Art installation in Stockholm subways. People have to look at this every day when they go to work.
Swedish subway art
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Why won't you vandalize it?
compelling art, exquisite technique
Do something about it user, creatively
this and
What is this art piece trying to say? That trannies love to figure skate after anal rape?
Hey, what's going with that Stockholm stabbing incident?
beautiful, everything is as it should be.
>dress up in overalls to look like a maintenance worker
>face covered in respirator
>paint roller and a bucket of acetone
>"clean" the offending prints, which appear to be some type of plastic film
>move on
>minutes later it melts into something closer to actual art
The amount of trash art that has invaded the public space is getting out of control at this point
Literally none of it is good
It's as if they specifically hire the worst fucking artists to draw this shit
Sweden is a disgrace to humankind and the Nobel prize is worthless
Women are divine bleeding angels. Men are disgusting trogs masturbating.
No bias here
This is all I could come up with
>free bleeding is now public art in Sweden
Hahahahaa another pol prank that went to far.
bro wtf am i looking at two lesbians on the period
cave paintings desu
>someone was paid money for this
>they celebrate being raped by shitskins
that's pretty swedish ...
Silly swedes. Periods attract bears, not pumas.
>Swedish peak of western civilization
>Slavic backwardness
Yeah, our art schools in Stockholm is made of mostly women that are wasting their time creating disgusting pieces from their bodys.
Looks like the poorman's Aleksandra Waliszewska
Ah yes, Stalins subway...
If that was in the UK it would be a huge victim of doodling. Or are Swedes such cucks they can't deface a stupid monument.
Something like that here would get destroyed with 1950, Hajduk and "mrzin židove" grafitti in matter of minutes. I say improvment over shit like that what is called art
they have respect for art you bong
He might have killed gorrilions but at least he had a decent art taste
grafitti is art so your point is retarded
I'm an artist and I am offended by this crap. Degenerate art is a real thing.
it's plagiarism
my flag went swedish again. Fuck my internet provider, fucking swedes
I'm guessing you are from the Norwegian border.
>women artists, every single fucking time
Again, with the menstrual blood.... why are they so fixated ?
Makes me want to visit this shithole...
It will wind up the mussies at least.
not even close. Croatia
tbf the red stripes look like they were graffiti'd on there...
It's pretty fascinating honestly. Is the artist a Jewess?
Wow, the Swedish are sooooo progressive.
why so retarded?
Yet those "trannies" are better than you at hockey lol.
Finland is almost down there with the UK
Look up post modernism and social marxism. It's not meant to be art. It's meant to devalue actual art.
my internet provider is swedish
Is this from Attack on Titan?
That's weird.
Goys just don’t recognize good (((modern art))).
postmodernisim is crappy can you tell the artist i said so?
fuck ((you))
Basically anti art.
>lame primitive figure
>zero effort
>3 colors
Imagine you create this "art" and expecting paycheck. This should be considered vandalism.
yeah shove that
Tbqh it just makes me laugh thinking about how I might be disgusted but your sandniggers even more.
Of course they'll express their disgust thinking your sisters mothers and daughters are worthless whores that can be raped.
'''''''''''yes art""""""""""""""""
i cant take this shit here is art
So menstrual stained figure skaters is art?
Next thing you're gonna tell me is that the jews are bad and the holocaust is fake.
It's like they're trying to mentally prepare us for having UFOs crashland into all our buildings
i am triggerd thnks man
their (((extraterrestrial))) agents already here
>ever going to work
lol wagecuck, keep funding this shit with your time and money retard
Did no one notice? Too vague maybe
Why would he vandalize it? It looks like shit already
Gotta hand it to the Soviets, they built some nice metro stations. The anthem was a good piece of music too.
That’s fucking shit.
what the fuck is your problem faggot
Even Kangz have greater taste than Jews.
>Angola ftw
It's odd that the Washington DC subway is more brutalist than that. More spacious though. I miss the days of international dickwaving.
>I can't draw faces and bodies well, and refuse to practice, so if anyone criticizes me I'll accuse them of having no appreciation for art.
Seriously this stuff is terrible, there is some decent modern art but this postmodern stuff is consistently terrible.
you're still ok
>and the caption
: 10 Buildings People Love to Hate but Shouldn’tView Slideshow
1 / 22Slide 1 of 22
Vienna’s Church of the Most Holy Trinity, or Wotruba Church, was based on a model by sculptor Fritz Wotruba, who died before the completion of the building in 1976. It is made up of 152 asymmetrically positioned concrete blocks. The structure was inspired by the artist’s visit to France’s Chartres Cathedral.
Vienna’s Church of the Most Holy Trinity, or Wotruba Church, was based on a model by sculptor (((Fritz Wotruba))), who died before the completion of the building in 1976. It is made up of 152 asymmetrically positioned concrete blocks. The structure was inspired by the artist’s visit to France’s Chartres Cathedral.
hate when websites insert quotes to quotes , esp when you quoted the legend
It's redeeming quality is that after a few centuries nobody will know how retarded we were and they'll think the structure simply collapsed
Most of their architecture is bad, I'm just surprised at the subway station. It was like the pride and joy of the ussr.
Strange how they combine brutalist with post modern. Brutalist can be good, but then they randomize some stuff.
go slap a maxi pad on it.
Not like it's yours or my fault , spaniabro
>Brutalist can be good, but then they randomize some stuff.
I used to think this too untill I found it was just a prize circuit for talentless jewish architects like the Nobel prize is for their scientists. We need buy sharp guillotines, to reinstate justice, if it can't be done with ordinary means .
who is the target of that cream ad with a black woman in sweden?
you snowniggers need Islam asap
He did not. Motives are shitty "soviet realism" which Stalin reduced every artform to.
er no thanks nigger, islam needs us
There's a reason the kikes control the arts,from music to tv to movies to architecture and plastic arts it's seems worthless how much effort they put into building monstrosities or painting shit (sometimes literally)but art is arts inspiration and thus fp to them it's important that all art and inspiration is either twisted arts nd unnatural or nigger tier since humans will choose the more human of both thus going down instead of up,degrading themselves to the lowest denominator as niggers.
pls tell me the red stains are vandalism
Living in San Diego I'm lucky that I've escaped this. It seems that people here actually care about it looking good, regardless of subject matter.
We do live within sight of Mexico though so you get stuff like this, but at least it looks nice
This is the sort of thing I find disturbing.
You know there are lots of crazed degenerates out there, but it's when they actually seize the power to make the decisions in government it starts getting scary.
they have actually taken over this area of the government.... they own it now, and it will be very hard to ever get it back.
Sweden or Germany. I can't decide who's more fucked.
nah son, better one.....the fire extinguisher full of paint, otherwise known as "the sprayer"
I don't think humans chose the nigger-tier voluntarily unless they are persuaded it's (((modern))) , and (((contemporary))) .
>there's a lot of hidden violence in thw well jew-dominated artistic fields both to enforce their own works and also to create debased copycats of european art .
The problem of jews is that they have no form, and this is a disease , creating elementary school tiered rainbows at best.