Can't wait for the inevitable
>he knew she was a dragon all along and was manipulating her
Shingeki No Bahamut
Other urls found in this thread:
He doesn't know she is red dragon, he knows she is special though since she armwrestled with him.
Once he learns she is red dragon his attitude will change and he will try to make her join his army.
>literal hitler
>son of a whore
Nina deserved better.
Like who?
Like any normal handsome boy in the capitol.
The only handsome men we've seen so far are either scum or painters.
>>literal hitler
Come on, he's not that great.
Just wait for next weeks
Already taken.
>A poll ran with westeners means jackshit
He knows she's the only girl he's met capable of bowling him across a courtyard with superior physical strength. He got a bit of a chubby from the feel of being manhandled by a cute girl like that.
Da Miyano Mamoru Vinci
I'd unironically drop this if that happens.
What did he mean by that
For what?
By who?
Next week's poll
What about it?
But he's going to put her in the dungeon
By oath of chivalry
delusional demonfag
Wait for next week's poll which will most likely have Nina x cheerio on it
Nah, most normalfag westies are already invested in Azazel/Nina. They're also not edgy manchildren from Sup Forums so not a lot of people care about Cheerios. They think the dance scene was cute, but that's pretty much it.
>most normalfag westies are already invested in Azazel/Nina.
How? Azazel has shown nothing but intent to manipulate her, and she doesn't feel anything for him anymore. I like shipping but it's obvious the show isn't gonna head in that direction with these two.
Normalfags are retarded.
>Show about dragons, knights, demons, angels, zombies, magic
>Entire episode showing an ordinary date about town
>Manages to be a 10/10
How the FUCK did they do it anons?
You mean the poll where anyone could vote more then once?
It's the faces, user.
Because it's a slow burner and their interactions aren't just centered around shallow romance that will burn out in an instant.
>it's obvious the show isn't gonna head in that direction with these two.
It's not obvious at all. You're taking stuff at face value.
oh shit you're right, let's do this again
Why is there so much azazelfags in this thread?
I dont get it either. He's been pretty annoying so far.
But that just mean he is thinking of partner that can give him a strong healthy offspring, it's only natural
Quick question do I have to watch the first season of this to understand whats going on or can I just jump right in?
> Why do trolls keep supporting the most annoying character
Really made me think, thanks lads.
Cause he's the hero
I think it's less people agreeing with him and more cheeriosfags being that annoying
Technically you can understand most of what's going on, you just miss out on the backgrounds of several characters. Watch s1 if you can, it's fun.
Just wait until he attempts to rape Nina and get utterly BTFO by the king next week
They will have nothing left to grab onto
You need to watch the first season to realize how much of a joke some tryhard characters actually are.
You better be prepared to keep on waiting then. You don't walk down a hallway, starring lovingly at a chili, when you're consciously manipulating a young girls heart.
More burning question is why are there cheersiofags at all? He's a boring as a rock bland Gary Stu for teenage boys to project their dreams of grandeur. Who's also mostly been sitting on a boring chair so far.
The dungeon tho.
Why wouldn't he though?
She has caused major destruction twice in the city regardless of her affiliation with demons. In theory he should just execute her right then and there considering how dangerous she is just for being able to negate green gummy bear magic like he is trying to do to Mugaro. It would be suspicious as fuck if he didn't at least arrest her
He is keeping both her and Azazel alive for some reason, but Azazel might be out of a pure hate boner
How about not indulging in shipperfagwars at all?
Ask Sup Forums
It's not a shipperfag question.
Because he's edgy and cool. Azazel would be viewed as such too if we didn't already know he's a fool.
That's just like, your opinion man.
I just noticed something. There are a lot of parallels between S1 Azazel and Cheerios. Both appear smug and invincible at first, both had a meat eating scene in the same episode, both will have somebody tortured, both hinted to have a criminal past, both enjoy making people fight for their amusement.
You mean the rape dungeon
But his clothes and hairstyle are goofy and his edginess is foolish.
> jobber that literally has always lost onscreen to any character that has a name. His personality is as shit as his list of accomplishments.
> successful king that wishes to create a future where his people are not used as pawns for the gods and victims of the demons. He is heroic, but flawed and cannot see the long term consequences of his actions.
It's not that hard to see demonfag.
Azazel isn't even close to edgy cool.
He's unironically chuuni, going around MUH DEMONS and expecting Nina to come along and help him free a people so they can go back to harassing humans.
Yes but did Azazel strike down huge flying disc sent by gods???? I think not
>> successful king that wishes to create a future where his people are not used as pawns for the gods and victims of the demons. He is heroic, but flawed and cannot see the long term consequences of his actions.
I already covered that part in "bland Gary Stu for teenage boys to project their dreams of grandeur." I'm talking as a character. Face it chump he is boring as fuck, his "flaw" is boring as fuck as well. The most interesting part of his character is being a son of a whore.
I like him cause he reminds me of myself.
A alpha virgin by choice.
>A alpha virgin by choice
Doesn't this apply to Azazel too? And his powerlevel is higher
>The most interesting part of his character is being a son of a whore.
So you only like traditional fantasy archetypes and think only that makes for a great story?
