I ate too many redpills. I just want everything to be normal again. I don't wanna worry about politics or who runs the world anymore! I just wanna watch tv and get mad at Droompf when they tell me to. I can't even enjoy reality tv shows anymore cuz all I see are actors reading scripts written by jews.
How can I go back to being a normie?
Other urls found in this thread:
smoke weed
HELP ME Sup Forums
sorry user there's no going back
the only way out is memory wipe or suicide
Get fucked in your ass TWICE and you can go back to normieland
Wish i could go back i was getting pussy left and right before i went red pill now i cant even be happy watching porn. Shut this site down its ruining everyones lives.
This won't do it, it will only make the redpill thoughts flow through your mind at an uncontrollable pace
t. Red pilled toker
Accept new reality. Don't let it stress you out unnecessarily. Learn more, but DO NOT brood or dwell on it too much.
Put phone down and enjoy life sometimes. It'll be worth it; Trust me.
I enjoy my redpilled life more now than before. I just adapted. Learn to slowly redpill others subtlety, and remember that it is okay for someone to not know all the answers.
personally I joined the catholic church and started RCIA class. it keeps me pretty grounded. I managed to quell my racism but I still hate jews
Don't be such a pussy
This. Drop the racism of /pol, or at least learn to treat all you meet the same and give everyone a fair chance.
cant deny this one. Sorry user
I feel ya on this one user. The past two weeks I have been feeling extra shitty for some reason. I just see people being so uniformed that I can feel no connection with them. I hear them start to talk about completely misguided and utterly wrong shit and I just lose it inside with a smile on my face.
I recently left SF and thought I would fit in with my new peers but they're all the same. I envy them. They like garbage entertainment and are all in agreement about ebil racist drumpf. I just wanna be like them again.
what did he mean by this?
45th President
Treating people nicely does not erase crime statistics.
Pretty much
You can't. Sorry.
I have found isolation works to quell redpill rage.
If you dont watch TV, dont read the news, dont keep anything that happens around you in mind, you slowly forget the poisonous filth you are swimming in... The thoughts never go away, but at least you dont see the warning signs any more...
But the bad side of it is that when something actually does remind you of the truth once more, the red rage takes hold quickly and passionately.
Full on escapism is the only way out. Either get your VR googles, pointless shitty games or some other trivia to spend your entire life ignoring the crushing weight.
tbf I don't think I was ever really racist. you don't necessarily have to be racist to entertain Sup Forums ideas.
Stop consuming media, completely. No Sup Forums, no news, no tv, no films, no video games. You don't need any of it.
Focus entirely on your actual life, and the people you care about in your life.
You sick freak. Get your Sup Forums ass out of here, go to hentai board.
It's called shock value. The first few months of being redpilled aren't easy. Speaking of myself, I was sort of an Alex Jones Infowarrior before joining our /dark brotherhood/ on here, so the crash wasn't as hard for me as it would be for a pozzed liberal who needs complete deprogramming, but I'm not saying it was easy. You just sort of adjust. I'm no happier now being redpilled now than before. It hasn't affected my ability to enjoy life. It's just now I have secret power levels, and I can even more viciously murder liberals in debates. If you feel like this site is affecting your ability to enjoy life, then just take a break.
How do you cope with normies on a daily basis ? My life is OK but social interactions are so shit it’s unbelievable. Why when you are redpilled there is this shift between normies and «you»? Iam not sayin Iam more special or anything but when you know stuffs like we share on Sup Forums you can’t do it with like 98% of people you know and it’s fucking depressing. I like being redpill but man this is a life of loneliness
Acutally good advice, desu. I'd add read more books to that.
But how do you do when most of people rely on media so much ? Your advice is a great advice don’t get me wrong but this is like nofap : it’s another lonely discipline I have to endure while others don’t care at all because they are fuckin normies and they will talk about those shitty tv shows they watched yesterday because they cannot talk about everything else.
>How can I go back to being a normie?
there is no going back.
Interesting note about that specific scene in the matrix... the machines had absolutely no intention of putting cypher back in the matrix, they would have just killed him after he got them what they wanted.
polite people generally don't talk politics and religion with just anyone. there's a time and a place for that kind of thing
There is no going back user, you were warned about this. You are like a swimmer who has gone out past his limit and the shore from which you left has receded behind you. Your only choice now is to continue to swim forward and pray you reach the other side. Best of luck
Lobotomy would be quickest and most efficient.
1. smoke weed, watch anime.
2. eat soy, masturbate.
3 estrogens, go trap
I've watched heads get chopped off. I've seen dogs boiled alive. Nothing makes me flinch.
But that....that made me physically react. Go fuck yourself. That image is an abomination.
Become a bot shill
Take solace in the fact that you have chosen the right and just side in this culture war.
Trumps presidency is the most transparent in US history, yet his opponents accuse him of shutting down the press like Stalin.
They will lose this battle, because all they can do to Trump is make up outright lies.
just treat others the way you want to be treated, friend. Stop worrying about whether the future is white or black or brown or yellow or jewish when you have no control over such things
Here's what you do:
Stop caring. Do what you want, things always sort themselves out. If you stop picking at the "wound", it closes (readas: stop thinkin about it). Usually takes a few months to reprogram for mild cases, could stretch in to years depending on length of exposure/indoctrination. It gets easier the longer you stop thinking and just do, like learning to draw or take a shit.
embrace the suck
I know this feeling user, it is painful but there is no real way back apart from maybe turning-about. I mean, going full "anti elite" + "the real reason for crime/etc is white opression and stealing resources" until you basically believe the Kumbaya everyone happy in the end bs.
This is not what is happening, isolation also works to quell for example "nicotine quitting irritability and anger" but all you´re doing it is NOT letting it out / letting it get triggered + expulsed.
The only reason it feels like it works is because isolation also leads to lack of caring for others / your community and thus your world, also depression.
In modern times NO media really? What the FUCK are you doing all day. Do remember that this user most likely does not have familial duties, a wife, children, a dog etc.
And then add the redpill = no real friends left, especially if the RP is new and his friends were cucks.
So you are basically saying "sit around ALL day every day, maybe take a walk and go exercize ok, but never engage with other humans and go insane". Your advice only works for people who already have a veeery stimulating and unique social setup + animals/gf.
Turn 18.
You seem to have an affliction. I shall dub thee Entertainment Withdrawal Syndrome. Trying reading some books or pick up a hobby. Also exercise a lot and drink lots of clean watter.
Never embrace it, we must simply acknowledge the suck so that we can fight it
I was just saying pot isn't the normie-pill that the other user thinks it is, you don't smoke and suddenly become "broooo where's the love man fuck the hate bro one race"
If anything it amplifies all of my deepest redpill beliefs