
We're back with two new mixes for you today:

Let Me Be With You (Chobits OP): youtube.com/watch?v=zOxvXsHCjI8
Asuka's Etude (Hibike! Euphonium): youtube.com/watch?v=UtJKlaXvv8I

There are only 48 days left until our next album release, and there are still a ton of songs that need recordings. If you'd like to be a part of the home stretch rush, please join us at our new-and-improved pad:


Make sure to read the FAQ as well: pastebin.com/GEsC6yuq

Other urls found in this thread:




Cool, my favorite opening.

Where are the Mother's Day songs?

Blumenkranz is still a work in progress

Our website currently got a spiffy update thanks to some comp sci majors in our ranks. Come take a look!

If anyone plays flute we'd love to have you, we're almost done with the HaruChika OP (pic related) and it's missing only the flute part. Here's a test mix with a MIDI flute to give you an idea of what it'll sound like: a.pomf.cat/vwcqux.wav

We're also looking for a viola to finish off an arrangement of a track from the Haruhi OST, Itsumo no Fuukei. In general we just need more strings as well so if you play we'd love to have you!

Here are the sheets: mediafire.com/file/gdfbp1d3zkr282e/

(๑ • ω• ๑)~

How does it sound so far?

Well, there's only been 6 parts recorded out of like 20, so nobody really knows

Piccolo did nothing wrong.

Except not recording HaruChika

But that's flute, isn't it?


Can I use nexus?

I love this OC, Been following you guys since the first threads, i just wish i wasn't such a muscal pleb and could play an instrument.

It's never too late to learn! It's not like any of us are professionals, anyways.

No, i suck really hard, I even tried, I have the rythm of a seizure.

That still might be better than some people here

I can try, i have a charango, i'd have to practice again though. It's like an ukelele but with a more andino sound.

A bit off topic but this is really cool, it's built using a disecated armadillo.

user that's horrifying

I-Is it? I always found that cool, it was my grandfather's, now they are illegal to make because that species is endangered.

I also have a human skull.

Any easy flute parts that need to be done? I'm looking to get back into playing but am pretty rusty

Not sure what your definition of easy is but:

I'm on it senpai

Does it make a sound?

It sounds similar to this, i have to tune it though.

I meant the skull, but that's pretty cool too.

Arrange LWA ED 1 - Hoshi Wo Tadoreba

that's creepy as fuck.

Hey, I have one of those too. You should play the KF OP for maximum irony.


Are you guys fine with Kontakt and Sample libraries?

Kemono Friends

Play the thing yourself or there's no point.




Still need suggestions for an album title.



Looking forward to it.



Only the Deaf Can Know Peace From This Ebin
