No more Baja niggers! We all knew the 700k number was an absolute lie!
>democrats lie
no way senpai I heard it was all ebil drumph that lies, CNN told me so
>3.6 million illegals
>Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes
Really makes you think...
These nacho niggers should be hanged along the road from LA to San Fran
We all know she had at least 6 million fraudulent votes. Hell she probably got 3 mil here in California alone!
Here in New Jersey there are schools where literally 75% of the kids are illegal or anchor babies
We are fucked. 56% —> 0%
Muh 3.6 gorillion
I knocked up a smoking hot Latina once. Hottest side bitch I ever had. She miscarried though. Whew.
So with this and illegals, over half the US pop is fake.
The big issue is the anchor babies. They NEED to go. All they'll do if they stay is campaign endlessly to open the floodgates and readmit all the ones we got rid of.
IT's way more than that.
They have to go back.
White Americans are Dreamers as well. Fuck Spics
Good work leaving your sneakers on the stairs.
Wife is a doctor in so cal. They literally come up from Tijuana when in labor to the ER is they have their US citizens.
They have to go back.
Their is a cute latina in my class, how do I fuck
Be white and tall. Bring corona
14th amendment was a mistake
>Can't get ID but still need a state/federal document to vote
>Illegals can't get a valid driving licence
>but DACA can
>get driving licence
Is that possible?
Reagan granted amnesty and here we are again. If Trump grants amnesty in 20 years we will be granting legal status to another 3,000,000.
There are plenty of states where all illegal immigrants can get driver's licenses actually.
>there are 3.6 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIEN CHILDREN in this country
>20 years
*30 years later
only citizens can vote in federal or state elections
How does that even work? Here you need a shitton of documents to get a driving licence, what is the procedure in America?
But what kinds of documents do you need for voter registration?
Is it possible to register with a random state issued document?
Yeah because people who illegally cross borders are so worried about violating election laws.
Here you need a face and 15$
California signs them up to vote at the same time they give them drivers' licenses.
But how can you validate a citizenship status for registration?
If you amnesty DACA... They will move onto amnesty for DAPA.
Do. Not. Give. Them. An. Inch.
>>Can't get ID but still need a state/federal document to vote
In California they're giving out Drivers Licenses to illegals
>>Illegals can't get a valid driving licence
>If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote by completing the online interview by 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before an election.
So in conclusion, California lets illegals vote. California has the largest population of illegals. Hillary only won the popular vote thanks to illegals.
Come on seriously. You don't need to show proof of residency? Valid ID card or passport?
Call her ugly to lower her self-image, but still act friendly towards her. Tell one of her friends that you like her, but don't do anything.
Voting stations only check your name/address with the voter registry. They don't crosscheck for citizenship.
Yes, the college I went to registered students without any important information. Literally all we had to do was write our names and addresses. Then on voting day all I had to do was sign my name. It's literally that fucking easy
I am not joking. Democrats say that would be racist.
Latino here, they like real men even more than white women, due to the lack of cuck-propaganda directed towards latinas (they are upping it tho).Don't be a cuck, they want toxic masculinity.
To register online you will need
Your California driver license or California identification card number,
The last four digits of your social security number and
Your date of birth.
>If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card, you can still use this form to apply to register to vote by completing the online interview by 11:59:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the 15th calendar day before an election.
>If you do not have a California driver license or California identification card
>you can still use this form to apply to register
>to vote
>You can still register to vote if you do not have a California driver license or California identification card
What a fucking joke. You have to double check the ID card in Italy, at the voter registration and at the voting booth. No ID no vote, no registration no vote.
How is that even tolerated?
Are you stupid? You can't vote if your not registered. As far as I'm aware every state checks for citizenship when registering, normally through providing a social security or drivers license number
>How is that even tolerated?
Because it's 'racist' because 'blacks don't know where the DMV is'
Not even joking
When you register, they mail you a voter registration card. You show that and government photo ID. If you get auto registered such as what they do in California with a driver's license, you're good to go if they don't bother checking citizenship.
If Trump gives amnesty to DACA, he or his recommendation can kiss 2020 goodbye. And not just because his voters are disenfranchised, but also because they won't have the numbers.
Most americans don't even have a passport, we don't give a fuck to ever see other countries.
see >b.. but the social security number!
C'mon now
wew the misinformation here
just exist, it's done at state level not federal
california gives state IDs to illegals
and asks them if they want to register to vote when getting said ID
Wow that's just about how much Hillary won the popular vote by. What a coincidence
You don't have to do anything except sign up at school or something. Then when you go to vote, for a congressman, senator, mayor governor or whatever, they ask for your name and address and you cast your vote. I have never even been ID'd. You see now the glaring flaw in our voting practices? I hope this sheds light on the true mentality of the people who oppose us when we say "we need stricter voting laws."
because that's racist or something. Welcome to 56%
america is not a white nation, how is this news?
But isn't this unconstitutional? Like, I could come there for a week long vacation and vote in your election.
Is it just california?
Good lord, I would be wearing a KKK cape all day if I were born in america.
It's so absurd.
this post is racism
That reminds me of the Canadian that was on vacation in Cali who said he voted for Trump. I didn't screenshot the post though
>Like, I could come there for a week long vacation and vote in your election.
there's absolutely nothing stopping you
Here's a guy claiming he's Eminem and getting his ballot.
