Sup Forums told me everyone who lived under Communism hated it. But actually almost everyone who lived under Communism wants it back. Why did you lie to me Sup Forums?
WTF Sup Forums you lied to me
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It's false nostalgia. The only ones that benefited from communism were the ones that survived it.
lmao drwn
W-woah r u telling me people are still mass media lemmings?
Serbia was better because it was part of a bigger country known as yugoslavia you fucking moron
>jewish communists hire jewish polling firms to make jewish polls published in jewish media to remind the goyim how much people loved it under jewish communism.
Except the mass media in the entire world except for a handful of countries is extremely anti-communist. The MSM in Eastern Europe constantly tells those people that life under Communism was pure terror, pure misery and brutality for everybody - yet the people of Eastern Europe disagree, despite decades of this propaganda.
Hungary was also part of a bigger country you giant idiot
What was that country dumbo?
cause someone whose whole worldview was built by the commies is completely unprepared for capitalism and how life under it operates. it's not rocket science especially given that you brought up countries with old societies. youth is always better than old age, no matter the political system (and post-commie countries aren't exactly capitalist mind you)
Serbs also say Kosovo is Serbian
Doesn't make it true
I'm not old enough to remember the catastrophy of socialism
>(and post-commie countries aren't exactly capitalist mind you)
>born in hungary in 1972
>lived through the fall of communism in like 88 or 89 before moving to UK in 96
>americans on the internet keep telling me communism was great
>american intellectuals
It's like being a raging alcoholic and wishing you were drunk instead of hungover.
Listen to Jordan Peterson talk Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and then you can watch this BBC program from one of the books he wrote about on living in a gulag (concentration camp)
You should also read "Gulag Archipelago"
Jordan Peterson is a psuedo intellectual fraudster funded by corporate foundations to make the intellectual space safe for Capital.
Show your work...
Yet Jews benefit the most from capitalism....
Ive lived under comunism. And i dont want it back. Now fuck off fagot
I remember one guy from Russia I was working with said it was great because they didn't change beggars in the street, but if you said something negative about the government and someone snitched on you, "they" would come grey you and throw you in prison.
Today in the US it will be something "discriminatory." Criticize a tranny, some stupid feminist, or use the wrong pronoun and they will say you have committed an act of "violence."
Actually, trannies, self-hating "third wave" feminist, and people who ask others to call them "xe" will be the very first people sent off to the Gulag under a Communist regime.
Granted, not all trans people will be gulaged, just the ones that are insufferable and pretentious about it. I have no problem if you're gay, trans, even pedo as long as you keep it to yourself, don't rape anybody, and don't try to equate it to normal healthy heterosexuality.
I worked with a guy from Russia who said his uncle was taken away and thrown in prison for criticizing the government in Russia.
They're is no perfect system. I used too think the Scandinavian countries were great, but they have destroyed their system.
Get a job nigger
>Actually, trannies, self-hating "third wave" feminist, and people who ask others to call them "xe" will be the very first people sent off to the Gulag under a Communist regime.
God, I wish those idiots would realize this.
And what bullshit do you base that on?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian. I'm going to guess you just don't want to hear what he had to say about fighting for Russia against Germany and then being repaid by being thrown in a gulag.
only silver lining to communism desu
>Actually, trannies, self-hating "third wave" feminist, and people who ask others to call them "xe" will be the very first people sent off to the Gulag under a Communist regime.
Hey I actually agree with this.
Because socialism/communism produces leeches. And leeches loves free gibs
she obviously doesn't remember the huge economic crises, the poverty and homelessness and food shortages. i ain't gonna lie i had a pretty good childhood in the mid and late 70s, and even in the early 80s it wasn't too bad, but the last few years before it all came crashing down were rough as fuck.
that's the thing about communism - it works... for a while, as long as there's money to spend things go fine, i mean, if you ignore the restrictions on freedom (you were pretty much only allowed to travel to other communist/socialist countries for example), but once the money runs out and the economic problems catch up with you (and they always do), things go to hell real fast.
These nut jobs are going to create the gulags this time. They have no problem assaulting other people in the name of equality and tolerance. Either that or they will weaken western civilization to the point Muslims take over and then yes they will all be executed.
Such useful idiots.
The USSR had the second biggest economy after ww2. now look at all the countries tha came from it shitholes and poor as fuck. they don't miss communism they miss not being a poor country
Solzhenitsyn was a fiction writer. It's like reading Harry Potter for information about the British public school system.
