>Freeza replacing Vegeta as Goku's main rival
This will happen.
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
On Future Earth for a year and failed to do something that Super Buu did in a couple seconds
Only after fusing with Future Zamasu and the Universe(Asspull) at the of arc does he finally kill all the humans
Can't even kill Future Mai and the resistance since they survived several encounters with him
Super Saiyan Rose Black can't even kill SSJ2 Future Trunks with a full power Kamehameha
Super Saiyan Rose Black can't even kill SSJ2 Future Trunks with a point blank Ki blast to the back
Motivation: Butthurt he lost a sparring match aganist Goku
Only plans to do the Zero Humans Plan in Future Trunks' timeline
Escaped from several times
Flashblack where Future Mai saved Future Trunks from Black using a flash grenade
Trunks escaped from him at the start of the arc
Goku, Vegeta and Trunks escaped him thanks to regular humans using tear gas
Trunks holds off Black and Zamasu so Goku and Vegeta can escape
Offscreen Trunks manages to get away from Black and Zamasu again
So basically he's incompetent and only has his asspull "Zenkai" going for him, which works nothing like Zenkai did in the orignal manga
Gets knocked on his ass by a bullet
Hides behind his clones like a bitch because he's scared of taking another beating from Vegeta
Best female Kai coming through
Why do people keep on saying that Goku should have killed MVegeta when it goes completely against his character and he wanted to find out why Vegeta choose to become a Majin by exchanging punches
Laugh at these fools.
>Freeza eating a crab filler scene
Every time
Because they're fucking retarded.
>tfw no one in the z fighters can't stop me
So how much stronger does this make you and was it really worth it Vegeta??
Hey is the new episode tonight or? heard some people say its next week
It's tonight
How come nobody is complaining about this:
It's already bean established that Universe 7 is superior to Universe 6 because they beat them at the tournament (which was supervised by Zeno sama himself), and U7's Hakaishin is stronger than U6's Hakaishin.
Now what kind of mental gymnastic should I use to reach a conclusion that U6 is above U7.
>Toei animations as it's finest
Oh hey, I haven't seen this pasta in a while
Get ready for buff Universe 10 guys tonight
And next week we'll see some guys from the pupper universe
so much silicone used on this android.
TOYOKEKS haven't had enough yet it seems
>yfw Freeza wins da Tournamento Fpower
Probably a solid 2-5x as strong as before.
Question is, if Frieza wanted to hire you would you accept? 1 month free on Frieza's Gymnasium like everyone else does.
Will Frieza really be able to hold back from killing someone?
I was banned!
Thank god, thanks user.
my waifu right here
that and him getting his wish would be the best ending
Well he did a pretty good job of holding back on Namek.
You can call me a mad Cellfag if you want but I'm just confused.
Why would Freiza ever help Saiyans?
At least Cell would make sense since he would be glad to prove he is the most perfect being in ALL of the Universes.
Plus it would be funny to have a scene where he eliminates Gohan.
P-please no
It's Super, turn off your brain.
She's like Chi-Chi with a bigger rack
Much rather he draws them undetailed than the QUALITY trash we've become accustomed to in the Filipino cartoon.
didn't expect to like her as much as i did.
I still don't get why she got so buttmad over Tenshinhan.
that's not him you retard
Shes perfect.
>Tfw no stacked clingy kungfu qt gf
just end my life senpaitachi
How about we get the thread nuked
Because I am fully willing to enter a shitposting war with you
Have you read/watched Dragon Ball?
I'm not super worried about how strong Gohan will be tonight as long as it isn't established that Goku was going 100% and he really struggled against him. That'll make Toppo and Jiren seem like total fucking jokes.
I hope to god at some point Goku will think to himself: "Maybe I shouldn't have held back.. My teammates have no idea what they've gotten themselves into." While Toei has made Goku a retard in the past, if U7 becomes pressured in this tournament then it will mainly be because of Goku's inability to go all out against them.
Reminder: All other participating universes will be trying their asses off: Most of U7's teammates will be blitzed if they truly can't compete with Blue Saiyans.
I really hope the animation is good tonight and that it overall doesn't suck too hard.
The tournament is almost here! Let's enjoy the rest of his arc, guys. Who knows what abomination we may get in the future...
Pick one
Pick both
younger Chi-Chi with a bigger rack
what's not to love?
true torture
>Toeishills picking on faraway shots
Because he would do ANYTHING to escape from his personal hell, its as simple as it sounds, also stay mad cellfag
Lmao mangafags say the manga has great art!
>what's not to love?
