Been browsing Sup Forums a while. Never really browsed Sup Forums much. I am having a hard time understand why so many people on here dislike blacks. It would be helpful if you could explain it to me, I don't want to just brush it off as pointless racism or something similar. Perhaps a YouTube video or something would be helpful.
Image unrelated.
Been browsing Sup Forums a while. Never really browsed Sup Forums much...
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I just dislike them so much cause I have to encounter them on a daily basis.
If I lived somewhere white they would bother me far less.
mainly has to do with the dramatic levels of violence and uncivility of African-Americans in particular. When you have a population group that is less than 15% of the total population yet the commit over 50% of the homicides in our nation that tends to build resentment.
On top of that you have a population that has a higher percentage of people on welfare and not contributing to society than any other population group (perhaps with the exception of recent immigrants). Nobody wants to dislike blacks. But it's almost like reality forces you to
Thanks for the help.
Interact with them in the wild. I was Philly medic for years, wasn't racist until I had to deal with them in an uncontrolled environment.
One also stabbed me twice.
OP this video is perfect just watch it
>u mad white boi?
That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks.
I'm a Latino who grew up in a poor neighborhood surrounded by blacks. It's skewed my world view on Africans. I'll keep defending whites because I'd rather live around whites. I don't have to worry about my outboard motor or anything else somewhat valuable coming up missing in my all white neighborhood.
>stabbed me twice.
story time?
checked and youre welcomed
I knew there was a difference, but I had no idea the difference was so extreme. That was pretty eye-opening, thanks for the help.
What? It's not just Sup Forums that hates niggers. Pretty much all of Sup Forums that isn't a thinly veiled camwhore board hates niggers as a whole.
How new are you?
Also the victim hood. It's always someone else's fault when it comes to blacks.
>My teacher is racist that's why I failed
>My coach is racist that's why I ain't be get that scholly to play ball
>Dem police be racist for arresting me with 9 Ccack rocks and 2 stolen guns
Anybody who thinks niggers are okay watches too much TV aka Talmudvision. Plenty of magic niggers on TV.
Crackhead tried mugging us as we were working on his buddy who was hit by a car, he pulled the knife on my partner (female), I tackled him and he manged to get the knife into my back twice before I bounced his skull hard enough to knock him out.
My armor took the brunt of it, but since it was designed for bullets and not knives, I still ended up with 28 stitches.
There is nothing wrong with the alt right or right wing ecelebs. At all.
>ex-JIDF whistleblower here
>JIDF is behind "Israeli based born jew here, ask me about the Jewish conspiracy, i promise im cool" threads
This is a really mind blowing riddle. Is he lying or not?
We'll blame manipulated crime statistics for it all, but really Sup Forums is just jealous of the superior big black cock. BBC makes us feel inadequate and effeminate.
>. I am having a hard time understand why so many people on here dislike blacks.
You don't live in an area with a lot of them, clearly. Otherwise, you'd already know.
I will say this: it's not their fault. They're mostly ignorant and mislead, not inherently bad. I'm not making excuses for niggertry by citing poor living conditions or whatever. I'm saying that some people in power have decided that a large ignorant black population is a very useful tool, and that's why we are where we are today with regard to race relations: twenty steps BEHIND where we were twenty years ago. It's all thanks to a culture of ignorance that's been promoted for decades.
Niggers should be kept away from other people until they learn how to live with the rest of us again.
I know JIDF is real, I meant that particular poster. He posted an "I'm an ex-JIDF Jew but I'm okay thread" warning that JIDF posts "I'm a jew but I'm okay" threads as distractions.
Is he lying, is he lying, or is he lying?
I've seen him around he's an Israeli that hates himself and his people.
Based Bill is a diamond in the rough.
I never had an opinion on them one way or another until I moved into a black area and was horrified by their behavior and lack of basic humanity.
It really isn't their fault, but then again most of them are not sentient adults or actual people.
I'm not even trying to be mean at this point we should have some kind of cognition test before people get granted the full rights of a voting citizen. Also they should have to pay property taxes or some form of equivalent fee.
90% of niggers and women wouldn't qualify. Within one generation the .5% of voting eligible Jews would be out of disproportionate power and our country would be a utopia again. Except for the communists it would be hell for the communists. The ones that escaped the helicopters that is.
What kinds of things did you see?