It is tolerated because of built in democratic voters like blacks and illegal mexican immigrants. If we tightened up the law to say something simple like "prove your citizenship so that you may vote on our leadership," democrats hemorrhage votes. It isn't a Sup Forums meme when people on here say that democrats import voters.
The absolute state of "democracy"
Haha, wow man you've really got us with those pictures.
Here's reality. America is a big mall that has been around for only a couple of hundreds years. It is nothing to Europe. Stop comparing the two. Europe has ancient history, this is why ''mutts'' care so much about you going anyway forever compared to our country.
Guaranteed we'd get those stricter laws passed if it were right wingers bussing around to vote illegally for republicans
Also, my good friend who forgot to change his address was still allowed to vote
There are way more than 3.6 million illegals retard. These are just the ones who qualify under daca
>How is that even tolerated?
If blacks are inconvenienced with having to get an ID to vote, than it has to be racist. Young men died in our revolution for the right to vote, but apparently it’s too much to ask a nigger to get an ID.
There were enough people voting in one state with out of state licenses to completely swing the results of their election.
See what? Do you think California doesn't know which DL holders are citizens and which ones aren't?? Having a drivers license doesn't entitle one to vote
In CA right on the back of the license form for illegals is the voter registration form. Getting a license in CA allows them to sign up to vote and vote.
If you only knew how bad it really is. Los Angeles just approved millions of tax payer dollars for illegal immigrant defense fees.
>The absolute state of gommunism-lite
It is obvious there are more than the original amount. Hell, you see them everywhere.
The left thinks blacks are to poor to get an ID and to dumb to find the DMZ.
This is a true story.
Don't shit in the gene pool
>Having a drivers license doesn't entitle one to vote
No, but registering does. And you don't need a license to register.
What aren't you getting here?
We should do that but we won't. Left doesn't like when people play by their rules, which is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. At some point people are just going to stop playing a game when one side refuses to adhere to the agreed upon rules. Democrats are that faggot kid who wanted to play YuGiOh but said "no sacrifices, no summoning sickness, and you get to pick your opening hand."
No wonder why California and the other states next to Mexico's border are so Democratic leaning.
there is no way there could be "dreamers" undocumented. So either we were lied to or the documentation of dreamers is garbage and the whole thing needs to be scrapped
>implying they actually check this
My state is 2,200 miles away from the border and the state government recently found out we've had thousands of illegals voting in our elections for years. How stupid do you fucks think we are to convince us that it doesn't happen in Cali-fucking-fornia?
That’s the thing. If it’s too challenging for them to comply with simple requests at the exchange of more voting integrity, increasing public trust, they aren’t American and they shouldn’t be voting.
I used to live in Cali.
You did not need to be a citizen in order to get a drivers license. The poor logic was that there was so many fucking illegals driving around without license they decided to just let them have them so they could at least document them in some form.
Fpbp obviously fake news
They are just a bunch of postmodernists waiting to get citizenship and eradicate the Republic.
Does anyone else feel psychotic rage towards the boomers? Or is that just me?
I really want to deprive them of all their retirement just to make their lives a little bit harder.
This televised interview with Obama days before the election didn't help matters:
>RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
>OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.
>RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented especially during this election.
>OBAMA: And the reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard, because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school…
Guys, if we can't rid of them, can't we say have the following compromise:
- If you want to stay, you must stay in Puerto Rico (It's US territory yo!).
- Must apply for citizenship or residency at the back of the line. Hell, increase the waiting time an additional 5 years if you aren't in the immigration queue, since you'd had so many damn years to wait already.
- Still have to wait in back of line even if you marry an American citizen/resident
- Serving in Army in an active conflict zone may reduce your wait time partly.
- If you help build the wall, waiting time will be reduced partly.
>No wonder why California and the other states next to Mexico's border are so Democratic leaning.
>state government recently found out we've had thousands of illegals voting in our elections for years
citation needed
Liberals say blacks are too poor and stupid to go get one. Stop being racist guy.
>3.6 million DREAMERS
this means there are at least 40 million illegals here.
And there's more. If you look at the large influx of refugees we've taken during the previous administration and you look at where they were settled, it was specifically to take away Republican control since refugees/illegals vote overwhelmingly democrat
They keep brown people on a vote farm, it's disgusting and makes one lose all faith in the republic. Why even try to have a country where we pretend to vote on things if people are going to cheat? Would rather have a king at this point.
No to all of those.
>- Serving in Army in an active conflict zone may reduce your wait time partly.
This I support, but no shortened wait time. You get the dirt end of the deal. Infantry only, permanent sea duty, active combat zones. You want to break the law and live here permanently, you have to earn it.
Nevada is a red state but no one questions it so they let the fraud go down. Washoe country is how they flip the state. People get distracted by Vegas.
here, 143 pages of it
After Trump. There won’t be anyone left to vote for- voting will be useless. Why can’t the left recognize this and be patient? If I was on the other end, I’d be full of joy watching the final years of my political opposites. Any republican that ever runs for office will bill a McCain/Bush/Romney brand. No different than the left.
So you're saying that noncitizens are getting their hands on citizens' social security numbers and using those to register? And then praying to god that person doesn't show up and vote on election day otherwise things might get awkward?