You should actually check those citations, OP, guaranteed that the data is 'self reported' or cherry picked, or p-hacked horseshit.
It wasn't about "money running out". The socialist system collapsed because it was sabotaged by traitors from within, who wished to restore capitalism and become the new bourgeoisie. They were successful - many of the anti-Marxist "reformers" who took power in the late '80s ended up becoming the new oligarchs under capitalism.
This, fucking this , to survive communism my father and everyone else i know who lived under communism did illegal things or were priveleged if you worked as a cop for example . now here in lithuania , when forced labour farms were destroyed , privileges demolished , and criminals brought into juctice , country people got lazy and they became alchoholics
And not only that . Post soviet countries have a high level corruption in the goverment , because people back then were so poor and money-hungry , and then there are others who are mad becaause they got their privileges taken away, now they want to get their asses into the seats of parlament and get gibs .
Btw really old people here say that hitler was better than gommies
Look at China. It
> (You)
>Solzhenitsyn was a fiction writer. It's like reading Harry Potter for information about the British public school system.
That is bullshit.
but it wasn't real communism
>It wasn't about "money running out".
the economic situation was a huge part of the problem. although the economic reforms in the late 60s meant life in hungary was at least better than most of our neighbours, the problems was a lot of our foreign trade was with other eastern bloc countries, so when they all started going belly up in the mid 80s, of course hungary followed suit.
even the situation of this country is a good example of the economic costs of socialism catching up. britain has always been one of the more socialist countries in europe, and now thanks to decades of spending money it didn't have, we're seeing stagnant wages, increasing poverty and a policy of austery as the government is struggling to get britain's national debt under control.
The reason why the other eastern bloc countries went belly up is because the traitorous leadership intentionally torpedoed their own countries to enrich themselves.
Look at all the people in the Hungary ruling party who in the '80s advocated "democratic reforms". Most of them are oligarchs today.
Why would you save a screenshot instead of saving the text? How are we supposed to use those links?
>This, fucking this , to survive communism my father and everyone else i know who lived under communism did illegal things
this - in hungary at least (but i'm sure it's true for a lot of the eastern bloc countries) there were huge black markets for a lot of things that were in short supply from the state and even some things that were used as a sort of unofficial currency, kind of similar to how usd is widely used in mexico
Listen here you fucking commie nigger . You are actually retarded enough to think that only"lE EBil CapItAliSts" wanted to destroy your shitty system . Ok fuck face then tell me why in the 50s men from lithuania estonia latvia left their families to fight against way bigger armies ? Why in the 70s thousands of people went on to protests against communsits regime even though they knew cops will beat the shit out of them and lock them in prison ? Why in the 90s in lithuania people , gunless people stood in front of moving soviet tanks and they didnt run away no matter what ?
I dont fucking think that people of three generations where EbIl CapiTalisTs who wanted to oligarchs . No faggot , those three generations suffered from your shitty goverment and they wanted freedome , no matter what was the costs
Go back to your shitty /leftypol/ and masturbate to cuck porn
But even more from communism.
>Look at all the people in the Hungary ruling party who in the '80s advocated "democratic reforms"
they were necessary. the country was dying a slow economic death, and without a new set of hands at the wheel who might do something to turn the situation around, things were only gonna get worse
one party states never last, and neither does communism. i'll be the first to admit, hungary is no paradise now, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was when the communist kool-aid started running out in the mid 80s.
also you dropped your meme flag
>americans educating former eastern bloc residents on communism
Who are you kidding mate? If Hungary was doing well under capitalism, you wouldn't have moved to the UK in the first place.
Never believe commies, chuck'em out off choppers instead.
i moved here because i met my wife while i was traveling... y'know, once we were actually allowed to do that
>Ok fuck face then tell me why in the 50s men from lithuania estonia latvia left their families to fight against way bigger armies ?
Petty nationalism and inferiority complex.
>Why in the 70s thousands of people went on to protests against communsits regime even though they knew cops will beat the shit out of them and lock them in prison ?
Propaganda and disinformation.
>Why in the 90s in lithuania people , gunless people stood in front of moving soviet tanks and they didnt run away no matter what ?
How'd that turn out for you? How do you explain pic related?
never met anybody who thinks "communism was better" here, these polls present people usually with a loaded question cause most people will say it was better cause no nigger tier wars etc