
I'm sorry, but wrong.
What makes you think that?
>no cuminsucyfag first post
what the fuck? this is Sup Forums right?
Underrated post
Man, I know it won't happen but I hope Diana and Akko do something cool set to an vocal track.
>Magical Society hates her, She literally didn't gave fucks about almost nothing and let herself to be chewed by colleagues 24/7 on a job she doesn't like and teaching studends that are apathetic towards magic in a world where magic is about to end. And when she's not, she spends time in her room with one but her crow
You're wrong user. She needs Akko.
It is. They're both strongly into each other.
That picture is shit though.
There's an English manga? Where is this?
I'm not attracted to Diana, I just like enforcing the sasuga meme and I want her to end up with Akko. I'd rather try to impress Sucy.
Perfect achievement.
Do have trouble finding it yourself?
Reminder that tomorrow is mother's day, so call your mum after the episode airs.
I can call her before it airs
Or that.
>airing the dead mother episode on mother's day
Sasuga trigger
i like their general attitude for depicting the characters than our resident western artists, including myself
like how akko admires chariot, i have to envy those artists
Post rest. This implies sucy is Philipno by ethnicity only. And not actually from there
Oh fuck...
Its not canon.
She's probably from some shadow realm
Last episode was TTGL
Next is KlK.
La vie est drole. Grand couturier.
Hand over the the updated Akko faces chart, or my mentally deranged german gnome henchman here is going to make WW2 look like a child's birthday party.
Everyone wants Lotte!
I dint care, post rest plz
I know this is cliche as fuck, but I want them to reveal that Akko and Diana actually met each other at the Shiny Chariot show, they just don't remember because they were both little kids.
Akko is stinky. STINKY!
but thats already confirmed
What is Sucy spicing Akko's drink with?
Studios love this kind of shit. We got picrelated from Fate/Zero 5 years ago at mother's day
angel's trumpet.
>loli Diana got lost in the Chariot show
>loli Akko helped her find her way
>Akko and DIana's relationship is extremely important
Sucy's VA
What did she mean by this?
No, thanks. I want Akko and Diana to be their own characters. Diana being a Chariotfag as a kid is more than enough.
That Akko and DIana's relationship is extremely important.
Chariot & Croix 2.0
I wonder how Akko and Diana relationship gonna be at the end. I can't really see them as BFFs. Maybe something similar they had in The Enchanted Parade.
Actually the opposite.
Pic related, but no close friendship
Criox is just tsun because she hasnt got ursula's shiny penis(female) in a while
>Maybe something similar they had in The Enchanted Parade.
Most likely. I doubt the writers are stupid enough to try make them best friends out of nowhere. Maybe if they started to develop their relationship earlier. Now it's too late for that.
Plot important
Suce juice
This better not be that scat image
Suugoi vinella witch
I'll buy Borislava.
I want Akko to make Diana and H&B become actual friends.