Meet Antifa's Secret Weapon Against Far-Right Extremists
>Squire, a 45-year-old professor of computer science at Elon University, lives in a large white house at the end of a suburban street. Inside are, usually, some combination of husband, daughter, two step-children, rescue dog, and cat. In her downtime she runs marathons and tracks far-right extremists.
>Squire opened a database of her own design—named Whack-a-Mole—which contains, as far as anyone can tell, the most robust trove of information on far-right extremists.
>Though Squire may be peaceful herself, among her strongest allies are “antifa” activists, the far-left antifascists.
>she is sympathetic to antifa’s goal of silencing racist extremists and is unwilling to condemn their use of violence, describing it as the last resort of a “diversity of tactics.” She’s an intelligence operative of sorts in the battle against far-right extremism, passing along information to those who might put it to real-world use. Who might weaponize it.
Treasonous bitch DOXing /ourguys/
703 Brookfield Dr
Gibsonville, NC 27249
>be the current literal year
>increasing polarization of american society on political grounds
>most people are ignorant and can't into actual thought
>get their reality and info from social media
>think that if the ebil nazis on twitter just vanish thing will be fine
>attempt to do so and are on track to succeeding
>me irl against censorship
>have changed mind
>an enemy that doesn't exist in their reality is a dangerous thing indeed.
Deplatform us and we'll kill them all by inches, and they won't even know how or why. pic unrelated
htt ps://8ch
.net/pol/re s/1115 8236.html #111 60627
for more info
>The first big test of Whack-a-Mole came just before the white supremacist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville on Saturday, August 12. In the weeks before, because of her database, Squire could see that nearly 700 white supremacists on Facebook had committed to attend the rally
Ah yes, her database. That's how she knew 700 people ticked "I'm going" on Facebook.
So dont use facebook. I havent been on there since 2014.
When did online safety stop? In the old dial up days AOL had a log in warning to never give out your personal info, like address, last name ect....noe facebook requires it...
>ever having used social media
A tell-tale sign of being a true brainlet.
According to Anglin's update on the situation, they don't actually have /ourguy/s info. Still, I got no problem with doxing and harassing her back.
just another cringe CIA plant .
why doesn't someone go visit her nice white suburban home with a freedom shooter and liberate those poor rescue animals
So who is twatting her this thread url?
Phone prank SWAT, and give her house info with a John Woo movie playing in the background.
If I were a fed, I’d ask to be taken off Sup Forums duty and put on the X-Files or something
What's the plan to make her and her family Fucking miserable
Dox her back. Fight fire with fire.
heres the antifa 'shutitdown'. shame if the fbi got word of this cp producer
dude's in brazil, CP is likely legal there
raid the fucking 'drug-field' then. coward
They were best friends.
>professor of computer science
hahahahaahhahahah, working on cracking her linkedin and faceberg now, hope I get in before this thread dies
>She’s an intelligence operative of sorts
larping communist
How do commie leftists keep getting into position of power
nepotism, but not op related?
>cartoons are cp
she was in cville and was also in the group during the car attack. Here she is with a glassy eye stare, carrying an industrial workers of the world flag.
She's a fucking communist
On the list you go. You fucking fascist Nazi racist homophobe America loving piece of shit. WE WILL DESTROY YOU
Twould be a shame if she was abducted on one of her daily runs and then have a train run on her before throwing her of a bridge.
At least shes honest enough to list her real children first, before the step children, who she doesn't love as much.
Blue eyes and red hair, you whites are so cucked that you betray your own race.
Ugly women are always the most angry ones.
Like perpetually butthurt.
read siege and realise that people like this need a bullet in the head
The Enlightenment was about using facts and reason to persuade people.
Libbies use threats, punishment, and social ostracism to persuade people.
That is more like how religions persuade people, particularly fundamentalist religions.
In my mind, if you cannot persuade with facts and reason, and instead you have to rely on threats, punishment, and social ostracism, that means you are very probably wrong.
I am so sleepy...are you sleepy? Ah, yes you are sleepy. Let's all go to bed.
It's idiots like this that get people killed, some tween let's their friend borrow their phone
> hurr durr let's sign buffy up to a nahhtzee group.
This stupid bitch sends the doxx to an tee fa, and they blame it on the patriarchy
*yawns* I guess you're right, soyim.
What's going on here?
isn't it illegal to dox people and send the intel to people who will respond with violence
>is unwilling to condemn their use of violence, describing it as the last resort of a “diversity of tactics.”
vigilantism isn't legal
>When did online safety stop? In the old dial up days AOL had a log in warning to never give out your personal info, like address, last name ect....noe facebook requires it...
youtube used to have the same warning
> your ID
You must post more
you fucked up, commie. repent.