> bland Gary Stu for teenage boys to project their dreams of grandeur
Why does everyone say someone is a self-insert if they don't like a character? I don't think a single person imagines themselves to be a genocidal king.
>his "flaw" is boring as fuck as well.
Shit taste is all too familiar to me when I browse Sup Forums.
He did a lot of cool flips and brought down a few golems with cool tricks. Shooting powerful lasers is impressive but not very fun to watch as a fight.
I fail to see how Charioce is worthy of calling him Gary Stu. What are you basing it on? You literally said yourself he spent most of his time so far sitting on his throne.
>I don't think a single person imagines themselves to be a genocidal king.
That's the whole point of Cheerios' character if you go by the threads alone. Male cheeriosfags want to be him, female cheeriosfags want to be with him.
I'm going to report this post.
>That post doesn't exist anymore.
>he spent most of his time so far sitting on his throne.
And succeeding at everything. Winning female MC's heart just by holding her hand has got to be the worst offender.
Can Rita get knocked up?
>Winning female MC's heart just by holding her hand
That's Nina's fault, not his.
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums reaction images show that cheerios was designed in a way that makes the generaal audience want to jump into a race war with him as their Fuher. The vast majority of the audience is scientifically proven to be rooting for him and wanting him to butcher all of his opposition.
You have spent way to much time on Sup Forums if you think that those buzzwords apply to Cheerios and that the creators made him perfect in a attempt for the audience to want to be him.
It's the writer's fault actually.
What was it
> in an attempt
user. People will naturally look up to heroes. Cheerios just happens to be the hero we deserve.
There's nothing Gary Stu about that in context really, Nina's a sheltered girl with no idea what love even is at this point, so it's scarcely outrageous she'd fall for a good looking dude who can almost out arm-wrestle her and generally acts like a gentlemanly shoujo love interest.
It's kind of sad that for some reason this show brings out the worst in people. Where did it go wrong? Was it the concept for the female lead because of which most of the discussion centers around who gets to bang her first or how to tame her dragon puss? Was it Cheerios who has to always be the best at everything especially genocide?
So you think saving Nina from thugs, taking her out on a date and being a pleasant person to be around is not good enough for her to develop some feelings for him?
Who am I kidding. Lets kill all those ugly demon males and then take all the pretty demon females as slaves. I will be one of the first volunteers for his campaign to conquer heaven. I wish I was Cheerios, but I will gladly settle as a servant for his grand vision.
Rise, sir user.
It's because of fags like you that we have hundreds of anime with wimpy loser MC's. How is it bad that a character is in some way admirable?
As far as Cheerios is concerned, it's anons just being willfully daft or baiting. When it comes to him being 'best at everything', no one can possibly be so blind as to not see that six of 24 episodes in, that everything is going to blow up in his face and he'll spend probably the entire second half of the show getting the fuck humbled out of him in one way or another.
She was already hyperventilating for him the moment he held her hand in the arm wrestling match and not in the usual way but more in a "it's destiny" way. They're overdoing the whole concept to such point that it doesn't feel genuine.
In context he is very much presented as someone special. You can't be telling be the way their scenes are framed aren't screaming to you that he had won her heart the moment he laid his eyes on her. Comparing him to a shoujo love interest is very on point in how Gary Stuish those love interests can get.
Well yeah he did win her heart, again she has almost no romantic experience and he's an outwardly pleasant and sexy dude.
It's not exactly uncommon for teenagers to think their first love is THE ONE, it doesn't turn out that way of course but it's perfectly reasonable for her to feel that way in the context of her character in the show. Plus, Cheerios for all his arguably stuish qualities is going to get blown the fuck out in the long term.
If it wasn't the guy who for all intents and purposes is already the king of the world who's on a winning streak maybe it wouldn't feel so jarring, yet he is and so it does.
>She was already hyperventilating for him the moment he held her hand in the arm wrestling match and not in the usual way but more in a "it's destiny" way
Yeah, but the fact that Cheerios remembers her name means he has at least thought about her since then too
Face it Azazelfag, he was never an option
Shipperfags were a mistake
When will cheriofags learn to end their sentences with a full stop, It's not that hard you lazy fucks.
But it's exactly because of that he is destined to lose hard in the future
You seriously think his current actions wont have catastrophic repercussions in the future? Nina and Charioce's story is destined to end in tragedy probably sooner than later
They barely know how to write because their king hasn't introduced any education programs in the kingdom yet.
all the naughty bits were erased.
good job
probably not but she also eats and drinks so...MAYBE?
Half the thread is arguments about shipping
I'm not used to tumblr talk.
Sorry didn't know they have internet access in retirement homes
His BTFOing probably won't happen at least until midpoint so for the time being this is what we get. I'm not even sure how will Nina react once she finds out about him. Sure he may be the king she once set out to fight and possibly kill but she still has her drawback, and she still saw Aazazel as a friend even though he was being an asshole to her too. Personally the most worrying bit for me right now is how long will they keep the misunderstanding going. It better not be several episodes.
>Butthurt Azazelfags going full damage control
>Personally the most worrying bit for me right now is how long will they keep the misunderstanding going
Next episode