I used to encounter them constantly at work, and it changed me from "everyone is the same" to "fuck niggers". Some people will never understand, because they are so far removed from interaction with blacks. They try to point out white trash to make both races seem bad at some level. White trash has nothing on blacks. Do you have "white trash" in SA like we do in the USA?
we have consumed the red pill
this is now a nigger hate thread
Isn't every /po/ thread a nigger hate thread already?
Does page 0 say something other than "Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect?"
This is clearly a veiled nigger hate thread, so post away!
>da dindus dindu nuffin don be raycist
>*eats watermelon
Even Good Liberals seem to avoid them. Wouldn't you expect Good Liberals to deliberately move to black areas and send their white children to school with them?
nobody would dislike them if the left wasn't opening the borders and pretending that black immigrants are a boon for the US.
same goes for mexicans. as long as they keep pushing the myth that people with subhuman IQs are necessary to replace the american population, then you have to push back and tell it like it is.
beucase if you don't then your country is gone. if the US still had closed borders, then the racism might be pointless. Today it does have a point. that point is to stop immigration from third world countries. America needs Haitians like it needs a bullet in the head.
Stop spreading larper shit. anons are behind nigger hate threads, because anons hate niggers, because niggers actively make society worse.
>Stop spreading larper shit.
Here ya go.
I was always one of those who thought everyone was basically the same.
I grew up in an all white town, all white school. Blacks were cool, but they were only on TV, they didn't exist in my world.
I couldn't afford that town when I grew up and had kids, so I moved to a nearby town that had a 50/40/10 split, and "got educated"
Blacks are very different. You know when you're in a black neighborhood vs white.
After living with them, working with them, listening to them talk, seeing them solve problems on their own, etc....
I've come to understand that they really are less intelligent. The dumb shit they worry about, instead of the real shit.. absolutely no forethought, no planning, no saving money for the unexpected.. can't save money for the power bill they KNOW is coming..
Unless you meet a successful black. They are equally insufferable. Pompous and arrogant, they aren't equal, they're better. Especially if they have the attitude of "I am successful in spite of being black"
Or locally known as "I got one past the white man" adopted because blacks make fun of successful blacks, they'll tell them they're an "Uncle Tom" meaning they're only successful because they kissed the right white ass.
No one will tell them it's because they're dumb.. because that's when they get violent. But it's true.
Whites heavy sigh and walk away from conversations about how math is racist, because we know if the presenter really believes that, they're not smart enough to understand the truth. They won't accept it. They were told they're EQUAL.
Equal opportunity doesn't mean equal ability.. can't explain that to blacks.
The discrepancy between African and European intellect stems entirely from both ethnicity's thousands of generations of isolated evolution under different environmental selection pressures, it's not bigoted, it's simply fact.
Europe is distinguished from Africa in that it has considerably less dangerous mega-fauna and lethal diseases, but has an annual freezing winter and a lack of easily obtained food. This forced Proto-Europeans to evolutionary select for those with intelligence and a capacity for abstract thought, as only those were able to consistently plan their seasonal sowing and harvesting, and thus, survive to pass their genetics onto the next generation.
Africa, on the other hand, is the opposite of Europe in that it has no annual winter and an abundance of easily obtained food, in the form of native flora, but has an obscene surplus of dangerous mega-fauna and lethal diseases. This forced Proto-Africans to evolutionary select for those with high aggression and high libido, as only those were able to breed enough to outweigh the significant infant mortality rate and pass their genetics onto the next generation.
I wish no harm upon African Americans, nor do I wish harm upon Native Africans. I only wish that we can overcome the unnatural multicultural bias in our society, and voluntarily segregate to live with members of our own ethnicity, and coexist in a series of mutually respectful traditionalist ethnically-homogeneous sovereign states, as nature intended.
Is that so wrong?
And if they just cleaned up their culture, they wouldn't have to be the smartest. But instead they worship the worst of gangsterism. In contrast, I don't care if East Asians have a few more IQ points than whites on average, as I just live a good life including doing good work. But in return I want a clean, safe country, but the Left is always pushing degeneracy in the media and flooding our countries with millions of hostile aliens. Chip, chip, chipping away.
Black immigrants? I thought the problem was the ones you already have over there...
Yes, immigration from Haiti started the "shithole" media storm.
Many are shills, some do it ironically, some only half mean it, and some are full-fledged neo-nazi edgelords.