>Leave infodump-chan to me
Left or Right Sup Forums?
>Rui is a pussy hunter
Didn't see that coming
Shark saying that there's writing in the book was obviously a lie. And the man denying it made it true.
How did she choose what words would be written?
I think I'm in love Sup Forums.
you fucked up
>Chaotic evil
>Makes lies become truth
My judgement was rush, she's truly a great character
Shouldn't Red and Meteora be LG now? They're nice and are working for the gubment and all.
Oyaji is clearly True Neutral.
Reminder that Alice did NOTHING wrong.
First thing Kamiya does is flirt with girls?
>only 5 min Meteora talking this episode
He's shinji in a new world. He can stop being a pussy
Can't beat an old man with a gun.
for full shitposting, post your characters power raking
So sharkteeth power is the equivalent of "if u dont reply this..." posters, but in real life?
My fucking DICK.
Meteora with prep time > everyone.
That's not a lie, so it's not true
Please don't bully the only character with the superpower of telling Meteora to shut the fuck up.
>no one will die they said
infodump > robo trap > mamika > that dog > red
Why are Alice and Mamika so fucking retarded?
>Non-named characters
Her power is literally bait.
>say something stupid
>convince other person to say something equally stupid in response
Trolling is an art.
Good and evil are just points of view.
left, twintails a best
I want her to die
Shouldn't Mamika be Chaotic Good?
Is she /ourgirl/?
She's from a world with mountains of corpses and rivers of blood. Please don't bully worst girl.
I'd switch Rui and Mamika
Best not to think about it. This part of the scene is a set-up for her power, not the demonstration of her power itself, and they didn't put much thought into it.
This is wrong. I don't even know if they all fit in, but Aliceteria is definetly lawful evil. Blitz, while he may be a cop or detective in his series (?) is quite obviously not on the good side now when he's presented an opportunity to revive/save his daughter / take revenge.
Mamika's a mahou shoujo and Alice isn't retarded, she's just working with the person offering to help her save her world over the people telling her to not even try.
It's like the doctors psychic paper, it shows what needs to be written depending on the circumstances.
Hey, user, my post's number ends with 5.
>Mamika's a mahou shoujo and Alice is just in denial
>Actually taking the retarded DnD alignment system seriously and arguing about it
Just neck yourself already
Why does Sharkteeth need a book on Cthulhu?
>breaks into a police station to force a man under threat of violence to use his magic that may not even exist
>attempts to murder someone just because they feel evil to her
>destroys a bridge in a fight over nothing against opponents who came here to break up the fighting
>Lawful Good
No, it doesn't.
No, it doesn't.
If you could summon demons, wouldn't you choose the coolest ones?
No it doesn't. Do you think I'm fucking retarded?
That's a lot a blood
I respect alice for that. She should shoot more energy cannons.
He's a big shopkeeper.
So long as she is abiding by a strict code that guides her actions as just, then yes that's lawful good.
Paladin-chan is looking like textbook lawful stupid.
Period blood can be like that sometimes.
What happens if you out-bamboozle Shark-chan?
She was just pretending to be retarded.
> Sharkteeth is a mystery/detective girl
> Turns any denial of murder into fact
> Frames dozens of innocents every week
How come Mecha Pilot doesn't use his knowledge to get rich.
According to his show, he is from the 22nd century and living in 22nd century Japan.
Doesn't that mean he knows science and technology 200 years ahead of our time?
Kinda want to know what other protags from Shark's story can do.
>Main can change colors, including temperaments, induce colorblindess, restore blood and ink colors.
>Love's interest can see through illusions
>Masked guy is the theatrical guy, that always survives and keikakus opponents to play along his play that leads to their defeat
>Red shirt guy is the straight guy and mentor with perfect memory
Both of them need to be lying for it to work.
He is as smart as his author wants him to be. The author has no idea how future tech works, so neither does Rui have an idea.
Is she going comando?
If a soldier got sent to the past, would he be able to build tanks?
They're not innocent, user. Her magic makes it so
>sharkteeth only used her powers to affect the future
Can she actually change the past?
I was really hoping he wouldn't have any powers besides maybe a powerful gun.
I wanted to see an old man keeping up with bullshit powerlevels through wits and years of experience from being a grizzled cyberpunk cop.
Her novel sounds pretty interesting, I'd watch the shitty anime adaption just to complain about it/10
It's not that hard to make people lie.
> You're going to stab yourself
> No I won't
Where's the lie?
I hope so.
Why does this character archetype always attract hate without fail?
All anyone ever does in this show is drink coffee.
There are something interesting.
I saw no Japanese complaining about not following the golden rule of "Show, don't tell.".
Better saying, Japanese anime itself rarely follows the show don't tell.
It's not a paradox power, they have to lie in response to her lie.
>literally Shirou + Saber
Blame Fate.
What do you mean? She's the best.
She feels a lot like a medaka box character or something from those descriptions.
"Show, don't tell" in anime is a meme.
See: Flip Flappers
Her magic won't activate in that case.
Do you know how to build a car?
Oh, that's true.
Also 2+2 = 8.
Sharkteeth vs This Guy
With powers like that sharkgirl must be from a mistery setting.
Any battle shounen who knew about her powers would just a fight last 3 seconds.
So is teeth-chan the strongest or weakest character?
Because it's literally impossible to like retards who go around spouting MUH JUSTICE and refuse to listen to any logic.
Why is she such a temptress?
He doesn't really have any inherent powers. You can see him fiddling with his watch thing before he starts flying. He has a bunch of gravity-based technology that allows him to do weird shit, but break that tech and he'd just be an old man.
They end up having a kid.
She said something like "there's no way someone like you could kill me" in jap.
It's still a paradox.