No one takes care of the yard
She obviously wants to be recognized and given credit for being some kind of hero or something. She goes on about her kids pictures being posted online. Well she's the selfish irresponsible bitch that endangered her family. I have no sympathy for her.
Probably a mixture of grubs, mowing the lawn too short and drought
Don't do anything stupid and end up in jail. Just troll the fuck out of her
Notice how these virtue signalling faggots are always upper middle class.
They spend their days harping on and on about social justice for minorities while living in their cushy lilly white communities that are free from minorities. You will never see them give the poor a dime.
People aren't staying off their fucking grass.
you won't do shit. Whites have been lulled into non action by years of degradation and the internet. They could be booting your neighbors door down and you still wouldn't act until they got to your door.
or, she is a plant looking to "cred" her way into an alphabet job by playing both sides against one another. not to dismiss what she is doing/has done, but to highlight that we lost a lot of sheer power when former L33T's were blackmailed/sheep-dipped into working for the enema. We'll know if it works to get her to reveal her cards
pure (((cohencidence)))
>read siege and realise that people like this need a bullet in the head
you've just identified "why" the CBTS crew are failing, Flaggot!
>read siege
I read siege and now my mail never gets delivered. What do?
now that you mention it, I'm slippy af
kek. Imagine getting a street named after you because your fat ass was hit by a car.
include me in the screencap!
>hit by a car.
But she wasn't. She died of a heart attack because she was morbidly obese
>because violence isnt violence when it's a last resort of a diversity of tactics
ok then the holocaust(tm) wasnt violent either
i-i-i go to this university
she's doing it on purpose
this whole article is bait
attack the CIA bitch and get lit
it's a challenge
>hey bite me
>give me more dox and targets to punish
Careful guys, they have a dog
white people selling white people out,
what's new?
still, the first ones who need to go are the liberals
t. schitzo
Fucking hell no chill
>being doxed
Anons on Sup Forums can't be doxed. Anyone leaving a trail online that can be traced back to them deserves it.
That being said, give this bitch hell.
>tfw was in a comp sci class with her
>she was a shitty teacher but she liked me
>she looked into the eyes of a white nationalist and didn't realize
what image shall i send?
the right needs to make friends with the crazy muzzies, not doing so what Gadaffi's greatest mistake
This bitch glows in the dark so much it looks like she just walked out of the fukushima reactor room
>book obese nigger lesbian dragon dildo act and send to her house
>order 15 large pizzas and a gallon of bepsi
>lesian apes gorge them selves silly on pizza, demand payment and chimp out, kidnapping the rescue cat in lieu of payment
>leftist bitch loses her shit and clubs the niggers to death with a borrowed menorah
doxxing is legal how do you think people "dug up dirt" god you leafs are fucking retarded
Psycho lib, Elon! Wiuld have never figured.
Cant tell me there are Anons Not better than her when it comes to hacking and Doxing!?!!!!
Let the Games Begin!
? Is this Wired article a diversion and a set up?
Why would this be published and be so public?
Smell a rat! More input Anons!
nice user. keep me posted
Naw. This screams operation. There is no world were I am fuckin around in her honeypot. Enjoy being doxed.
quick someone send her 10 anchovies pizzas extra anchovies!
people should definitely NOT send her pizzas and cardboard boxes
Good for her.
Sounds like she has accomplished a lot.
I like a person who sticks to their beliefs.
Fucking poor people i tell you, even a white trash can get greener grass than a golf field
This. Due to the nature of national socialist ideals we tend to be really good students, always looking forward of making good relationships with teachers despite their own set of values.
>that feeling when all my teachers belive I'm "un amor".
>I seigh Heil with my friends later that day.
They are CIA operatives, FBI, facebook, twitter, Nsa, darpa, Nasa, its all the same shit.
What a hilariously obvious trap this is.
Hey alt-right, your true enemy is an innocent WOMAN! Go get her, sexists! She's also a master computer HACKER on your internets, literally taking names but not personally kicking asses! She only uses her L33T H4XX0R SK1LLZ in her spare time (because she has a social life outside unlike you nerds) and only for the forces of good!
When the consortium has a dead mans switch
>Finds address
Send pizzas to her house now
t. schitzo not breaching with silenced .45 at 2:37 AM
Just kidding
Y'know the drill guys.
gee i sure hope her data set doesn't get filled with false positives of people who are left wing activists
you're right shareblue. we almost fell for it. lets leave her alone
Suppressed. Fucking nigger tier shill trying to talk guns.... sage
Were the American revolution and French revolution not violent?