The fact that she'll never be seen again
>anime makes 16377828974 mistakes
Toeishill: Eh thats ok
>manga makes 5 mistakes
Toeishills aren't cool guys, cause they don't look away from the explosions, even at the cost of plot!
Toeishills are megumeme autists. They love explosions
Explosions on screen and even explosions in their own brain. My brain tried to comprehend Toei's fuckery and it exploded into a gushy mess
>he literally never ever read DB
At least ATTEMPT to form bait with subsistence like the actual insanityfag instead of regurgitating what he said yesterday, autismo.
smug ouchie
Why are these dresses so fucking hot
Why do you mangafags are so obsessed with telling everyone that the anime sucks and that your precious manga is superior? and you will do any amount of mental gymnastics to deflect any problem that the manga ACTUALLY has? 90% of the time is just mangacucks starting these pointless meme wars
This is usually what happens whenever some autistic user that ruins threads one day. Some newfaggot will come up and pretend to be that user but it'll be really cringe. I'm pretty sure the real one is banned since some reports were made
Animators usually are already swamped when working in the animating business, on top of that, they usually have about 6 or so weeks to get an episode fully out there. This includes storyboarding, animating all of the scenes, having time to sync up voices and make sure the mouths line up and such.
A monthly manga?
Toyotaro has 30 days to draw 40 pages. Araki is able to keep up with the monthly schedule all while keeping VERY consistent high-quality drawings.
I don't think Toyotaro is competent enough to be in charge of a manga. He doesn't seem to be determined enough to really go through with it 100%. I wouldn't say for him to go full Murata and slave over a desk nearly 20 hours a day, but he should at least put more effort into ////one of the biggest and most popular franchises in existence////
Defend this, cuck.
>Why do you mangafags are so obsessed
Top kek
>"i-i-it was in the original manga so it's ok!!!!!
Funny how mangafags never have this excuse when they cherrypick anime frames
Cause the anime sucks balls, bitch. Even the manga does too, but it's still half a star better then the moneymaking machi-oh I mean anime
wanted his attention and wanted to fight him when she was young.
He didn't care and left crane school.
Yurin got insulted and mad. Started obsessively training to beat him and humiliate him when she was older because of it.
even Tien wasn't impressed with her reason but it was important to her
>The fact that she'll never be seen again
Sadly. you're most likely right.
Still. at least we can enjoy her in her episode
You're a retard.
>Eating a crab live
Shit, I've just noticed how much I fucked up
>Why are you mangafags so obsessed
I Apologize
Somebody post the trunks USSJ tracing gif
Or the final flash tracing pic
Or the multiverse tracing pic
Maimai why is Toriyama such a worthless hack? xD I believed manga had great art but I love Toei now
why is she so cute
....Are we REALLY holding that faggot up to a high standard? He was just as bad as this guy, except he was actually broken and spammy. I prefer the copycats, since they aren't as spammy. Insanity user was instant back to back pics
Zamasu a cute
Sure, Pablo.
Both the manga and the anime are flawed, but they are entertainment, no reason to get so fucking apeshit about it
That shit was funny tho.
Acceptable case. However when you factor in Dragonballs worldwide global success you shouldn't half ass this shit. This level of quality is unacceptable and it disrespects a timeless series adored by all
This is true, but these threads are full of sad, lonely virgins who have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives. So, they will continue to flind shit at each other regardless.
Cabba is U6's Vegeta
Caulifla is U6's Goku
Kale is U6's Broly
Just stop feeding the faggot, guys
I dont think autism levels will ever reach the same capacity of that day
I guess there is no way to change this shit, I'll just enjoy my stay
My work here is done. Besides that comments about how Gohan jobbed is going to take over anyway
Reminder: counterparts aren't a thing
Who is insanityfag?
I would've preferred it if they did it in 12-18 episode shifts every year or so. They would at least have a lot of time per episode so we could get more beautiful eps like Episode 66 (Well animated all the way through, but they fucking killed the hype twice in it.)
I can't imagine how stressful this fucking business must be.
too cute for her own good.
Are you guys ready, this episode is going to have at least 2 outcomes
>Gohanfags swarm every single thread because he managed to fight Goku
>Jobhan shitposting goes overdrive
Read this thread user
He started in the thread before it, and went on all day
Universe 7's team were outliers. They're using average to determine an universe's strenght. Also, if they had used median Universe 7 would be even lower.
So beautiful, why dead? It is not fair, bros. Zamasu a shit, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
While I'm not defending other accounts of tracing: This one was fully intentional.